Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 293 The Raiders Stand Out

Chapter 293 The Raiders Stand Out
After Xitian Dashan came out from Zhao Zhilong, the coach of the Eastern Route Army, he came to his own combat office. There was a combat map and a large sand table in the room.

Nishida Dashan first sat on a sofa for a while, and first calmed down, because this battle can only be successful and not failed, there can be no sloppy place, if it fails, Nishida Dashan really can't afford to lose this person up.

Then, Nishida Oyama stood up again and walked to the combat map, then stared at it for a long time.

The border between the Shenyuan Empire and the Lanhao Empire is very long, and one section is land, another section is separated by a river, and the other section is separated by the Mochou Sea. The Lanhao Empire is on the other side of the strait, and the vast and boundless Mochou Sea The reason why Mochou Sea is said to be vast and boundless is because Mochou Sea is really big, at least as big as six Pacific Oceans, and there are more.

Xitian Dashan's plan is to fight a small victory with the Lanhao Empire, one is to restore the lost honor, and the other is to test the reaction of the Lanhao Empire.

Of course, in order to implement this battle plan, forget about the sections across the river and across the sea. It is better to start the war on land.

And there are three different land types in this part of the land, one is a wide desert area, the other is a cliff, and the third is a large mountain range.

Nishida Dashan then played with the red flag and the basket flag on the sand table for a while, and gradually a battle plan was formed in his mind.

Because he suddenly remembered the defeat under Lu Bu's men. The main reason why he lost so badly that time was that he never thought that Lu would not march from the Wanwan Forest, because since ancient times There is no large army that has walked through thousands of forests.

And he didn't expect that Lu Bu's army would come so fast, and he didn't expect that Lu Buyi would shoot at the border without saying a word, so he was caught off guard, and that's why he was defeated so thoroughly. If he had taken precautions, even if Lu was no longer so brave, he would not have suffered such a miserable defeat.

So now he was suddenly inspired by Lu Bu, and he decided to march from that cliff, because this is the place where the defense of the Lanhao Empire is the weakest, and according to intelligence, there is an army on the top of the cliff. There was only one squad of soldiers on guard.

After Xitian Dashan's battle plan was formed, he immediately selected five thousand elite soldiers, prepared rock climbing tools, and touched up the cliff that night.

After Xitian Dashan led people to touch the top of the cliff, all the guards on it had fallen asleep, and there was not even a sentinel. It is estimated that they would never have thought that someone would come up from this cliff, and now both countries are still there. In the absence of a war, the defenders of this squad relaxed their vigilance even more.

Therefore, after Xitian Dashan came up, he captured all the defenders of this squad without firing a single shot.

Not to mention, Xitian Dashan then went down the mountain late at night and took over a camp with tens of thousands of people stationed on the other side.

In this battle, Xitian Dashan wiped out more than [-] people from the Lanhao Empire Mecha Infantry Regiment, and seized many weapons and equipment.

Then Xitian Dashan immediately set up the defense line, and immediately sent a good news to Marshal Zhao Zhilong.

And Zhao Zhilong, the head coach of the Eastern Route Army, immediately sent back a good news to the Imperial Storm City.

Emperor He Lianlang was unhappy at the defeat of the brave general Zhang Fei, but now he suddenly received Zhao Zhilong's news that Xitian Dashan had fought on the border of the Lanhao Empire, and he immediately cheered loudly.

Because Emperor He Lianlang didn't expect that the West Route Army would be hindered in combat, but the East Route Army would open a breakthrough. This was like a shot in the arm for the great cause of unification in his heart. How could he not be excited?


Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and other seven outer disciples wanted to go to Hooking Island to catch the spirit snake, but they lost their way in the sea and encountered a violent storm, almost capsizing the boat and killing them all Feed the fish in the sea.

Fortunately, after a storm, they discovered an island by accident, which made Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and others very excited, because they not only escaped death, but also came to Haunting Island by mistake.

And now they also saw a flying spirit snake, so of course they were sure that this island was Hooking Island.

So Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and the others were very happy, and then proceeded to the depths of the woods on Hooking Island, because the spirit snake they saw was flying into the depths of the woods.

However, after Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and others walked a long way in this large forest, they found nothing.

Shan Kaihuai and Zhang Dafu immediately became reckless, and they didn't know where the spirit snake flew to just now, and they didn't know how many spirit snakes there were.

So Zhang Dafu suddenly said to Shan Kaihuai: "Brother Kaihuai, there is no way for us to go on like this, let's find something to eat first, I'm so hungry."

As soon as Zhang Dafu finished speaking, the rest of the people echoed, and they were all too hungry for a long time, and their stomachs kept growling, but they were all excited when they saw the spirit snake just now, so they just Forgot about hunger for a while, now that Zhang Dafu said it, they immediately felt that their stomachs were really hungry.

"Okay, Brother Dafu, let's go find something to eat." Shan Kaihuai said immediately, because he was also very hungry now. After all, for so many days, the group of them just ate a few buns a day to satisfy their hunger. Naturally, I am hungry quickly.

"But, brother Kaihuai, where are we going to find food now? Where can we find food?" Zhang Dafu immediately asked again.

"It would be great if I could find the wild fruit." An outer disciple immediately interjected.

"Then let's take a walk inside to see if there are wild fruits or anything like that." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

Zhang Dafu nodded immediately when he heard Shan Kaihuai's words, and the rest of the people also echoed.

Therefore, Zhang Dafu, Shan Kaihuai and others walked further into the depths of the forest, and almost entered the hinterland of the forest, but they did not see any wild fruits that could satisfy their hunger.

"Brother Kaihuai, I'm afraid we can't go on like this, or we should go back to the beach to catch fish to eat." Zhang Dafu said suddenly, he is the most hungry person now, because he is already fat, so he needs to eat. There are also many nutrients.

"That's right, why don't we go to the sea to catch fish to eat?" An outer disciple said suddenly after hearing Zhang Dafu's words.

"Okay, let's go to the sea to catch fish." Shan Kaihuai said immediately.

So, Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and the others went back the same way, and returned to the seaside not long after.

However, they were dumbfounded when they saw the vast sea, saying they wanted to catch fish, but they didn't have any fishing tools, so how would they catch it?

Shan Kaihuai immediately asked these people: "Which one of you knows water?"

Zhang Dafu and the others shook their heads when they heard Shan Kaihuai's words, because they were all landlubbers and none of them could swim.

"Well then, I'll go into the sea to catch fish, and you guys will wait here." Shan Kaihuai said immediately, originally he had found two people who could swim with him to go into the sea to catch fish, after all, without any tools, in the It is not so easy to catch fish in the sea.

"Okay, brother Kaihuai, then you have to work harder and go into the sea to catch fish." Zhang Dafu immediately said in surprise, originally he heard Shan Kaihuai asking if they knew how to swim, and he thought that Shan Kaihuai could not swim Yes, I didn't expect Shan Kaihuai to still be able to water, that's good.

Shan Kaihuai immediately nodded to Zhang Dafu and the others, then took off his coat, and immediately jumped into the sea.

But Zhang Dafu and the others waited at the beach for a long time, but they still didn't see Shan Kaihuai surfaced. They couldn't help feeling a little anxious, so Zhang Dafu and the others kept looking into the water, but the sea is so deep, What else can you see?

Fortunately, after a while, Shan Kaihuai finally surfaced, and he caught two big fish in his hand, and these two big fish were very big, weighing four to fifty catties , It seems that it is enough for the few of them to eat two meals.

So Zhang Dafu and the others ran over happily, and immediately took the big fish in Shan Kaihuai's hand, but now they encountered another problem, because although the fish was caught, it could not be eaten raw.

So, Shan Kaihuai immediately asked: "Brother Dafu, have you brought any lighting?"

"Brother Kaihuai, I really don't have this. Does anyone of you have a tool to start a fire?" After Zhang Dafu answered Shan Kaihuai's words, he asked several other people.

However, the rest of the people shook their heads and said no.

"Then what should we do? Can we only eat it raw?" Zhang Dafu asked again, and he really meant to eat it raw, after all, he is really hungry now.

"Or, let's eat it raw." An outer disciple said immediately.

"Okay, let's eat it raw." Shan Kaihuai had no choice but to say.

However, none of these people had eaten raw fish, so no one took the first bite.

"Let me go first." Zhang Dafu said immediately, after he finished speaking, he immediately took a bite, but got a mouthful of fish scales, so he spit it out in one mouthful.

Seeing Zhang Dafu eating like this, Shan Kaihuai couldn't help being a little funny, so he immediately said: "Brother Dafu, even if you eat raw fish, you can't eat like this."

"Brother Kaihuai, how should I eat it?" Zhang Dafu felt that the fish scale was very unpleasant because he had just eaten a mouthful of fish scales, but now he heard Shan Kaihuai say that eating raw fish should pay attention, so he asked immediately.

Shan Kaihuai did not answer Zhang Dafu immediately, but took out a short knife, and then used the knife to scrape off the scales of the big fish, and then sliced ​​the fish piece by piece, and handed Zhang Dafu a piece of fish. Sheng Yurou said: "Brother Dafu, you can eat it now."

Zhang Dafu took the piece of raw fish and immediately put it into his mouth and started to eat it. Unexpectedly, the piece of raw fish was not bad.

So, Shan Kaihuai, Zhang Dafu and the others immediately started eating sashimi, and after a while, they ate up the two big fish.

After Shan Kaihuai waited for the others to eat, he walked towards the woods again.

 Good night friends!

(End of this chapter)

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