Chapter 400 Accidental Rescue
Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the little beauty Wang Lianzi came to Huayang Pass. Looking at such a large open area in front of them, they couldn't help but take another look. Although they didn't know that there was a scene where the two armies confronted each other and the army fought, but But I felt a chill.

Yang Xiaobao looked back at Huayang Pass, at the gate tower closed by Huayang Pass, at the mecha soldiers of the Shenyuan Empire on the gate tower, and those mecha soldiers also looked at Yang Xiaobao and the others, but But there was no action.

Because these mecha soldiers also saw Yang Xiaobao flying in the air just now, so none of them dare to shoot Yang Xiaobao and the others. Besides, at such a long distance, it is impossible for them to shoot Got it, it's just a waste of bullets.

Yang Xiaobao immediately turned his head and said to Jin Ximei and the little beauty Wang Lianzi, "Let's go."

"Big brother, does this belong to the Shenyuan Empire?" the little beauty Queen Lianzi asked immediately.

"Yes, this is the Shenyuan Empire, and the people here are also the aborigines of the Shenyuan Empire." Yang Xiaobao said immediately, but he also heard what Tang Qinghan reconciled with Yixiang. In fact, he was not familiar with Yunyang Star, After all, he was also reborn from the earth.

Yang Xiaobao and the three of them walked forward while talking. After walking for about half an hour, they walked out of this large open area. It can be seen how vast this open area is. Of course, this is also due to the fact that the Yunyang Continent itself is It is very wide, several times larger than the earth, and the population of Yunyang Star is quite large, and not only humans, but also monsters and beasts coexist in this world.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others walked out of this open area, they heard a howl of wolves, first one, and then many wolves howled one after another. The little beauty Queen Lian Zi heard the wolf howling, and immediately cried out in surprise : "Brother, listen, there is the cry of a wolf, the wolf is coming."

As soon as the little beauty Wang Lianzi yelled, many wolves rushed towards Yang Xiaobao and the three of them, but they stopped when they were tens of meters away from Yang Xiaobao and the others, and kept howling. screamed, and all stared at Yang Xiaobao and the three of them ferociously, but did not attack immediately.

Yang Xiaobao took a look at these wolves, and found that these wolves were not monsters, but some ordinary prairie wolves, but there were quite a few of them, and they seemed densely packed, probably hundreds of them.

Jin Ximei and the little beauty queen Lianzi also saw that these wolves were not monsters, but ordinary animals, and they breathed a sigh of relief, but the little beauty queen Lianzi still patted her chest and said, "It's scary, so many wolves."

For such ordinary wolves, Yang Xiaobao and they are of course not afraid. Although there are a large number of these wolves, it is no problem to deal with ordinary people, but if these wolves want to deal with advanced martial artists like Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei, Then there is only death.

However, these prairie wolves obviously didn't realize this, and after they looked at the three of Yang Xiaobao for a while, the head wolf gave the order to attack. The little beauty queen Lianzi and the others rushed over.

However, these wolves fell down before they could pounce on Yang Xiaobao and the three of them, and they fell down silently, because Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei, as high-level martial artists at the level of Wuzun, could deal with these wolves. Ordinary wolves don't need much effort at all, they just need to raise their hands to kill these wolves.

Therefore, in just a moment, more than half of these wolves died, and even the head wolf died. Instead of hunting them down, the wolves were allowed to escape.

Yang Xiaobao and the others not only ignored the escaping wolves, but also ignored the corpses of wolves lying on the ground. After all, these wolves are just ordinary animals, not monsters. Their corpses are not worth anything to Wu Xiu , Raising Xiaobao will naturally ignore it.

Of course, these wolf carcasses are still of great use to ordinary people, so let the local herdsmen collect them.So Yang Xiaobao and the three of them immediately walked forward, leaving the grass first and then discussing it.

However, just as Yang Xiaobao and the others stepped out of the grass, they saw several hawks roaring down from the sky, and the target of these hawks was actually two children playing on the ground.

Seeing that the hawks were about to jump down and catch the two children, the little beauty Wang Lianzi immediately cried out in shock: "Big brother, it's not good, the two children are in danger."

As soon as the little beauty Wang Lianzi finished speaking, Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei flew up at the same time, and they pounced on the eagles in just an instant.

The two children's faces turned pale with fright at this time, and they didn't even cry. I don't know if they forgot to cry, or they were too scared to cry.

And just when the claws of the eagles were about to grab the collars of the two children, Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei arrived in time, and immediately grabbed the eagles in their hands. Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei struggled in their hands for a while, but they didn't break free at all, so the eagles didn't continue to struggle, but looked at Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei with pleading eyes.

Yang Xiaobao just hesitated for a moment, then exerted a little strength, and killed the eagle in his hand. Jin Ximei did the same, and killed the eagle in his hand.After all, these eagles have already posed a great threat to humans, and it is obviously inappropriate to keep their lives alive.

If these eagles were only catching chickens, Yang Xiaobao would not care about them, but it would be too much for these frenzied eagles to even catch children. Of course, such eagles can no longer be left in the world to harm people of.

And the two children cried loudly after seeing Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei kill the eagles that caught them. Obviously, they were too scared to cry just now, not because they didn't know how to cry. Now, this The two children dared to cry after they were out of danger, but there was still some fear in the cry.

Of course, this is no wonder, after all, these are only two children aged eight or nine, and they are still a little boy and a little girl. Immediately Yang Xiaobao looked at the two children and said, "Don't be afraid, the eagle is dead. Don't cry, uncle doesn't like children crying."

After the two children heard Yang Xiaobao's words, they stopped crying immediately, and then looked at Yang Xiaobao in horror. Yang Xiaobao saw the two children so scared, so he had to smile at them laugh.

Jin Ximei also said: "Little brother, little sister, don't be afraid, we are all good people."

"We are all good people, we were the ones who saved you two little brats just now." The little beauty Queen Lian Zi also stepped forward and said.

However, what was unexpected was that the little boy saluted Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei like a little adult, and then said, "Thank you uncle and aunt for saving your life."

The little girl also saluted Yang Xiaobao and the others in a dignified manner, and then said, "Thank you uncle and aunt for saving your life."

The three of Yang Xiaobao and the others couldn't help being surprised when they saw that these two children knew how to salute, and then they looked at each other and smiled. They were also moved by the innocence of these two children.

Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "You two children are quite sensible, not bad."

Jin Ximei also said immediately: "Little brother, little sister, where do you live? How dare you go out to play in the wild? It's dangerous here, you should go back quickly."

"Uncle, aunt, we are lost and we don't know how to get home." The little boy looked at Jin Ximei and said, his eyes were full of hope, obviously he wanted Jin Ximei to take them home, but he didn't dare to say come out.

"It's okay, tell me where your home is, uncle will send you two little guys back." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Thank you uncle, our home is in the empty city." The little boy said happily immediately, and the little girl also smiled.

"Empty city? Is it a city?" Yang Xiaobao couldn't help feeling strange when he heard the word "empty city", so he asked immediately.

"Yes, Uncle, an empty city is a city." The little boy said immediately.

"How did you get out of the city? How dare you run out of the city? You two children are too courageous." The little beauty Queen Lianzi said immediately.

"Auntie, we know we were wrong. From now on, we will never dare to go out of the city to play again." The little girl looked at the little beauty Queen Lian Zi and said.

Yang Xiaobao and the others don't know where the empty city is, they are also very unfamiliar with this place, but it's not difficult, as long as they find a place with people, they will naturally know where the empty city is after asking.

Yang Xiaobao immediately looked up at the sky, and found that it was already late at dusk, and there was still a large gorgeous rainbow hanging in the sky. Yang Xiaobao immediately decided not to walk, but to fly across the field, because He didn't know how far this wilderness was, and he had to reach the empty city before dark.

Of course, if there are only the three of Xiaobao and the others, it’s okay to camp in the wild. After all, they are all martial arts experts. Naturally, a child who is [-] years old cannot do this.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei immediately used the Wind Riding Technique after hugging a child, and immediately flew up. later.

As for the two children, when raising Xiaobao and Jin Ximei and taking them to fly, they didn't feel scared, but they were very curious, very interesting, and very yearning.

(End of this chapter)

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