Chapter 401 Overnight
Yang Xiaobao and the others quickly flew out of the field with the two lost children, and soon saw a village. After Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei saw the village, they immediately used the wind riding technique The Jiangzi Jue landed, and it just landed outside the village, and no one saw Yang Xiaobao and the others descend from the sky.

Of course, if no one saw it, that would be the best. If someone saw Yang Xiaobao descending from the sky, they wouldn't be scared.

However, as soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others landed, they saw a woman walking out of the village. This woman looked very young, and she was also somewhat pretty. She was about thirty years old. Seeing Yang Xiaobao standing outside the village entrance, he couldn't help being startled, and then looked at Yang Xiaobao a few more times.

After all, it was the first time for this woman to see such a handsome young man, and besides this young man was accompanied by two very beautiful women and two children, so the woman felt very curious, because they Few outsiders come in the village, but now there are several here.

Yang Xiaobao immediately asked the woman, "Sister-in-law, do you know where the empty city is?"

"Empty City? Are you going to Empty City? That's far away, big brother." Seeing that Yang Xiaobao asked her politely, the woman immediately replied enthusiastically.

"Sister-in-law, how far is it?" Yang Xiaobao asked again.

"It's more than 500 miles, big brother, it's getting dark now, and you don't have a car, I think you'd better go to my house to rest for one night, and leave tomorrow." The woman said enthusiastically.

When Yang Xiaobao heard the woman's answer, he immediately fell silent for a moment, and instead of answering immediately, he thought about it secretly, and felt that what the woman said made sense. It's not that far away, but they have two kids with them.

And Yang Xiaobao came out of Starlight City this time to travel, and this woman is so hospitable, why not just rest at her house for one night, and leave tomorrow is not too late.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately said: "Then there will be Mrs. Lao, let's bother at the house for a night."

Seeing Xiaobao agreeing, the woman was overjoyed and said, "Brother, you don't have to be polite, it's not easy for you to go out, so you can't talk about disturbing or not disturbing."

After the woman finished speaking, she immediately led the way, and immediately introduced Yang Xiaobao and the others into her home. The woman's home was well built. Although it was an ordinary private house, it occupied a large area. There is also a front hall, a back hall, and a large courtyard, but there are not many rooms, only three houses.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao and the others came in, they saw a man who was nearly 40 years old doing carpentry in the yard. This man was obviously the master of the house.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao entered the yard, he immediately felt a warm feeling, and immediately remembered his home on earth in his previous life. Yang Xiaobao was born in a rural area in his previous life on earth, and his family also had a courtyard, although it was not as big as this one. Big, but the artistic conception is similar, therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately had a feeling, an evocative and nostalgic feeling.

But at this time, the male owner of the house suddenly spoke, and said enthusiastically: "Is there a distinguished guest? Come in quickly."

Seeing that this man was also so enthusiastic, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but startled for a moment. The woman invited them to stay here so enthusiastically just now, but she didn't expect her man to be so hospitable. It's really rare, very rare.

It seems that the folk customs here are still very simple and very hospitable, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help saying in his heart, and then Yang Xiaobao nodded to the host.

Then, the woman arranged Yang Xiaobao and the others to rest in a large room, and there were three wooden beds in this big room, which were also very delicately made. After Yang Xiaobao and the others came in, they immediately thanked the woman, and then He sat down on the chair in the room.

The two children also sat down in the room obediently, and did not go out to play, but Yang Xiaobao suddenly remembered something, so he immediately asked the two children: "The empty city is so far away from here, how can you two children?" How did the guy get here?"

"Uncle, we came here by car. After we got out of the city, we got on a bus. After the bus arrived, we went out to play again, and ended up in the wild." The little boy said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard the little boy's words, he couldn't help but startled for a moment. He didn't expect that eight or nine-year-old children would be so courageous and dare to take a bus to play. If these two children didn't meet them today, they would have already Captured by an eagle.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help sighing, so he didn't continue to ask them questions, and after the two children answered Yang Xiaobao's question, they both leaned on the chairs and fell asleep, obviously tired and scared today , tortured these two children enough.

After Jin Ximei saw the two children fell asleep, she hugged them to the bed. Jin Ximei also felt a little emotional, thinking that the two children were also very bold, and they ran so far away, and they were so brave when she used the Wind Riding Technique. When the exercises took them flying, these two little guys didn't even know how to be afraid.

However, since these two children met them, Yang Xiaobao also decided to send them home safely, after all, saving people to the end, and these two children are still so polite, but they are too courageous .

However, Yang Xiaobao has a good feeling for these two children, and Yang Xiaobao also plans to teach them some martial arts and let them practice by themselves. After all, saving the two little guys once is also a kind of fate.

And just when Yang Xiaobao was thinking of imparting some exercises to the two children, the little beauty Wang Lianzi suddenly said: "Big brother, this family is so strange, don't you think?"

"This family is so warm and hospitable, what's so strange, don't make a fuss all the time, okay?" Jin Ximei immediately glared at the little beauty queen Lian Zi, and then said.

"Sister, don't you think that woman looked at Big Brother strangely just now? Her eyes were really bright when she looked at Big Brother." The little beauty queen Lianzi said again immediately.

When Jin Ximei heard what the little beauty queen Lianzi said, she recalled it immediately, and felt that what the little beauty queen Lianzi said was not wrong. The woman looked at Xiaobao just now with really bright eyes.

Thinking of this, Jin Ximei couldn't help but glanced at Yang Xiaobao, and then said with a smile: "Xiaobao, that woman must have taken a fancy to you, right?"

When Yang Xiaobao heard Jin Ximei's words, he couldn't help being taken aback, but he didn't answer, because it was not easy to answer, even if the woman fell in love with him, it wouldn't be surprising, but when Yang Xiaobao thought of this, he couldn't help feeling It was a bit weird, so Yang Xiaobao immediately said to Jin Ximei: "It has nothing to do with me whether he likes me, and she has a man at home, why are you so suspicious?"

"Big brother, I think that woman really has a crush on you, and my sister is not just being suspicious." The little beauty Queen Lian Zi also said immediately.

When Yang Xiaobao heard that the little beauty Queen Lianzi said the same thing, he immediately smiled and didn't say anything more. After all, there was nothing to say about this matter. Even if the woman fell in love with him, it was normal that she liked him a little bit, and a little bit admired him. It's also something that can't be helped, he can't say anything about raising Xiaobao, and there's nothing to say, let her like it if he likes it, and there's nothing wrong with it.

But let's not say it, that woman is indeed interested in Yang Xiaobao, and she has a mind to push Yang Xiaobao down, and she has reached an agreement with her man to let his man treat him Jin Ximei and the little beauty queen Lianzi attacked, but she pushed down and raised Xiaobao.

The reason why this woman wants to do this is not because she is flirtatious, nor is that man willing to wear a cuckold, but because they want to borrow Xiaobao's seed.

Because although her man is normal in all aspects, his sperm is not normal. No matter how hard the two work hard, they just can't plant seeds, and the couple really want to have children, so they thought of borrowing seeds.

And when the woman saw that Yang Xiaobao was so handsome and heroic, she immediately moved her mind, and immediately invited Yang Xiaobao and the others back home with great enthusiasm. Discuss with his man in the room.

His man immediately agreed. After all, he also knew that he was useless. He couldn't grow the seed himself. It would be better if he asked his woman to borrow a seed. If not, his family would lose the incense. Since you can borrow the seeds, you can also continue the incense of his family.

Although doing so made him wear a green hat, there was nothing he could do about it. Who told him he didn't have it?

And more importantly, when he saw Jin Ximei and the little beauty Queen Lianzi, he immediately felt itchy. Therefore, as soon as his woman talked to him, he immediately agreed, and he agreed very quickly, very simply, and also Some can't wait.

However, although this man and a woman have good ideas, whether they can get what they want is probably not as easy as they think. After all, raising Xiaobao and Jin Ximei is not an ordinary person. It is not that she wants to borrow such seeds. can be borrowed.

However, the man and the woman immediately discussed the method in secret, and they also discussed a detailed plan. They decided to do it at night, and after raising Xiaobao at night, they were all asleep, and then charmed them with incense.

Then, this woman directly pushed down Yang Xiaobao, and her man directly pushed down Jin Ximei and the little beauty queen Lianzi.

After the two people discussed it, they both had smiles on their faces. The man's smile was very obscene, and the woman's smile was very expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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