Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 280 Heading to Haunting Island

Chapter 280 Heading to Haunting Island

On that day, after Shan Kaihuai got a gold coin from Senior Sister Gongsun, he didn't go to the restaurant to eat with Zhang Dafu and others, because he once had a meal with Bai Yunfei and had no money to pay the bill, so he was detained by the restaurant experience.

The feeling of losing freedom is really uncomfortable, so Shan Kaihuai is unwilling to go to a restaurant to eat with Zhang Dafu and the others anyway. After all, he also knows that everyone has only one gold coin, and with him, seven people will get seven yuan Gold coins, seven gold coins, what can you get if you go to a restaurant to eat?

Moreover, he still remembered eating with Bai Yunfei at the restaurant that day, and he ate [-] gold coins in one meal. He didn't dare to imagine what kind of encounters awaited Zhang Dafu and the others after they went to the restaurant, but he I have already persuaded them, and there is nothing they can do if they don't listen. Even if they are detained, it is their own fault.

However, he didn't know that Zhang Dafu and the others went up to the restaurant, but they didn't have a meal. Belly walked aimlessly on the street, and when he came to a crossroad, he didn't know where to go.

If Shan Kaihuai knew that Zhang Dafu and the others had experienced such an experience, he would definitely be glad that he didn't mix with Zhang Dafu and the others, otherwise he would lose face and have to be hungry like them, and now Shan Kaihuai is already there. The steamed stuffed bun shop bought steamed stuffed buns to fill them up, and after buying steamed stuffed buns with a gold coin in exchange, there was still a lot of change left.

After Shan Kaihuai filled his stomach, he came to a town immediately, only to find that there was a big sign in the center of the town, and the big sign was full of people, so Shan Kaihuai also wanted to go to see what happened, anyway, now I have nothing to do, and I don't know where I can get gold coins. Let's see what they are doing around, maybe I can find something!

Shan Kaihuai then walked a few steps, and soon came to the signboard, looked up, and saw densely written words on the signboard, Shan Kaihuai looked at it from the beginning to the end, and it took several minutes to find the sign. read it.

After Shan Kaihuai read it, he immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that it was an advertisement for the first floor of the world to buy a spirit snake, and the price of this spirit snake was quite high, [-] gold coins for a spirit snake.

When Shan Kaihuai saw such sky-high price acquisition information, his heart moved immediately. If he could catch a spirit snake, wouldn't he be rich right away?

However, if he knew that the first floor of the world took back a spirit snake and made it into spirit snake meat and sold it on the table, a spirit snake could be sold for at least 50 gold coins, he would not think it was a sky-high purchase.

But no matter what, this piece of information still firmly attracted Shan Kaihuai, but when he saw the following detailed introduction to this kind of spirit snake's habits and growth environment, he also understood that this kind of spirit snake is not so It is easy to catch, because the spirit snake introduced above not only runs fast, but also flies.

And this kind of spirit snake all grows on an island, and this island also has an infinitely reverie name called Hooking Island.

But no matter what, Shan Kaihuai decided to catch this kind of spirit snake. Although the person who catches this kind of spirit snake is indeed very big, it is a shortcut to get money quickly, and doesn't he just need money now?
As long as he can earn money, there is nothing to be afraid of if it is too difficult. If it is not too difficult, he will not wait for him to come.

Therefore, Shan Kaihuai remembered the location and walking route of going to Hooking Island immediately.

Then, Shan Kaihuai walked back again, his purpose was to go back to the bun shop to buy some buns to take with him, because he also knew from the information introduced on this brand that there was still a long way to go to Hooking Island. It won't be there in a few days, so it's better to bring some buns to satisfy your hunger along the way, otherwise, if you are too hungry to walk halfway, it will be troublesome.

I have to say that Shan Kaihuai is quite careful and considerate.

But when Shan Kaihuai returned to the bun shop, he unexpectedly found that Zhang Dafu and the others were all here, and they were all eating meat buns desperately, and they ate deliciously and quickly, as if they had never It's like eating meat buns.

When Shan Kaihuai saw this situation, he immediately became reckless, and he hadn't reacted all of a sudden.

And Zhang Dafu and the others couldn't help being surprised when they saw Shan Kaihuai, because they didn't expect to meet Shan Kaihuai here.

Shan Kaihuai immediately asked Zhang Dafu: "Brother Dafu, didn't you go to the restaurant to eat? Why do you still come here to eat buns?"

"Don't mention it, brother Kaihuai, it's really hard to say, I don't want to say it, it's hard to say it, needless to say, it's all tears." Zhang Dafu said helplessly.

When Shan Kaihuai saw Zhang Dafu's expression and the way they were devouring the meat buns, he knew that nothing good happened to them, but they didn't eat in a restaurant, and they didn't have money to pay the bill after eating. It was very lucky not to be detained by the restaurant.

After Zhang Dafu ate the meat buns, he regained his energy immediately, so he also said to Shan Kaihuai: "Brother Kaihuai, you haven't eaten anything yet, have you?"

"Brother Dafu, I've eaten it before, and I also ate meat buns here." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

"Brother Kaihuai, you ran back after eating. Could it be that you are not full yet and came back to buy buns?" Zhang Dafu asked curiously, and looked at Shan Kaihuai with two small eyes, his face The fat was piled up together, so that the two small eyes became a line.

"Yes, Brother Dafu, I just came back to buy buns." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

"Brother Kaihuai, did you really come back to buy buns?!" Zhang Dafu was stunned when he heard that Shan Kaihuai actually came back to buy buns. He was just asking casually, but he didn't expect it to be true. , so he asked in surprise.

"Yes, Brother Dafu, how did you come here?" Shan Kaihuai saw that Zhang Dafu kept asking him this question endlessly, so he immediately changed the topic.

"After we came out of the restaurant, we kept walking towards one road, and finally came to a crossroad. At that time, we were still hesitating whether to turn left or right. Later, I thought it would be better to keep going straight than turning. "

Zhang Dafu paused at this point, then took another sip of boiled water, and then continued: "I didn't expect to pass the intersection all the way forward, I was lucky, and I saw this steamed stuffed bun shop not far away."

Zhang Dafu did not tell what happened to them in the restaurant. After all, it was not a very glorious thing. Instead, he briefly talked about what happened to them after they came out of the restaurant. After speaking, he glanced at Shan Kaihuai, He found that he just listened with a blank face and didn't say anything, so he said casually: "Brother Kaihuai, the meat buns here are really delicious, no wonder you still want to eat them after eating, and want to turn back buy it."

"Brother Dafu, I came back to buy buns not only because they are delicious, but also for other reasons, and they are very important reasons." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

"What's the reason, Brother Kaihuai." Zhang Dafu asked in surprise immediately, he also felt that Shan Kaihuai couldn't be running back to buy buns because he didn't have enough to eat, there must be other reasons, so he kept typing Turn to Shan and talk about it happily.

"I found a good way to make money, but I still have a long way to go to that good place to make money, so I came back to buy some buns and plan to eat them on the way." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

"Brother Kaihuai, what is the way to make money?" Zhang Dafu asked with bright eyes as soon as he heard that there was a good way to make money.

"The first floor in the world is collecting spirit snakes, and the price of a spirit snake is [-] gold coins." Shan Kaihuai said truthfully.

"Brother Kaihuai, the price is really high. One spirit snake is 100 gold coins. If you can catch more than ten spirit snakes, isn't that worth millions of gold coins? What if you catch more than [-] spirit snakes?" , How much is that?" Zhang Dafu immediately calculated, and the more he calculated, the more excited he became, the more excited he became, as if there were countless gold coins piled up in front of him.

"Brother Dafu, this spirit snake is not easy to catch." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

"Isn't it easy to catch snakes? I am best at playing with snakes. I have been playing with snakes since I was six years old." An outer disciple immediately interjected.

Shan Kaihuai immediately took a look at the outer disciple who came in with him, and couldn't help but get a little excited. If there is someone who can play with snakes together, maybe there will be a surprise effect, so Shan Kaihuai immediately nodded to him , He knew that this person was called Buyi, and he seldom spoke, but he didn't expect him to have the ability to play with snakes.

"Brother Kaihuai, where is this place with spirit snakes, let's all go with you." Zhang Dafu said immediately.

In the same way, what Zhang Dafu desires most now is to make money, and what he misses the most is the days when he was rich. Now that he is penniless, he heard that there are such good things to make money, how could he miss it? ?

"Okay, Brother Dafu, it's best for us to go together. Let's go catch the spirit snake together and make a fortune together." Shan Kaihuai said immediately, after all, he didn't know what kind of scene that Haunted Soul Island was like, or what kind of dangers there were. , to be able to go with these people together, it is naturally a wish.

As soon as Shan Kaihuai finished speaking, these people all agreed.

Of course they have to agree, after all these people only have some small change, and now there is such a good place to make money, a good network, who would not want it?

So, after Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and others bought all the buns in this bun shop, they immediately set off for Haunting Island.

(End of this chapter)

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