Chapter 276
Yang Xiaobao learned a secret from Master Cheap.

It turns out that Wuxiu can really live forever, and he has a fairly long lifespan. It is possible to live for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.

After Yang Xiaobao confirmed the news, he was very excited.

Of course, it's no wonder he was excited, because raising Xiaobao was reborn from the earth. People on the earth in his previous life could live to be a hundred years old, which is already against the sky. One can live forever, so he couldn't help being unhappy.

In his previous life on Earth, he only read stories about immortality from some fairy tales, but now in this world martial arts can also achieve longevity. Doesn't that mean that martial arts also have a new world?From this, it can be foreseen that the battlefield of Xiuwu is not only comparable to that of Xiuxian, but also has its own advantages and disadvantages, each leading the way for 500 years.

So the Chuangshi God said that martial arts practitioners are blessed, martial arts are blessed, and the hundreds of millions of readers of martial arts are also blessed.


Seeing Yang Xiaobao's excited face, Jin Ximei couldn't help but become emotional, so she said, "Dan Xi, why don't we go to Magic Snow City for a while now."

"Okay, master, let's go shopping." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, he didn't like shopping at first, but now that he is with Master Cheap, he has a new understanding of shopping. It's not bad to go shopping in the street, pretending to be a jerk or something, and it's also a great pleasure.

So, Yang Xiaobao immediately went out with Master Cheap.

Yang Xiaobao and Shifu didn't take a rickshaw after they walked out of the Yuelai Inn. Since they were going shopping, they didn't take a car, because taking a car was just a quick tour, and you could only see the scenery on foot.

Yang Xiaobao and Master Yiyi walked while looking at the street scene. After walking for a while, they suddenly found a group of people in front of them. What are they doing around.

Since we are out shopping, we naturally have to take a look at the excitement, maybe we can find something strange!

It's just that these people are too tightly surrounded, with three floors inside and three floors outside, and they can't see the situation clearly from the outside, but this is not a problem for Yang Xiaobao and his cheap master, because they have a way.

And this method is very simple, but very effective.

As Yang Xiaobao walked in, he performed the alchemy magic skill, and then a murderous aura emanated from Yang Xiaobao's body, and the momentum was astonishing, so the onlookers in front of them all involuntarily moved away from a path available for Yang Xiaobao. Treasure and Cheap Master pass the road.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao and Master Yiyi walked inside very easily, and immediately saw the situation inside clearly.

I saw six people lined up in front, four men and two women, all with their heads down, and they couldn't see clearly, and each of them had a sign on their back, And there is a blood-red "sell" written on this sign, and behind these few people there are several strong martial artists, including a senior martial artist, and there are also a few burly men with five big and three thick.

Yang Xiaobao became reckless when he saw this situation. Judging by his posture, these people were obviously about to be auctioned off in the street.

So Yang Xiaobao immediately asked Jin Ximei: "Master, how can you still sell people like this here?"

"It's not surprising. In this world, people can be bought and sold." Jin Ximei glanced at Yang Xiaobao, and then said naturally.

"Master, since it's an auction and it can be auctioned, why don't they go to the auction?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"There is no auction in this world." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"Then are they slaves?" Yang Xiaobao then asked.

"They are not slaves. There is no slavery in this world, and slaves are not allowed." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"Since they are not slaves, why are they being auctioned off in the street?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Let's have a look first, then we'll know." Jin Ximei continued.

Sure enough, after a while, the senior martial artist behind these people saw that the onlookers were almost here, so he spoke immediately, only to hear him cough first, clear his throat, and then said: " I am the chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank, and now I will auction these people who have no money to repay on the spot, and the rule of the auction is that the highest bidder wins."

As soon as the martial artist finished speaking, the scene immediately fell silent.

However, Yang Xiaobao still had some doubts in his heart, so he continued to ask Master Cheap: "Master, will anyone buy these people?"

"Someone will buy it, and there will be many people who will buy it." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"Master, why do people buy these people back home? Is it useful to buy them back?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Of course it's useful. Men buy it and go back to do coolies. If they're martial arts, they can buy it back and take care of the home. As for women, it's all about their looks. The better the looks, the more valuable they are." Jin Ximei said tirelessly.

"Aren't you afraid that these people will run away when you buy them back? You still have to send people to guard them every day, just like guarding prisoners." Yang Xiaobao asked still a little puzzled.

"Don't be afraid. After the auction, these people will sign a spiritual contract. They are not allowed to leave the buyer within the specified number of years. If they leave without authorization, they will suffer from schizophrenia and even die on the spot. Therefore, people who have passed the auction will not run away. Yes, I can't run away either." Jin Ximei went on to explain.

"Aren't these people still the same as slaves?" Yang Xiaobao continued.

"There is a difference between them and slaves. Although they look similar, they are not slaves after all." Jin Ximei continued.

Yang Xiaobao originally wanted to continue to ask the cheap master, but the situation at the scene had changed, so he had to stop asking the cheap master, but looked at the scene.

At this time, the high-level martial artist had already walked to the auctioned people, and then asked them to raise their heads one by one. Now, the appearance of these people was immediately revealed.

Immediately, Yang Xiaobao saw that these people were quite young, the men were all under 30 years old, and the two women were even younger, one was eighteen or nine years old, and the other was only fifteen or six years old. She looks about [-] years old, but she is very handsome and looks very beautiful.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this situation, he still couldn't help asking Master Cheap: "Master, why are these people so young?"

"Of course you have to be young. The younger you are, the more valuable it is. Don't others still have to spend money to buy a man in his seventies and eighties to go back and support him?" Jin Ximei said immediately.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help laughing when he heard what Master Cheap said, because what Master Cheap said was indeed reasonable.

However, when Yang Xiaobao looked at the two girls again, his heart was shocked, his eyes couldn't help but widen, and he didn't even blink when he looked at the two girls.

Jin Ximei couldn't help being a little angry when she saw Yang Xiaobao looking at the two women in such a rapt look, so she immediately kicked Yang Xiaobao, and then said with wide-eyed eyes: "Danxi, what are you doing?" I've never seen a woman before, have I?"

"Master, don't hit me, I think there is a reason for these two girls." Yang Xiaobao immediately shrank his body, and then said.

"What's the reason?" Jin Ximei asked immediately, but this time she didn't kick him or beat him.

"Because I saw that girl looked very familiar, like a child from my neighbor's house." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, and he was not lying. The daughter of the Wang family.

The daughter of the old Wang family next door is named Wang Lianzi. She has liked to go to Yang Xiaobao's house since she was a child. She is also very clingy and has a sweet mouth. I like this little girl, of course, it's just the kind of liking my brother has for his sister. After raising Xiaobao and going to college, he rarely saw her.

And Yang Xiaobao was shocked when he saw that this girl looked almost exactly like Wang Lianzi.

Could it be that Wang Lianzi also crossed over?And also traveled to this retro world?

Yang Xiaobao shook his head when he thought of this, he must have thought too much, but Yang Xiaobao suddenly made a decision, he decided to buy this little girl, no matter how much it cost, he would buy it. If this girl was bought by others, wouldn't it necessarily end badly?
Since this girl looks so similar to Wang Lianzi, it can be regarded as having some cause and effect with him, so Yang Xiaobao will definitely not stand by and pretend not to see anything, otherwise, Yang Xiaobao will not be able to get over it This hurdle.

When Jin Ximei heard that Yang Xiaobao said that this girl was very similar to his neighbor's, she couldn't help being moved, and she didn't know whether what he said was true or not.

Therefore, Jin Ximei took the initiative to ask Yang Xiaobao: "Danxi, is this girl really your neighbor's?"

"No, it's just very similar." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

When Jin Ximei heard that Yang Xiaobao said no, she felt relieved for no reason, so she didn't say anything, but looked forward.

Now, the senior martial artist started talking again. He still coughed, cleared his throat, and said, "We will start bidding now. The base price for men is 80 gold coins, and the base price for women is 90 gold coins. It must not be less than [-] gold coins, start bidding from the man on the left, then go to the right in turn, after the men are sold out, the women will be sold."

As soon as the senior martial artist finished speaking, there was a commotion immediately, but it soon quieted down because someone started bidding.

And this person added 82 gold coins as soon as he opened his mouth, which means he bid [-] gold coins.

Yang Xiaobao heard that the voice of the bidding was a female voice, so he couldn't help but look at the source of the voice, and found that it was a woman in her 60s and [-]s, and she was very fat, like a mountain of meat. Yang Xiaobao saw the body of this woman I was quite surprised by so much meat, so I quickly looked away.

And the woman had been bidding for a while, but still no one raised the price. The senior martial artist couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his face, but he was still a little unwilling, after all, the price was still some distance away from the price in his heart.

Therefore, the senior martial artist immediately said: "This beautiful lady has already bid 82 yuan. If there is any price increase, count down to ten more now. If no one increases the price after counting ten figures, this handsome guy will return." This beautiful lady has it all."

The senior martial artist paused after speaking, and then began to count: ten, nine, eight, seven
"I bid 83." Suddenly a voice shouted.

"I'll offer 84." The big fat girl just now yelled a little unhappily. When she heard the high-level martial artist's report just now, she was secretly delighted. She thought that no one would bid with him. Unexpectedly, at the end of the day, Cheng Yaojin would jump out again, which made her very upset.

But there's nothing she can do about it, since she wants to buy it, she has to increase the price.

"I'll offer 85." The same voice continued to increase the price.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help looking at the source of the voice again, but found that this person was still a big fat man, but this fat man was a man, while the meat mountain just now was a woman.

"I'll offer 86 yuan." The woman shouted immediately without any hesitation. It seems that she has a special liking for the man being auctioned and she insists on taking it.

"I'll pay 87 yuan," the fat man shouted not to be outdone.

"I'll pay 88 yuan," the fat woman said casually without even thinking about it.

Yang Xiaobao saw the price increase of [-] to [-] by the two big fat guys, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious for them. If he wants to buy it, he can simply order it, and he must add at least [-]. Such an increase of [-] to [-] is nothing. , such a price increase, when will it be added?

The big fat man seemed to agree with Yang Xiaobao's thoughts, and he immediately shouted: "I offer [-] million."

The senior martial artist who presided over the auction saw that the man added 20 in one go, and his eyes lit up with joy. Now that the price has been increased to 100 million, it is already higher than the price he expected in his heart. The price he originally expected It was [-] million, but now it was [-] higher, which made him feel that it was worth it.

However, the bidding is not over yet, because the woman still has to bid, and she has already spoken.

And as soon as the fat woman opened her mouth, the senior martial artist who presided over the auction almost jumped up for joy, because the fat woman actually added 30 this time, so the price directly rose to 110 million.

Now after the big fat woman bid 110 million, the scene fell silent, and the big fat man didn't continue to bid. It seems that 110 million has reached the limit.

However, even if this is the case, the senior martial artist who presided over the auction is quite satisfied, because the man who was auctioned by them owed more than 40 gold coins to the Xinkeng Bank. Now this man has been sold for 110 million gold coins, which has exceeded A lot.

So, the senior martial artist didn't even count, and said directly: "Congratulations to this beautiful lady, you bought the ownership of this handsome guy for three years with 110 million gold coins, and now you can sign the soul contract."

After the fat woman heard the words of this senior martial artist, she immediately paid 110 million gold coins to the Xinkeng Bank, and immediately signed a soul contract with the man she had just bought, and then happily led the man away up.

After the man's transaction was completed, the senior martial artist of Xinkeng Bank began to auction off the second man.

Moreover, this man is even more sought-after than the first man. As soon as the senior martial artist of Xinkeng Bank said that he would buy it at the beginning, someone immediately started bidding.

(End of this chapter)

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