Chapter 292 Relief
That day, after Xitian Dashan and Zhang Fei completed the transfer of rights at the border of the Huayang Empire, they simply took some entourages and headed to the border of the Lanhao Empire. .

So Xitian Dashan secretly planned to wait for an opportunity to win the battle after arriving at the border of the Lanhao Empire.

Xitian Dashan was determined, and a sense of pride was born in his heart, so he couldn't help speeding up his march. Therefore, he arrived at the border of the Lanhao Empire in a few days.

After Xitian Dashan arrived, he immediately reported to Zhao Zhilong, the commander of Shenyuan Empire's East Route Army. Zhao Zhilong was not only a man of good looks, but also had a gentle temper. .

You must know that Xitian Dashan was originally the coach of the West Route Army of the Shenyuan Empire, in charge of the soldiers and horses of the West Route Army, but now after switching with Zhang Fei, he immediately changed from the coach to the general, which is equivalent to forcibly dropping a level, but Xitian Dashan didn't get depressed because of this, but decided to fight a victory with the East Route Army in order to restore the lost honor.

You must know that the honor of a soldier is more important than anything else, even if you lose your life, the honor cannot be lost.

Therefore, when Xitian Dashan came to Zhao Zhilong, he first offered Zhao Zhilong a Longquan sword that had been treasured for many years, and then expressed his idea of ​​waiting for an opportunity to fight the border guards of the Lanhao Empire.

Hearing Xitian Dashan's request, Zhao Zhilong pondered for a moment, then looked at the Longquan sword, fondled it a few times, and then reluctantly said: "General Xitian, our army has not yet arrived to start a war with the Lanhao Empire." However, General Xitian is eager to make contributions, so we can do him a little bit, and then we can see the reaction of the Lanhao Empire."

"Thank you Marshal for fulfilling the mission." Seeing that Zhao Zhilong had agreed, Xitian Dashan said happily immediately.


Thousands of forests.

Du Cun, the commander of the guards of the Huayang Empire, led three thousand mecha soldiers to hunt and kill monsters in thousands of forests. He lived a happy life every day, and he couldn't think of leaving.

However, what he never imagined in his dreams was that so many high-level monster lions would suddenly come out, and these high-level monsters were not afraid of laser gun shooting, even continuous shooting would not work.

And these monster lions seem to have a deep hatred with his mecha troops, they are all endlessly attacking his mecha soldiers, and his mecha soldiers are ineffective when they shoot at these monster lions There was no power to fight back at all, and a large number of people fell down in an instant.

And after arriving, the mecha soldiers of his entire mecha troop were killed and injured, and in the end there were only nine people left, plus himself, and ten Wu Zun strongmen, there were only twenty people alive in total.

And this is not over yet, those monster lions are still chasing and killing them, judging from their posture, these monster lions must drive his mecha troop team to death.

Needless to say, Du Village really guessed right, these high-level monster lions got the order of the beast king when they came out, and they must kill all these hateful and shameless humans, otherwise, thousands of people in the forest Low-level monsters will be wiped out by these greedy humans.

Therefore, although these high-level monsters were already full, they did not give up chasing, but continued to chase and kill the remaining twenty people.

Moreover, soon three mech soldiers who were running slower were caught up by the monster lions. Of course, these monster lions had already slowed down their pursuit, otherwise, they would not have only caught up to three , I am afraid that even Du Village has been overtaken by these monster lions at this moment.

And as long as you are caught up by the monster lion, it is a death. The monster lion doesn't care who Du Village is or what kind of identity it is, because in their eyes, all human beings are the same, so these monster lions They don't know how to be polite at all, let alone reason, and besides, they don't know how to speak, do they?

So now the three mecha soldiers who were being chased were immediately tragic. After these monster lions caught up with them, they immediately slapped them, and no matter whether they were slapped on the head or their back, whether they were slapped Everywhere is shot in one shot.

Du Cun couldn't take care of others at all now, and just kept running ahead, followed closely by the ten Martial Lords. As for the mecha soldiers, they couldn't keep up with their speed at all. There is still a good distance between the village and the ten martial arts masters.

However, this did buy some time for Du Village to escape.

Immediately afterwards, these monster lions caught up with the last six mecha soldiers, and as soon as these monster lions caught up, they immediately slapped each of them, and immediately slapped the six mecha soldiers. rotten.

So far, there are no more survivors among the three thousand mecha soldiers under Du Village, and there is not even a complete corpse. Either the head of Li Dazui was eaten by these monster lions, or they were eaten by these monster lions The thighs were eaten, but the ones that were not eaten were all slapped to pieces by these monsters and lions.

After killing all the mech soldiers, these monster lions sped up and chased after Du Cun and the ten warriors behind him, and they caught up very quickly.

After these monster lions caught up with the strong warriors, they threw down three of them. Although these strong warriors are also high-level martial arts, they are not enough to look at in front of seventh-level monsters, so they have no strength to fight back at all. .

After these monster lions threw down the three strong Wu Zuns, they immediately bit on the necks of the strong Wu Zuns. After being bitten to death, not counting, they had to bite a few more until the necks of these strong Wu Zuns were broken.

And this is not over yet, after the monster lion bit off the neck of the strong Wu Zun, it immediately swallowed the head, because these strong Wu Zun are no different from those ordinary mecha soldiers, because they are all advanced martial arts, a strong Wu Zun The human head is a great supplement to these high-level monsters. If you eat a few more, you may be able to advance to a higher level.

After these high-level monsters ate the heads of the three powerful Wu Zuns, they immediately chased after Du Cun and the remaining seven Wu Zuns.

Moreover, he soon caught up again, but this time he didn't catch up to three, but all of the remaining seven Martial Masters were caught up at once.

In the same way, the throats of these seven Martial Masters were also bitten off, and then they were decapitated. Even their heads were eaten by these monster lions one by one.

But now, only Du Cun is still alive, but although he is still alive, his guts are almost terrified, and he doesn't know how long he can live. minute.


As soon as Bai Yunfei came to the Spiritual Medicine Garden, he was allocated a small house. Although the house was small, all the furniture was complete, and Bai Shuangfei felt very satisfied, so he couldn't help but think a lot while sitting in it, and then remembered some things. past.

But just when he was engrossed in his thoughts, he heard a knock on the door from outside, so Bai Yunfei opened the door immediately, and immediately found more than ten people outside, and there were men and women, but Bai Yunfei didn't know any of them. do not know.

Therefore, Bai Yunfei just looked at them without saying a word, and this group of people just looked at Bai Yunfei without saying a word.

In the end, it was an older man who spoke first. This man glanced at Bai Yunfei and said, "You are the new drug boy, right?"

"Yes, what do you want from me?" Bai Yunfei immediately asked in surprise. After all, he didn't know these people well, so he also wondered why this group of people came to him.

"It's nothing. We are all medicine boys from the Spiritual Medicine Garden. Since there are newcomers here, let's come and get to know each other." A woman in her twenties said immediately, and her tone of voice was very kind and friendly.

"Oh, it turns out that the brothers and sisters are here, I thought something happened?" Bai Yunfei smiled and said.

"Since you are a newcomer, it's the old rules, you have to treat, let's go, just go to the nearest restaurant." The older man also smiled and said. I have been a drug boy for more than ten years, and the last time I raised Xiaobao to come to the elixir garden with the cheap master, this Ma Gui deliberately felt sorry for raising Xiaobao, but he was not troubled, not only was he not troubled, he was almost beaten Yang Xiaobao can't get out of power.

"It's okay to treat guests, but I don't have any money." Bai Yunfei said helplessly. He didn't lie when he said this. They happily went to the restaurant to eat together, but after eating, they had no money to pay the bill and were detained for several hours.

"Don't be so stingy, it's not easy for us to get to know each other if you don't treat guests, and each of us has a treat when we come in, and you are no exception, right?" The woman in her 20s said immediately, this woman It was not long since she came here, and she ate almost [-] gold coins in the restaurant. This time, a new one came, so she wanted to eat some back, but she didn't expect Bai Yunfei to look like a bachelor.

"I really have no money, why don't you believe me?" Seeing that they still insisted on asking him to treat him, Bai Yunfei felt helpless.

"Whether you have money or not, you must eat this meal. This is the rule, and you can't break the rule just because you have no money." Seeing that Bai Yunfei still didn't want to treat guests, Ma Gui immediately said very unhappy.

Bai Yunfei blushed immediately when he heard Ma Gui's words, but he really didn't have a penis on his body, so he had no choice but to remain silent.

"It seems that you really don't have any money. How about this? I'll pay the money, and you'll hire the guest, but you'll have to count it as a loan from me. If you have money, you'll pay it back, okay?" A fat man in his 20s looked at the Bai Yunfei said.

"Okay, even if I borrowed from you, I will pay you back when I have money." Bai Yunfei was overjoyed when he saw that the little fat man was willing to pay, and he also decided to take the money immediately after his elder brother came to raise Xiaobao Give it back to this little fat man, and even a little more, after all, he is very grateful to this little fat man for helping him out now.

(End of this chapter)

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