Chapter 444 Array in Array
After Yang Xiaobao hit dozens of palms in a row, the high-level martial artist immediately felt a lot of pain, but it was just hurting him, and he didn't hurt him, only minor injuries.

After all, this person is a strong martial artist, two levels higher than Yang Xiaobao's cultivation level, how can he be easily injured?What's more, Yang Xiaobao and the others only attacked him with palm force from the outside, but they didn't hit the real point, because Yang Xiaobao and the others didn't dare to get very close to Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert. , and may have been beaten to death by this person.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao would not do such a thing, and there is no need to raise Xiaobao now. You must know that since this person does not know the formation, it is impossible to leave here. This is tantamount to being locked up. Raise Xiaobao and they will slaughter them.

Yang Xiaobao and the others can naturally understand this point. Since this is the case, this person can't run away, so why bother?I believe that as long as Yang Xiaobao and the others continue to attack and attack in turn, this person will definitely die, at most he will live a little longer.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao and the others understand this, and Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert, naturally understands this too, but he understands it, but there is nothing he can do about it. After all, he is trapped in this formation, and he cannot advance or retreat. He can't retreat, that's not counting, he still can't see or hear anything in here, so although this person is in a hurry, he is just in a hurry.

Of course Yang Xiaobao doesn't care whether he is in a hurry or not. Since this person wants his life, and has chased them for so long, and also ran into the formation of the fruit forest, he can't be blamed. It is impossible to raise Xiaobao and let him go out alive.

Therefore, after Yang Xiaobao slapped dozens of palms, he immediately backed away and let Jin Ximei continue to fight. Jin Ximei was naturally not polite. She also used her full strength to slap dozens of palms one after another, and then backed away again In the future, when he changed his level, he would strike in the future, and in the future he would immediately hit dozens of palms. After another round of beatings, this high-level martial artist couldn't help crying out in pain.

The reason why Yang Xiaobao and the others had to take turns to attack this person was because Yang Xiaobao and the others were attacking from a long distance, which cost the most vitality and skill, not to mention they still shot with all their strength and attacked with all their strength?If you keep fighting alone, you will be exhausted after a short period of time, and once you collapse from exhaustion, not only will you not be able to hurt this high-level martial artist, but you may never be able to hurt him.

If Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the future three all attack together, if they are all exhausted, or even lose their strength, they must meditate to recover their strength before they can strike again. If Yang Xiaobao and the others meditate and rest, then Wu Wu, a high-level martial artist, also meditates and rests, and he can also take the opportunity to recover his strength. How could he be hurt if this continues?

Now, if you take turns to attack, the situation is different. In this way, Yang Xiaobao can't be exhausted if he hits dozens of palms, and Jin Ximei can still do a few dozen palms with ease. Yuan Li, the three of them take turns to attack, and the three of them have time to adjust the vitality in their bodies, but the high-level martial artist can only be beaten continuously, and the beating is non-stop, so he will not be able to bear it after all. Yes, and now, the effect has already been seen. Finally, this advanced martial artist couldn't bear the severe pain, so he cried out loudly.

However, his cry did not stop Yang Xiaobao and the others from attacking him, and they continued to slap him with palm after palm. The reason why Yang Xiaobao and the others kept attacking him with palm force was Instead of using fists or other weapons, it is because hitting with palm force is the most effective and wise way of fighting when you are not very close. It must be slightly inferior, and if you use fists, it will consume more energy, so it is most useful to strike with palms.

Yang Xiaobao and the others didn't stop when they heard the cries of this high-level martial artist. Although Yang Xiaobao and the others knew that the man had been beaten, and the pain was still severe, there was nothing Yang Xiaobao could do, it was impossible. Because the man cried out in pain, we stopped beating him.

After all, when this person was chasing and killing Yang Xiaobao and the others, they didn't stop chasing because Yang Xiaobao and the others were afraid, and they still pursued them relentlessly, and now, it is impossible for Yang Xiaobao and the others to hurt this person , just stop, this is impossible, hurting him is not the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal is to kill him.

Yang Xiaobao knew a principle long ago, a truth, that is, treat friends as warm as the spring breeze, and treat enemies as cruel and ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves.But now that this high-level martial artist has chased and killed them for so long, he is already an endless enemy, Yang Xiaobao and the others will naturally deal with him like the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao and the others still took turns to attack as usual, and still slapped and slapped. Finally, the high-level martial arts expert couldn't stand the pain, and finally went crazy, and the advanced martial arts expert Wu Wu immediately shouted With a sound, he then slapped forward with two palms with all his strength.

And the power of the two palms that this senior martial arts expert exerted all his strength is no small matter. After he struck these two palms, he heard a crashing sound, and then a big tree was broken, and then another tree was broken. Big trees, and once the two big trees were broken, a little light appeared in front of this high-level martial arts expert. This person was no longer blind, and could actually see clearly within a radius of two or three meters.

After seeing this sudden change, Wu Wu, a high-level martial artist, immediately became ecstatic. After all, he has been trapped in this formation for so long, and now he finally sees a glimmer of light, and it is no longer filled with smoke. , Of course he was very happy with such an astonishing change.

So, this high-level martial artist ran forward immediately, but as soon as he ran out of this bright place, he was immediately filled with smoke and was trapped again. However, because of the experience just now, this person Immediately, two more palms were struck down, and then there was another sound, and then two big trees fell down, and then another bright place appeared.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this situation, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and Jin Ximei cried out anxiously: "Xiaobao, what should we do? If this continues, this person will definitely run out of this fruit forest."

Yang Xiaobao also became anxious, if he didn't think of a way, this person might really be able to escape from the fruit forest, and once he was allowed to escape from the fruit forest, it would be impossible to deal with him again, but Yang Xiaobao was in a hurry He couldn't think of a good solution, and now he heard Jin Ximei's anxious voice, so he could only comfort him and said, "It's okay, I'll come up with a solution."

After Yang Xiaobao thought for a while, he immediately thought that he still needs to use formations to trap this person, and he must not be allowed to escape from the fruit forest. However, Yang Xiaobao has not thoroughly studied the formations in this fruit forest. Cut, it is impossible to put out the same formation.

But Yang Xiaobao still thought of a way. Although he couldn't form the same formation as the fruit forest, Yang Xiaobao could also add a trap formation to this formation, and he could also create another chain trap for him. Formation, when the time comes, this high-level martial artist will be trapped in the formation, and he will definitely not be able to escape.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao immediately took out stones and threw them on some key parts, and then set up a formation, and it was still a series of sleepy formations. Yang Xiaobao laid it all the way down, one after another. If a strong martial artist attacks here again, no matter how hard he exerts, it will be of no avail.

Yang Xiaobao quickly added a chain of traps to the open space opened by the high-level martial arts expert, and then these bright places were filled with smoke again. The high-level martial arts expert couldn't help but see this sudden change. He was so shocked that he almost jumped up, because he worked so hard to create such a bright place, and now, he couldn't see anything, how could this not make him extremely angry?

However, no matter how angry this person is, it is useless. After all, these places have returned to their original smoky appearance, and now he can neither see nor hear anything.After being angry, Wu Wu, a high-ranking martial arts expert, slapped two palms forward like a madman, and then there was another sound, and then two big trees were interrupted, and then there was a glimmer of light exposed.

And before this high-level martial arts expert had time to be happy, the glimmer of light disappeared, and it was still filled with smoke. Of course, the reason why this happened was naturally Yang Xiaobao's masterpiece, because Yang Xiaobao was in this place again He dropped some stones, and then set up a series of traps.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao's formation speed is getting faster and faster. After all, Yang Xiaobao has also formed a lot of formations, and he has also used the formation method to kill a lot of martial arts experts. Now in this fruit forest, it happens that You can let Yang Xiaobao practice the skill of arranging formations, and you can also trap this high-level martial arts expert with a series of traps. This is indeed a double-winner.

Therefore, now raising Xiaobao is not afraid that this high-level martial arts expert will go crazy, and he is not afraid that he will continue to interrupt the big tree with his palms, because no matter how many big trees he interrupts, it will not help, and raising Xiaobao can block it in time with a series of traps gap.

Moreover, the frequent exertion of this high-level martial artist also consumed a lot of his vitality and power, and he was extremely tired. However, this person did not stop, and still violently attacked the air in front of him like a madman.

(End of this chapter)

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