Chapter 462 Imperial Capital
After Yang Xiaobao and the others left Watanabe Castle, they immediately flew up using the Wind Riding Technique, and they flew very high and very fast. However, they didn't fly very far before landing, because The purpose of raising Xiaobao to fly is not to hurry, but to prevent people from the Shaqiu Gang from following him, so there is no need for him to use the Wind Riding Technique to fly all the time, after all, it consumes too much vitality.

After Yang Xiaobao and the others landed, they walked over to a road, because if Yang Xiaobao and the others wanted to go to the capital of the empire, they couldn't walk there. With Jin Ximei and Future, they saw a car approaching as soon as they got on the road, but it was not a passenger car, but a large truck.

Yang Xiaobao saw that the car was a big truck, not a passenger car, so he didn't ask to stop, but Jin Ximei waved vigorously at the big truck. The driver of the big truck saw a beautiful woman waving, and immediately drove the big truck to the side of the road to stop down.

As soon as the truck stopped, the driver poked his head out and shouted, "Beauty, do you want to take a ride?"

Jin Ximei was not in a hurry to answer the truck driver's question, but looked at Yang Xiaobao and said, "Xiaobao, shall we take this big truck?"

Yang Xiaobao nodded immediately. After all, it doesn't matter what kind of car you take, as long as you can reach the capital of the empire. However, in the future, he still asked Jin Ximei: "Sister Jin, why do you want to stop a big truck?"

"I haven't ridden in a truck yet! It's good to experience it once." Jin Ximei said immediately.

"That's right, just take it as an experience, and it's not bad to take a truck." Yang Xiaobao also said immediately, after all, this is not the earth, no one cares about what kind of car you take, and it's okay to ride a truck once in a while.

Seeing that Jin Ximei and the others were only talking and didn't answer his questions, the driver immediately became a little upset, and then said, "Beauty, do you still take the car? If you don't take the car, I will leave."

"Sit, take the car, master, please take us to the capital of the empire, we can pay you the fare." Future also said immediately.

"Okay, come on up, the woman sits in the front of the car, and the man sits in the carriage." The driver said immediately, talking about Future and Jin Ximei without blinking his eyes, Yang Xiaobao saw the driver's such a pig song Seeing Jin Ximei and Future almost not drooling, she couldn't help but smile.

Of course Yang Xiaobao knew what the driver was thinking, but he didn't care. After all, Jin Ximei and Future were not ordinary women. If the driver wanted to get their ideas, he might suffer.

However, as soon as the driver finished speaking, Jin Ximei immediately said: "I don't want to sit in the front of the car, I want to sit in the carriage."

The driver was taken aback when he heard Jin Ximei's words, and he was also very puzzled. Generally speaking, girls like to ride in the front of the car. After all, sitting in the front of the car is much more comfortable than sitting in the compartment, but Jin Ximei did not expect that I don't even like to ride in the front of the car, but to sit in the carriage.

However, the driver didn't force it, but looked to the future and said, "What about you, beauty, are you in the front of the car or in the carriage?"

"I'll just sit in the front of the car." Future said without thinking.

Seeing that Future was willing to sit in the front of the car, the driver immediately became happy. He opened the door and asked Future to get into the driver's cab, while Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and two little boys sat in the compartment of the large truck.

Fortunately, the compartment of this large truck is not fully enclosed, but only half closed, with the top and the back open, so people don't feel stuffy when sitting in it, Yang Xiaobao and Jin Ximei both think it is very good, As for the two little boys, as long as they don't walk, they are very happy as long as they have a car.

After the future sat in the driver's cab, the driver immediately started the car, and then drove on the road. Although he looked at the future from time to time, he was quite well-behaved, he didn't talk nonsense, and he didn't make any moves. Of course, this By the way, if the driver does something bad, I'm afraid it won't be so good. Although Future has a good temper, if he offends her, it won't be easy to deal with.

However, after the driver drove for a while, he couldn't bear it any longer, so he started to talk to Future. At first, Future even managed a few words, and the driver heard that Future's voice was so nice, so he Once he couldn't control it, he started talking endlessly. Afterwards, Future also got tired of listening and tired of talking, so he ignored him.

Fortunately, the driver was very sensible, seeing that he would no longer talk to him in the future, he didn't say anything, but started driving wholeheartedly. As for Yang Xiaobao, he closed his eyes and rested his mind as soon as he got in the car, and Jin Ximei and the two A little boy was talking in a low voice, and looked at the roadside scenery from time to time.

At night, the driver parked the car on the side of the road to rest, Xiaobao and Jin Ximei, and the two little boys fell asleep in the car, and the driver also let go of a row of chairs at the front of the car, and was also ready to rest , but the future stood up, because she was going to rest in the carriage, but the driver refused to let him, and wanted to spend the night with him in the front of the car. Of course, the future did not agree. How about sleeping in the front of the car with a man?This is obviously impossible.

But the driver repeatedly asked Future to sleep in the front of the car, and even held Future's hand, but he didn't. He rushed over, but the future was easily moved aside. Although the position of the front of the car is not large, it can't affect the future's actions at all. Just kidding, the future is not an ordinary girl, and the future is still transformed by the system elf , and the future is still a high-level martial arts powerhouse, how can this driver easily bump into him?
But now, the driver was emptied all of a sudden, and then threw himself on the car door, and because the driver used too much force just now and was obsessed with sex, he slammed into the car door all of a sudden, and immediately smashed the glass of the car door It was broken, that's not counting, the driver knocked his head on the car door, and immediately hit his head and bled.

And the future ignored him, but opened the car door directly, and then came into the car. As soon as she came in, she saw Jin Ximei blinking at her and smiling at her, and then Jin Ximei said: " In the future, did that person touch you?"

"Sister Jin, how do you know?" Hearing Jin Ximei's words, Future asked immediately.

"You guys are making such a big commotion above, how could I not know about it?" Jin Ximei smiled immediately, and then said again.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that person to be like this, and he wanted to jump on me." Future said immediately.

"Did that person jump on you?" Jin Ximei immediately looked at the future and smiled, then asked narrowly.

"How is that possible? Sister Jin, that person jumped on the car door and knocked down the door." Future said immediately.

When Jin Ximei heard Future's words, she immediately laughed again, and took a look at Yang Xiaobao, and found that Yang Xiaobao was still resting with his eyes closed. In fact, Yang Xiaobao knew about Future and that driver's movement and movements at the front of the car. It was very clear, although he did not open his eyes, but he had a spiritual consciousness technique, which was much clearer than seeing with eyes.

And the driver saw that not only did he not rush to the future, but he also broke the door, which is not counted, even his head was hit now, and his face was bleeding, and he still had a headache, but the driver didn't call Pain, but did not make a sound, but touched a piece of medicinal cloth wrapped around the head, and then quietly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the driver drove on the road. He didn't ask Future and Jin Ximei to sit in the front of the car, but drove away without saying a word. He also saw that the future is definitely not an ordinary woman, she should be a strong martial artist. Although he has never practiced martial arts, he still knows martial arts.

When the driver thought that the future might be a Wuxiu, he broke out in a cold sweat in fright, and shouted that it was dangerous. Fortunately, the woman didn't attack him. If a strong Wuxiu attacked him, even ten people would be killed. .

Therefore, this driver got up early in the morning and drove on the road. He just wanted to return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, and let the people who took his car get off the car. Of course, it would be right for this driver to think so. If you don't know what is good and bad, and want to pester Jin Ximei and Future two people desperately, I'm afraid it's more than just suffering. Although Yang Xiaobao and the others won't really kill him, they certainly won't let him go so easily of.

But now this person is driving on the road honestly, raising Xiaobao and the others as if nothing happened, and will not look for the driver again, and now raising Xiaobao and the others are also talking in the car The conversation was very relaxed and casual, and Future and Jin Ximei laughed happily from time to time.

Several hours later, near the evening, the big truck arrived at the gate of the imperial capital. The driver stopped the car immediately, and then called Yang Xiaobao and the others to get off the car. Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the others in the future Several people also came out of the carriage. After Yang Xiaobao got out of the carriage, he immediately threw a gold coin to the driver, and said, "Go to the doctor's office to see, don't get infected, and remember not to heal your scars in the future." pain."

The driver took the gold coin from Yang Xiaobao, then nodded hurriedly, saying yes again and again, and never dared to say it again, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but find it funny when he saw the driver like this, so he didn't bother with Yu Instead, he walked towards the city gate, and Jin Ximei, Future, and two little boys quickly followed.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao came to the city gate, he immediately saw a few big characters on the city gate: "The Capital of the Lanhao Empire". Yang Xiaobao saw these big characters are vigorous and powerful, and the gate tower is majestic, so he couldn't help but read a few more times. You must know that this city gate is much more magnificent than the capital city of the Huayang Empire and the Storm City of the Shenyuan Empire.

Yang Xiaobao looked at it for a while, and felt a little emotional again, and stood by the city gate for more than ten minutes. Finally, Jin Ximei reminded Yang Xiaobao, and Yang Xiaobao woke up from the fugue, and then asked The city gate walked over, and then they paid the entry fee, and they all entered the capital of the Lanhao Empire after raising Xiaobao.

After entering the city, Yang Xiaobao immediately saw a bustling scene. The street was full of traffic, pedestrians were like oranges, and there were all kinds of small cars. These cars looked very expensive. However, Yang Xiaobao But Bao didn't know these cars, and Yang Xiaobao had never seen these cars in Huayang Empire and Shenyuan Empire.

While Yang Xiaobao and the others were watching the street scene, a luxury car stopped in front of Yang Xiaobao, and two people stepped out of the car immediately, saluting Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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