Chapter 246

"A table of the best dishes, plus two jugs of the best wine, is a total of [-] gold coins." The waiter stopped Bai Yunfei and said.

When Bai Yunfei heard that a meal cost [-] gold coins, he immediately became reckless.

It's not because he thinks it's too expensive, Bai Yunfei doesn't have much awareness of money, because Bai Yunfei has never really earned money, and rarely spends money, so he has nothing about money at all. concept.

After all, when his adoptive father was there, he was in charge of him. Later, when his adoptive father was gone, he had another sworn brother to raise Xiaobao. Therefore, no matter where he went, what he ate, or whatever he used, he was the one who raised Xiaobao. Responsible alone, never asked Bai Yunfei to take care of himself.

But now the adoptive father has been dead for a long time, and although the elder brother Yang Xiaobao is still with him in this world of the spirit pill house, he is not around now, and he can't be contacted, and he has no son himself.

Not to mention that it cost [-] gold coins to eat this meal, he couldn't get even a single gold coin, so what should we do?

When the waiter saw Bai Yunfei's appearance, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that this generous guest has no money to pay the bill?That would be terrible, you know, the food he served to Bai Yunfei and the others just now was second-grade monster meat, the cost of such ingredients is very high, plus two altars of good wine, it is not expensive at all to charge [-] gold coins, but Unexpectedly, after eating and drinking, the master had no money to pay the bill.

Reminiscent of the situation where there was another person who slipped away after eating and drinking just now, could it be that they came here to eat the Overlord's meal?

Thinking of this, the waiter in the shop immediately turned ugly, and immediately sent a signal to the shopkeeper.

Immediately, several strong martial artists came up to block Bai Yunfei's way.

When Bai Yunfei saw this posture, he immediately understood that today's affairs would be difficult, and he couldn't help feeling anxious, blaming himself for only focusing on eating and not expecting to have to pay for the meal.

Of course, Bai Yunfei is not an unreasonable person, and he didn't come here to eat Bawang's meal on purpose, he was just used to the days when his elder brother paid the bill all the time, that's why this situation happened and he encountered this new problem.

"Second brother, can I owe you first, and then pay the bill after I find my elder brother?" Bai Yunfei thought about it, but he still had to ask his elder brother to raise Xiaobao to settle the bill, after all, he didn't have any money with him, did he?
"As long as someone pays the bill, it's fine, but you can't leave. When your elder brother comes to pay the bill, you can leave." The waiter said immediately. He didn't look like Bai Yunfei like a person who eats a king's meal, so his tone of voice was also different. It eased a little, but it is definitely not possible to pay the bill without money, the bill must be settled, and it doesn't matter who he asks to pay the bill.

"But I don't know where my elder brother is now. If you don't let me leave, how can I find my elder brother?" Bai Yunfei became anxious when he heard that he was not allowed to leave. There are many things I don't understand, and there are still many things to do. What is it like to be trapped in a restaurant just for a meal?
"You can't leave. Unless you pay the bill, you can't leave the restaurant." Suddenly a bald man came over and said firmly.

"The shopkeeper." As soon as the bald man came out, the waiter and the martial artists called out respectfully.

However, when Bai Yunfei was in a stalemate with the shopkeeper of the restaurant, Shan Kaihuai ran back in a hurry. After going upstairs, he was overjoyed to see that Bai Yunfei was still here.

And Bai Yunfei was so happy when he saw Shan Kaihuai coming over, it seems that Shan Kaihuai came back to help him pay the bill.

And the waiter in the shop was surprised to see the guest who left after eating and drinking with an excuse and came back again. He didn't know what the hell this person was doing. Could it be that this person wanted to eat the Overlord's meal, and really left temporarily. Returning to checkout now?

Thinking of this, the waiter in the shop couldn't help but beam with joy, it seemed that it was a false alarm, these two people didn't eat the overlord's meal!
"Brother Yunfei, do you have any money on you? Can you lend me [-] gold coins first?" Shan Kaihuai saw that Bai Yunfei was still here and hadn't left yet. It never occurred to him that Bai Yunfei had no money to settle the bill.

After all, when he and Bai Yunfei came to this restaurant for dinner, Bai Yunfei immediately ordered the waiter to serve the best wine and the best dishes as soon as he sat down. Can't afford a meal?

So as soon as Shan Kaihuai came up, he directly asked Bai Yunfei to borrow money.

And the reason why Shan Kaihuai wanted to ask Bai Yunfei to borrow money in such a hurry was because he saw the alchemy magic art in the Library Pavilion, but this alchemy magic art can't be taken away casually, it needs Zongmen points to borrow it Yes, and Shan Kaihuai just came in, where did the points come from?He still doesn't know what Zongmen points look like.

However, it is not necessary to have points to borrow. If you have gold coins, you can also borrow. But it is not cheap to borrow once. It costs [-] gold coins, and each time you borrow cannot exceed half an hour. There were only [-] gold coins in total, so he could only borrow it once.

However, reading it once will not be effective at all. Not only can he not remember a lot of content, but there are still many things he can't understand. For this basic article, he must borrow it again. I believe that with this time, he will be able to understand the basics of this magical skill. After learning the latter, it will naturally be handy.

As for the Dandian Divine Art said that if you want to practice magical arts, you must first abolish the original martial arts. Shan Kaihuai doesn't care, just abolish it. After all, the original martial arts he practiced are only the worst human-level exercises Compared with this heaven-level exercise, Dandian Divine Art, it is like rubbish, so there is no pressure on him to abolish the original exercise.

So when Shan Kaihuai didn't have enough gold coins, he immediately thought of Bai Yunfei, but he was also worried that he had watched the exercises for half an hour here, and he didn't know if Bai Yunfei was still eating at that restaurant.

However, he has no other choice now, it's better to go back to the restaurant and try his luck.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the restaurant, he saw Bai Yunfei at a glance, and Shan Kaihuai couldn't help thinking to himself, it seems that his luck is really good, this brother Yunfei has eaten in this restaurant for nearly a month It's time, but it's still there, how do you say that?

And Bai Yunfei was inexplicably happy and excited when he saw Shan Kaihuai go and come back. He didn't expect Shan Kaihuai to be so loyal, so he rushed back to pay him the bill like sparks, and ran back to help him solve this problem, which made him helpless. of new problems.

But when he heard that Shan Kaihuai asked him to borrow money, he immediately became reckless.

Can you not be reckless?I am still worrying that I have no money to pay the bill, and even the person has been deducted. This bill ran back happily and did not pay the bill, and even asked him to borrow money. If he wants money to lend, it is still useful Is it difficult to do this for a table of food?Is it necessary to be detained for such a long time?
The waiter in the shop saw Shan Kaihuai go and come back, at first he thought that Shan Kaihuai came back to pay the bill, so he was quite happy in his heart, thinking that this matter could finally be resolved smoothly, it was just a false alarm.

But where did he expect that this person ran back not to pay the bill, but to borrow money from his companion, which made people laugh and cry, but now that his person is back, it is just right, this person did not say that he was going to find his elder brother Take money to checkout?

It happened to detain his companion, so let this person go to his elder brother to get the money and come back to settle the bill, and then forgive his companion.

After the waiter in the shop thought of this idea, he immediately reported this idea to the shopkeeper quietly, and the shopkeeper also thought that this method was feasible. After all, he was only doing business, and it was for profit, and the purpose was not to deduct people, but to get someone to pay the bill. just work.

So, with a wave of the shopkeeper's hand, those martial arts masters immediately let go of the siege on Bai Yunfei, and then surrounded Shan Kaihuai again.

Shan Kaihuai saw that these martial arts masters surrounded him suddenly, he was startled immediately, and felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what these people wanted to do by surrounding him, so he immediately said: "What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Didn't you leave after eating here? It's just in time to come back now, so pay the bill first." The waiter said immediately.

"What? The bill hasn't been settled yet? Didn't Brother Yunfei pay the bill?" Shan Kaihuai acted recklessly when he heard that he hadn't paid the bill for the meal he ate an hour ago. He really didn't expect such a thing , so he immediately asked in surprise.

"If your brother Yunfei paid the bill, we wouldn't detain him for so long. How about it, should we settle the bill quickly, or let us detain you too?" The shop clerk said immediately.

Shan Kaihuai understands now that Brother Yunfei stayed here for so long, so it turned out that he had no money and was deducted from the bill. I thought I was lucky to see Brother Yunfei still here again, but I didn’t expect This luck is really good.

Shan Kaihuai immediately looked at Bai Yunfei with a reckless expression, and Bai Yunfei also looked at Shan Kaihuai with a reckless expression, relatively speechless.

Seeing the dead expressions of Bai Yunfei and Shan Kaihuai, the waiter in the shop couldn't laugh or cry, but the matter still had to be resolved, so the waiter in the shop immediately said to Bai Yunfei: "Aren't you going to ask your elder brother to get the money to settle the bill? You can now Go, we will detain your companion here now, whenever you bring the money to settle the bill, we will let your companion go, go and get the money."

(End of this chapter)

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