Chapter 279
The eunuch Xiao Dezi got the order of the emperor Hu Laizhao, and immediately went to the Zhengjingzong to ask the suzerain Zhan Feiyi to come and discuss the emperor Hu Laizhao's concerns.

So the eunuch Xiao Dezi took small steps, hurried out of the palace, and then took the royal car to the Zhengjingzong.

The driver is a 24-year-old young man named Zuo Zuo. Although Zuo Zuo is young, he is also an old driver with four years of driving experience, because he has been driving since he was 19 years old. Strictly speaking, he has five years of driving experience. Driving age, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an old driver.

As soon as the eunuch Xiao Dezi got into the car, he immediately said to the left side of the old driver: "Left side, hurry to the Zhengzong sect."

The old driver on the left heard the eunuch Xiao Dezi's order, and he didn't dare to neglect at all.

Although the eunuch Xiao Dezi is a real eunuch, but he is the celebrity around the emperor Hu Lai Zhao. In the entire palace, no matter in the front yard or the back yard, as long as he is in the Royal Household Office, the eunuch Xiao Dezi is always the same. Not a single staff member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dared to go against the eunuch Xiao Dezi, and even those court officials respectfully called the eunuch Xiao Dezi when they saw the eunuch Xiao Dezi.

Of course, the suzerains of the ten major sects are excluded, because the suzerains of the ten major sects are both within and outside the court system, and their status is quite special. Even the emperor Hu Laizhao is polite to them, eunuch Xiao Dezi naturally did not dare to be rude in front of them, let alone being rude, even a little bit of disrespect would not do.

Therefore, the old driver immediately started the car on the left side, stepped on the clutch with his left foot, put the gear in fifth gear with his right foot, stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and then released the clutch. After the clutch was loosened to a critical point, he suddenly Let go, and this little car for the royal family will jump far away in no time.

Of course, this is also due to the skilled craftsmanship on the left, plus the special structure of this car, if an ordinary driver or an ordinary car starts with fifth gear, let alone speeding up instantly, even if it hasn't moved a bit, it will have to It is impossible to turn off the flame.

Not to mention, the car on the left of the old driver drove really smoothly, not only fast, but also very stable, which is rare.

It didn't take much time, about ten minutes or so, the old driver parked the car on the left side of the parking lot on the right side of the main gate.

The eunuch Xiao Dezi quickly got out of the car, then took small steps and walked into the formal gatehouse.

This orthodox gatehouse looks very majestic, but the eunuch Xiao Dezi is eager to see the suzerain Zhan Feiyi, so he has no intention of admiring it. Besides, it is not the first time for him to come here, he has seen it before, so he also Not in the mood to appreciate it, but went straight to the serious headquarters building.

Because every time the eunuch Xiao Dezi came, he always saw the suzerain Zhan Feiyi in the headquarters building, so this time he naturally came here with ease.

Sure enough, as soon as the eunuch Xiaodezi went up to the gate of the headquarters building, he saw the suzerain Zhan Feiyi before he went in, but it was obvious from his appearance that he was about to go out. Fortunately, the eunuch Xiaodezi came early. I'm afraid I'll miss it with the suzerain Zhan Feiyi.

Zhan Feiyi saw that the eunuch Xiao Dezi was in a hurry, probably the Emperor Hu Lai Zhao sent him to look for him, so he immediately stood still and waited for him to come forward, but the eunuch Xiao Dezi hurried away just now Hurry up, he was already out of breath. Now that he saw the suzerain of the serious school, he was relieved immediately, so he stood still and looked at Zhan Feiyi and panted heavily.

Zhan Feiyi saw that the eunuch Xiao Dezi looked like this, he didn't think it was a bit funny, but he still held back, and even walked up to the eunuch Xiao Dezi, if he didn't take the initiative to come forward, he wouldn't know that the eunuch How long will Xiao Dezi be out of breath?

Fortunately, after Zhan Feiyi walked up to the eunuch Xiao Dezi, the eunuch Xiao Dezi finally breathed out, so the eunuch Xiao Dezi immediately raised his orchid finger and said, "Sect Master Zhan, the emperor specially sent slaves here, please Sovereign Zhan, the emperor has something important to discuss."

Zhan Feiyi was stunned for a moment when he heard the eunuch Xiao Dezi's words. He didn't know why the emperor sent the eunuch Xiao Dezi to invite him in such a hurry, but he didn't ask Xiao Dezi, although he guessed Xiao Dezi should know about this, but he still didn't ask. After all, he was about to go to the royal family to meet Emperor Hu Lai Zhao in person, so he would naturally know by then.

Therefore, Zhan Feiyi immediately said to the eunuch Xiao Dezi: "Xiao Dezi, let's go, let's go see the emperor."

Seeing that Zhan Feiyi agreed so readily, the eunuch Xiao Dezi was very happy, so he immediately nodded in agreement, and then took small steps to follow the suzerain Zhan Feiyi.

After Zhan Feiyi and the eunuch Xiao Dezi walked out of the orthodox sect, they immediately boarded the royal family's special car.

The old driver immediately started the car on the left side and drove out towards the left side of the Zhengzong gate. When he came out, there was a road, and then the old driver immediately accelerated and drove all the way.

In about ten minutes, the car drove to the parking lot on the left outside the palace. After the old driver parked the car on the left, the upright suzerain Zhan Feiyi and the eunuch Xiao Dezi got out of the car, and then one in front, One was behind and walked towards the palace immediately.

Zhan Feiyi was naturally familiar with entering the palace, not to mention the eunuch Xiao Dezi led the way, so the two soon arrived at the royal executive hall, where the emperor Hu Laizhao had been waiting for a long time.

When Emperor Hu Laizhao saw Zhan Feiyi, he immediately came forward to welcome Zhan Feiyi, and then asked Zhan Feiyi to sit down, and then asked someone to serve the best honey tea.

Zhan Feiyi immediately took a sip of the tea, feeling very fresh and refreshing, he couldn't help but nodded, he had a soft spot for this honey tea, and always wanted to drink it after drinking it.

After Zhan Feiyi drank the tea, he immediately looked at the emperor Hu Laizhao, but he didn't ask, he also knew that the emperor Hu Laizhao would definitely say it himself.

Sure enough, the emperor Hu Laizhao saw Zhan Feiyi's questioning eyes, and immediately said: "Zhan Aiqing, I have something to worry about, so I invite Aiqing to come and solve my doubts."

"I don't know what's bothering the emperor." Zhan Feiyi said immediately, he is not a person who likes to shoot empty guns, Zhan Feiyi has always been a man of action, and he has never said those empty words, stereotypes, and big words. .

"Zhan Aiqing, a few days ago, a message was sent back from Huayang Pass, saying that Lu Bu was collaborating with the enemy before the battle, and the coach of the Shenyuan Empire, General Xitian Dashan, even wrote a letter to Lu Bu." Emperor Hu Lai Zhao He didn't say polite words, but directly said the matter. He probably knew that now was not the time to say polite words. After all, he invited Zhan Feiyi to discuss this matter.

After Emperor Hu Lai Zhao finished speaking, he took out the letter and handed it to Zhan Feiyi.

Zhan Feiyi took the letter and glanced at it. Because the content of the letter was only one sentence, it was clear at a glance. Of course, he only needed to read it once, not a second time.

After reading the letter, Zhan Feiyi closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then said to Emperor Hu Laizhao: "Your Majesty, do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

"Zhan Aiqing, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it. Of course, Gu wants to listen to the truth." Emperor Hu Laizhao said immediately.

"Your Majesty, this incident is obviously Xitian Dashan's plan to drive a wedge between the emperor and Lu Bu. Even if the emperor has the slightest doubt about Lu Bu, he has fallen into Xitian Dashan's plan."

When Zhan Feiyi said this, he immediately paused, then glanced at the emperor Hu Laizhao, and found that he looked thoughtful, so he continued: "If the emperor doesn't have the slightest doubt about Lu, he will definitely not be able to fully trust Lu. , If things go on like this, this kind of distrust gap will inevitably grow wider."

When Zhan Feiyi said this, he paused again, and then glanced at the emperor Hu Laizhao again, and found that he was listening carefully, so he nodded secretly, so he continued: "So for the current plan, the emperor can definitely Don't worry about it."

When Emperor Hu Laizhao heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "What Zhan Aiqing said is very true, and Gu also thinks that this must be a plan by Xi Tian envoy."

Zhan Feiyi saw that Emperor Hu Lai Zhao's expression became much calmer after hearing his analysis, and he couldn't help but nodded, so he went on to say: "Your Majesty, there is a good saying, don't be suspicious, but don't be suspicious, since The emperor has already used Lu Bu, so there is no need to doubt it. Your majesty, if you are at ease, the breeze will come naturally, if you are kind, the heart will come naturally, and besides, a general like Lu Bu cannot be found in the entire Huayang Empire. For the two of you, the border is entrusted to him to guard, coupled with the natural danger of Huayang Pass, it can be said to be impenetrable, the emperor need not worry."

Emperor Hu Laizhao heard Zhan Feiyi's words, and he suddenly realized, and the gloomy mood of the past few days was instantly swept away.

 That's all for today's update, good night friends!
(End of this chapter)

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