Chapter 445

Under the rage, Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert, kept waving his palms and attacking the air in front of him with force, and trees kept falling down, making noises, and a ray of light flashed in front of his eyes. .

On the other hand, Yang Xiaobao kept throwing stones and forming a series of trapped formations, and as the trapped formations continued to form, no matter how little palms Wu Wu used, no matter how much strength he used, it would be of no avail. How much light appeared before his eyes, but was immediately covered by darkness and clouds.

And the more this is the case, the more angry Wu Wu is, the more angry he is, the more he uses all his strength to continuously hit the air in front of him. At first he was able to break down the big tree filled with smoke, listening He heard some noises, and in the end, no matter how many palms he slapped, no matter how angry he was, he still couldn't break a big tree, and he couldn't hear a single sound, and there was no ray of light in front of his eyes again. , I only saw the smog filling my eyes, I couldn't see anything clearly, I couldn't hear anything.

After hitting a few more palms in a row, this high-level martial artist stopped immediately, and then sat down on the ground. Although he was still furious, there was nothing he could do. After all, he was already trapped in the formation, and he was already Others occupy the fat on the board, and now he is powerless to make any resistance, because any of his actions are useless.

Originally, after Wu Wu, a high-level martial arts expert, kept hitting the air in front of him, breaking several big trees, and showing some light, he was still ecstatic, thinking that he had found a way, thinking that this would open a way out, But who would have thought that just after he made a road, just after he made a little light, he became like this again, and he became like this again, and he still couldn't see or hear anything, and now, he no matter what No matter how he moved, he didn't hear a sound, nor saw a glimmer of light.

Therefore, this high-level martial artist has fallen into a feeling of despair at this moment. Of course, he has now understood why the small gap he just opened was blocked so quickly, and the glimmer of light he just made was blocked by endless Darkness engulfs.

Now, he has understood that this must be the kid who has been hunted down by him for a long time, and the ghosts of those women who don't know how to live or die beside him. Now he naturally knows that raising Xiaobao and the others must be proficient. Otherwise, he himself will be trapped in the formation, but Yang Xiaobao and the others are nothing, not only nothing, but they are constantly attacking him, and he can only let him attack, because he has nothing to do. You can't see it, you can't hear it.

However, even though Wu Wu, a high-ranking martial artist, understood what was going on, there was still nothing he could do. However, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Shameless bastard, and those bastards, let me listen to you!" Well, it is not so easy for you to want me to die, I just want to die..."

Wu Wu, a high-level martial artist, stopped immediately when he said this, because he couldn't continue. He wanted to say a few threatening words, but he didn't know what to say. Indeed, he is now trapped in the formation Even if others occupy the fat on the board, he has no choice but to fight and kill others how they want to. How can he say this threat?So this high-level martial artist stopped here, and he had to stop.

Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but smile when he heard the words of this high-level martial arts expert. This person is just a dead duck. At this point, he still wants to threaten him. If Yang Xiaobao meets him outside, only He had tried his best to escape, but now he was trapped in the formation, and he couldn't believe what else he could do, what else he could do.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao also immediately said: "Hey, if you surrender now, cut off your meridians and abolish your martial arts, brother, I can still spare your life, or we will beat you to death."

"You shameless and nasty boy, I will never surrender, so use whatever you have." The senior martial arts expert immediately said angrily. It is more shameful for a low-level warrior to surrender than to kill him, so this person is determined not to surrender.

Moreover, this person also heard the condition that Yang Xiaobao asked him to surrender just now, that is to let him cut off his meridians and abolish his martial arts. If he really did this and just surrendered like this, then what's the point of his life?And if that is the case, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will not let him go, he will still die when the time comes, so this high-level martial artist knows that he must die now, not in this formation, if he really wants to surrender, after abolishing his martial arts, He must also die in the hands of His Royal Highness the Prince.

Therefore, this person immediately decided to deal with Yang Xiaobao and the others in this formation until the last moment, and he also believed that with his high martial arts level cultivation, it would not be a short while for Yang Xiaobao and the others to kill him , and live from moment to moment, from moment to moment, even though he can't see the light now, he just lives in darkness, but after all he is still alive and can breathe air, that's enough.

Yang Xiaobao heard the words of this high-level martial artist and knew his determination not to surrender, so he immediately attacked with all his strength, and he still hit dozens of palms in a row. Since this person is unwilling to surrender, he should be killed. Of course, the only way to kill him is to kill him. After all, he is a strong martial artist. It is impossible for Yang Xiaobao to touch his acupoints. If Little Treasure didn't kill this high-level martial arts expert, after this advanced martial arts expert went out, he would definitely continue to chase and kill him.

But after Yang Xiaobao slapped dozens of palms in succession, the man started to hurt again, and the pain was still so severe that he almost didn't cry out. Then Jin Ximei and Future attacked him in turn, and both Jin Ximei and Future He hit him with all his might, because the man had already yelled several times in succession, and it was obvious that he was in excruciating pain.

However, Yang Xiaobao and the others did not stop, and continued to attack with all their strength. After Yang Xiaobao and the others used a lot of palm force in turn, Wu Wu, the senior martial arts expert, finally couldn't bear it, and was finally injured, and immediately a mouthful of blood Spit it out.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the man had been beaten until he vomited blood, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. It seemed that their attacks in turn had an effect, so Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future three struck again and again, this time Instead of attacking in turn, they shot together.

The power of Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future's three shots together is also extraordinary. Immediately, the strength of the vitality palm was like an overwhelming mountain, covering the body of this advanced martial arts expert, and then covering the entire body of this advanced martial arts expert.

Immediately, the senior martial artist spat out another mouthful of blood. Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the future three saw that the effect was good, so they didn't stop, and continued to use palms, continuously covering all the vitality and skills on this person. On his body, the man spurted blood immediately, and finally couldn't hold on any longer, and finally fell down.

And they were too tired to raise Xiaobao, Jin Ximei and Future were sweating heavily, and the exquisite curves on their bodies were also looming, which looked very tempting, but no one noticed these, it was impossible for that high-level martial arts expert He will notice this, because he has been seriously injured and fell to the ground. Besides, even if he is not seriously injured or fell to the ground, he cannot notice the temptation of Future and Jin Ximei, because in front of him are all It was a cloud of smoke and nothing could be seen.

As for Yang Xiaobao, he didn't notice the fatal temptation of Jin Ximei and Future. He had already pulled out the star dagger, and then rushed into the formation, and then thrust the dagger into the man's back, and then It pierced through the true energy shield on this person.

After Yang Xiaobao pierced the man's true essence shield, he then tapped several big acupuncture points on his body, and then pierced his dantian, abolishing the martial arts of this advanced martial arts expert, and then Yang Xiaobao immediately stood up. up.

"Xiaobao, aren't you going to kill him?" Jin Ximei got up when she saw that Yang Xiaobao had disabled this man's martial arts, so she immediately asked.

"Forget it, let him live. God has the virtue of being good at life. We don't have to kill him. Besides, he has lost his martial arts now, and he can't be our enemy, and he can't follow behind the prince to harm others. , it's better to spare his life." Yang Xiaobao said immediately.

"Xiaobao is right, it's better to spare his life." Future also said immediately.

Jin Ximei also nodded immediately, thinking that this is also very good, it doesn't matter if this person dies or not, the most important thing is, as Yang Xiaobao said, he is now useless in martial arts, just want to do evil It's all impossible.

Yang Xiaobao immediately picked up this person, and said to Jin Ximei and the others: "Let's go, we can go out now."

Jin Ximei and the future promised, and then they walked out of the fruit forest with Yang Xiaobao. After Yang Xiaobao walked out of the fruit forest, he immediately threw the high-level martial artist on the ground, and then unlocked his acupuncture points. The person immediately woke up, and seeing that he was not dead, he couldn't help being at a loss for a while.

Then, the man practiced his skills again, and found that his martial arts had been exhausted, so he lowered his head helplessly. It was his own fault that a high-level martial artist turned into an ordinary person with no martial arts. If he hadn't chased and killed Yang Xiaobao and the others, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Of course, from the standpoint of this high-level martial arts expert, even if he chased and killed Yang Xiaobao, there was nothing wrong with him. The fault was that he was not capable enough. The result of Xiaobao's mercy, otherwise he would not be alive now, and raising Xiaobao not only did not kill him, but also brought him out of the formation of the fruit forest. If he was not brought out of the formation, he would be in the Can't get out, and can only wait to die in the formation.

Therefore, the mood of this high-level martial artist is also very complicated. No matter what, he is still alive, which is better than anything else, and he has also come out of the smoky fruit forest, and he has seen the light.

(End of this chapter)

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