Chapter 278

Yang Xiaobao went shopping in the Fantasy Snow City with his cheap master. He wanted to pretend to be a bully on the street, but he failed to pretend, but saw Xinkeng Bank selling people on the street.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao also saw that one of the sold girls was Wang Lianzi, the daughter of the old Wang's family next door on Earth in his previous life, so Yang Xiaobao immediately decided to buy this beauty, no matter how much money he spent.

But the sale of this beauty has not started yet, because the chief protector of the auction at Xinkeng Bank has just announced a rule of selling people, that is, sell the man first and then the woman, and the base price of a woman is [-] gold coins higher than that of a man .

However, these men are also very popular for sale. The first man in his thirties was bought by a fat woman who spent 110 million gold coins.

The fat woman was so happy after buying this man as she wished, walking and laughing all the way, just like picking up a treasure.

Then Xinkeng Bank began to auction the second man, and this man was even more sought-after than the one just now. As soon as the chief protector who presided over the auction said that the bid would start, someone bid.

And still directly add 82, that is, [-] gold coins.

Yang Xiaobao then took a look at the bidder, only to find that it was the fat man who just competed with the fat woman for the first man.

However, as soon as the big fat man's bid fell, another bid was made immediately, and the price was increased by 84, that is, to [-].

Yang Xiaobao still took a look at the person who followed the bidding, and visually estimated that this person was about 50 years old, and she was a woman, and she was a little thin, and her skin was a little wrinkled.

It's just that as soon as the skinny woman finished speaking, another bidder immediately added 86 yuan, which made it [-] gold coins.

Yang Xiaobao took a look, and found that this person was a woman, about 30 years old, and she was not bad looking. Judging by her attire, she looked like a noble lady.

Up to now, there have been three people bidding for the price. Just when Yang Xiaobao was wondering if there was anyone else to follow the price, the big fat man immediately started to increase the price again, and he still added 88, so it reached [-] gold coins .

"I'll offer 90 gold coins." The thin woman waited for the big fat man's voice to finish, and immediately shouted. Although her voice was not high, it was penetrating, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

"I will offer 100 million gold coins." The lady also raised the price immediately, but this time she did not add [-] gold coins at once, but only [-] gold coins. The chief protector also said that each price increase should not be less than [-] gold coins, but now she increases the price by [-], which is a starting price.

"I'll offer 120 million gold coins." Then the big fat man said immediately, and it was still [-] for one plus.

"I'll offer 140 million gold coins." The lady said immediately, adding [-] more than before.

"I'll offer 190 million gold coins." The thin woman suddenly added 50 gold coins.

After the thin woman paid out 190 million gold coins, the scene was silent, except for everyone's breathing, there was no other sound.

Because this price is already shocking, because the man just sold for 110 million, but now this man suddenly sold for 190 million, and this man, like the man just now, is an ordinary person, not a strong martial artist .

As for the chief guardian of Xinkeng Bank, he was even more pleasantly surprised at the moment. He originally thought that this man could be sold for 110 million at the price of the first man, but he did not expect to sell 190 million. Expectations were exceeded a lot for the price.

After all, this man only owed Xinkeng Bank more than 40 gold coins in total, and now he sold it for more than 190 million. Now he has recovered his principal with interest, and the interest rate is surprisingly high.

So the chief protector of Xinkeng Qianzhuang was afraid that the skinny woman would go back on his word, so he didn't even count, so he immediately announced: "Congratulations to this beautiful lady for successfully purchasing the ownership of this handsome guy for three years, including but not limited to chatting with him." , eating, sleeping with, coolie labor, etc., you can sign a soul contract now."

As soon as the thin woman heard the announcement from the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank, she immediately handed over 190 million gold coins, then signed a soul contract, and happily took the man home, and walked as fast as if there was wind on the soles of her feet. .

After the chief protector of Xinkeng Qianzhuang completed the transaction, he suppressed his excitement, and then started the auction of the third man. He coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and said, "Start now." Auctioning the third handsome guy, this handsome guy is not easy, he is not only handsome, but also a strong martial artist, everyone, don't miss the opportunity, let's start buying now."

"I'll offer 130 million gold coins." The big fat man waited for the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank to speak, and immediately started to bid, and immediately added 50 gold coins from the reserve price. It seemed that he was bound to get it.

It's no wonder, after all, this big fat man has fallen behind the previous two men, and now he is the third one, and this one is also a strong martial artist, so this time he is really impatient.

However, no matter whether he is in a hurry or not, others will still bid if they want to bid. After all, the rule of auction is that the highest bidder wins, and it depends on who bids the highest price.

Therefore, as soon as the big fat man's voice fell, someone immediately bid, and it was the lady just now, and she also raised the price by 50 at a time, and now it has directly increased to 180 million gold coins.

After the woman added another 50, the people at the scene became a little excited. Although they didn't buy it, or didn't have the money to buy it, they were still very excited to see such a fierce bidding scene, and they enjoyed it very much. A different kind of pleasure.

"I'll offer 200 million gold coins." Suddenly another person opened his mouth to bid, but this person did not increase the price by 50 like them, but only 20, but even 20 is not a lot. The two men at the auction were both paid 50 or [-] yuan, but this man was paid [-] yuan from the beginning, and no one has paid tens of thousands.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at the bidder, and found that this person was an old man in his 60s and [-]s. It was really confusing for him to know why this old man bought this man, but Yang Xiaobao didn't bother with it. The question is, Yang Xiaobao never thinks about things that he can't figure out, because since he can't figure it out, he still has to think about it, isn't it just asking for guilt?
It is not easy for people to live in this world, so there is no need to be difficult with yourself.

"I'll offer 50 million gold coins." The fat man said immediately, but this time he only added [-] gold coins. I know what he thinks, I don't know if he has no money to bid, or if he wants to do so on purpose.

"I'll offer [-] million gold coins." The lady said suddenly, and she only added [-] gold coins. It seems that she also learned from this big fat man, and she also followed suit.

The person who is most upset now is the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank. Originally, he saw the big fat man offer 50 yuan, then the lady offered another 50 yuan, and then the old man offered another 20 yuan. The price increase of one hundred thousand, he also thought that it would continue to increase like this, so wouldn't it be possible for this man to sell for tens of millions?Because of this, he was very happy.

However, now the big fat man returned only [-] gold coins, and the lady followed suit and only added [-] gold coins. This made his good wishes come to nothing, so he felt very sad I'm upset.

But it’s not up to him, he has nothing to do, after all, how much they want to add, 50, or 20, is their right and their freedom, but he still hopes that the old man will add [-] Ten thousand.

It's just that his wish soon came to fruition, because the old man also started asking the price shortly after the lady's voice fell, and he also increased the price by 20 gold coins, instead of adding [-] gold coins at once as before.

Now, the chief guardian of the Xinkeng Bank who presided over the auction immediately became reckless, but even so, he was still very happy and excited. After all, it has now risen to [-] million gold coins. The price was unprecedentedly high, and the price exceeded his expectations by a lot.

After the old man bid [-] gold coins, the lady immediately began to bid, and she added [-] at a time, so the price rose to [-].

However, it's not over yet, and the big fat man bid again, and also added [-] gold coins, which made the bid [-].

Yang Xiaobao was a little speechless when he saw the bids of these people. When will the price increase of 100 be added?If he wanted to buy it, he would have added [-] million at a time, to see if others dare to follow suit.

However, the idea of ​​raising Xiaobao just came up, and the lady seemed to have thought of this too, but she didn't add 100 million at a time, but added 210 at a time.Now it has risen to [-] million.

After the lady added this price, the fat man and the old man stopped and did not continue to bid.

However, the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank, who presided over the auction, was still a little unwilling, so he immediately raised his voice and said, "Now this beautiful woman has bid 210 million. Is there anyone else who can offer a higher price?"

The chief protector of Xinkeng Bank paused for a while when he said this, and found that no one answered, so he continued: "I will now count down dozens of numbers. If there are no bids after the ten numbers are counted, This handsome guy belongs to this beautiful woman."

The chief protector of Xinkeng Bank deliberately paused after he finished speaking, because he was still thinking about someone raising the price, so he could delay the calculation for a while, what if someone raised the price?

However, after waiting for more than ten seconds, he saw that there was still no bid, so he began to count: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five
To the joy of the chief protector of the Xinkeng Bank, who presided over the auction, when he counted to five, the big fat man started to increase the price again, but he still only increased the price by [-], maybe he was not reconciled.

It's just that as soon as the big fat man finished speaking, the lady immediately increased the price, and she still added 220, so it reached [-] million.

The chief protector of the Xinkeng Bank who presided over the auction saw another 11 increase, and he was as happy as something, so now he looked at the fat man with great anticipation, hoping that he could bid again, even if he still bid [-] also.

Because the chief protector of the Xinkeng Bank could see that the noble lady had a certain attitude towards this man, as long as someone competed with her, he would definitely compete to the end.

However, the chief guardian of the Xinkeng Bank was a little surprised, and a little disappointed that the big fat man didn't increase the price, but died down.

However, despite this, the chief guardian of the Xinkeng Bank is still very happy and excited, after all, the current price has exceeded the expected price by a lot.

Moreover, this man only owed Xinkeng Bank more than 40 gold coins, less than 50, but now he sold him at a high price of 220 million. A lot of money.

Therefore, he didn't count this time. He probably knew that no one would increase the price if he counted again. The three-year ownership of the handsome martial artist, including but not limited to chatting, eating, sleeping, coolie labor, etc., you can sign a soul contract now."

As soon as the noble lady heard the announcement from the chief protector of Xinkeng Bank, she immediately handed over 220 million gold coins, signed a soul contract, and took the man home contentedly, and she walked so fast, really It's walking like flying.

I don't know if her husband is still there. If she is a widow whose husband died, it's okay. If her man is still there, she will happily bring a man back home. I don't know what monsters will come out. Woolen cloth.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't know what was going on with these people, but he thought about it right away. You must know that he also wanted to buy Wang Lianzi, the daughter of the old Wang's next door. girl?
Since he thinks so, maybe others are in a similar situation to him?So, there's nothing incomprehensible about it.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao also looked calm when he saw Master Cheap, as if it was no surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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