Chapter 277
Ever since Bai Yunfei ate that spirit fish, he didn't feel hungry at all.

But now it's time for lunch, although he himself is not hungry, Senior Sister Gongsun still wants to eat.

So Bai Yunfei followed Senior Sister Gongsun to the cafeteria of the outer sect disciples. This was his first visit to this cafeteria. Even though he didn't eat, he still felt it was very novel, so he looked around.

Of course, since it is a cafeteria, they are all alike, with a kitchen inside, a dining room outside, and a table in the middle, separated by something or nothing.

However, because Bai Yunfei grew up in the thousands of forests and lived with his adoptive father all over the world since he was a child, he has never eaten a canteen at all, and he doesn't know whether the canteen is big or small, square or round, so he still It's the first time I've come to such a place, so it's inevitable that I'm a little curious.

And there are quite a few people eating in this cafeteria, there are about twenty of them, that Liu Shuimu is also here, they are all queuing at the dining window, Gongsun Ju is behind because he came late.

While queuing up, Gongsun Ju said to Bai Yunfei, "Junior Brother Yunfei, don't you really want to eat?"

"Senior Sister Gongsun, you can eat, I'm not hungry at all." Bai Yunfei said immediately.

Gongsun Ju nodded when she heard Bai Yunfei's words, and said nothing more. After all, she had eaten that kind of spirit fish, and she also knew that after eating spirit fish, she would be able to manage at least five or six days without eating. It doesn't have the slightest effect on the body, not only has no effect, but the physical fitness will be enhanced a lot.

Seeing that Gongsun Ju was so enthusiastic about Bai Yunfei, that Liu Shuimu couldn't help being a little strange and jealous, so he gave Bai Yunfei a very unhappy look.

Feeling Liu Shuimu's different eyes, Bai Yunfei couldn't help but feel a little strange, and wondered why Senior Brother Liu looked at people with such eyes?
However, Bai Yunfei didn't care, and besides, there was nothing to care about, he was not familiar with this Liu Shuimu at all, and this Liu Shuimu was played by his elder brother Yang Xiaobao several times in the arena in the central square of the empire.

Therefore, Bai Yunfei didn't have a good impression of this Liu Shuimu, and naturally he didn't care about the special meaning in his eyes.

Afterwards, Gongsun Ju also finished cooking, and sat down at a table to start eating. Bai Yunfei also sat down opposite him.

However, when Liu Shuimu saw Gongsun Ju sitting down, he immediately sat down at this table, and said to Bai Yunfei very rudely: "You don't eat, what are you doing sitting here, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, Get up and get out of the way."

When Gongsunju heard Liu Shuimu's words, she couldn't help but spit out the mouthful of rice she had just eaten, and then said to Liu Shuimu with frowning eyebrows: "Liu Shuimu, why is your mouth smelling like this? Talking nonsense?"

When Liu Shuimu heard Gongsunju's words, he immediately smiled with a smile on his face, but when he saw that Bai Yunfei was still sitting here and didn't stand up to make room for him, he immediately became angry.

So Liu Shuimu immediately said loudly: "Hey, I told you to stand up and get out of the way, you didn't hear me, did you?"

When Bai Yunfei heard Liu Shuimu's ugly words, he immediately got angry, and immediately stood up and cursed loudly: "Who the hell are you calling me Laozi? I was the one who sat down first, so why should I let him go?" Here you are, who the hell are you?"

It's no wonder that Bai Yunfei was angry, after all, this Liu Shuimu's speech was too harsh, and he would scold people as soon as he came up, and asked Bai Yunfei to step aside, treating Bai Yunfei as a soft persimmon, and he could squeeze it as he wanted.

But Liu Shuimu still misjudged the person, Bai Yunfei is definitely not a soft persimmon, and he is not something he can bully at will.

When Liu Shuimu heard Bai Yunfei speak so imposingly, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, because he never thought that Bai Yunfei, an outer disciple who had just entered the sect, dared to talk to him like this, would this person still have his senior brother in his eyes? up?
After Liu Shuimu was stunned for a moment, he immediately slapped Bai Yunfei's face.

However, before his slap fell, he was caught halfway.

Liu Shuimu was taken aback immediately, but he was even more surprised when he saw the person who caught his slap clearly.

Because this person is none other than Gongsun Ju.

And Liu Shuimu had ideas about Gongsunju and was interesting, but Gongsunju never gave her a good face.

But now that he saw Gongsunju and Bai Yunfei talking and laughing together, he was naturally very upset, and he couldn't help feeling hostile towards Bai Yunfei.

That's why he yelled at Bai Yunfei abnormally.

He originally thought that Bai Yunfei, as a new outer disciple, would not dare to oppose him, and would obediently do as he said, so as to make him look good in front of Gongsunju, but he never expected that Bai Yunfei would not only be indifferent He even dared to scold him in public, which completely enraged him, so he blatantly attacked Bai Yunfei.

But what he didn't expect was that Gongsun Ju caught his slap before it landed.

After Gongsun Ju caught Liu Shuimu's slap, he slapped Liu Shuimu's face with his backhand.

There was only a crisp sound of "pa", and Liu Shuimu's face was slapped.

After the sound, everyone looked at Liu Shuimu, and half of Liu Shuimu's face was swollen visibly.

Liu Shuimu froze on the spot, unable to say a word for a long time.

But he didn't speak, but Gongsun Ju spoke, and only heard Gongsun Ju say: "Liu Shuimu, please be respectful, don't swear at every turn, don't curse at every turn, don't bully at every turn."

Liu Shuimu couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard Gongsunju's words, and said in his heart that he didn't know who was bullying whom in the current situation.

Bai Yunfei was already ready to fight after seeing Liu Shuimu slap him.

However, before he had time to make a move, Senior Sister Gongsun took the lead for him, so he had to bear with it for a while, if this Liu Shuimu still bullies him without knowing the so-called so-called, Bai Yunfei will fight him hard, Bai Yun Although Fei is kind by nature, it doesn't mean he is easy to bully.

Gongsun Ju slapped Liu Shuimu, and after scolding him, his anger disappeared a lot, but he lost his appetite and couldn't eat anymore.

So, Gongsunju stopped eating, and immediately pulled Bai Yunfei and walked out of the cafeteria.

Seeing Gongsunju dragging Bai Yunfei away, Liu Shuimu beat him, scolded him, and left without even saying a word to him.

Liu Shuimu was so angry that he sat down immediately, covering half of his swollen face, wanting to cry without tears.

 Hey, please stop doing that kind of action in the background, my good friend. It’s really not easy to code on a hot day. Please support the genuine reading.Good night, my friends!
(End of this chapter)

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