Chapter 463 Stronghold
Yang Xiaobao was taken aback when he saw a luxury car suddenly stop in front of him, and then saw two people get off the car, Yang Xiaobao immediately understood, although Yang Xiaobao didn't know this car, but The two people who got off the car raised Xiaobao, but they knew each other.

And not only did Yang Xiaobao know these two people, but Jin Ximei and Future also knew each other, because these two were members of the Tianji Mansion of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Shenyuan Empire, and one of them was the team leader, but not Yang Xiaobao. The brigade, but the small captain of Jin Ximei's brigade.

The team leader is called Su Gong, he is tall and thin, and he also has the third level of Wuzhen. Su Gong was about to drive out of the city, but suddenly he saw that Yang Xiaobao and the others had just entered the city, and they were still on the road. Looking around, it was obviously the first time to come here, so he ordered people to park the car at Yang Xiaobao's side, and then hurriedly got out of the car to salute Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and the three captains in the future.

When Su Gong, the team leader, was in the training base of Tianji Mansion, he admired Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and future team leaders, and Su Gong had also received Jin Ximei's guidance on the cultivation of exercises, so he was very grateful, and Now that they suddenly meet in the capital of the Lanhao Empire, they are naturally very excited, and they are still very excited.

When the team leader Su Gong was sent to the capital city of the Lanhao Empire by His Royal Highness, His Highness also placed high hopes on the Lanhao Empire, because the Prime Minister Zhuge Mingyue's intelligence was outstanding, and the Lanhao Empire was sent to the capital city of the Lanhao Empire. The business is very prosperous. The Shenyuan Empire sent troops to attack several times, but they all returned without attacking. Therefore, the Shenyuan Empire has not yet captured an inch of the Lanhao Empire.

Therefore, after the team leader Su Gong was sent to the capital of the Lanhao Empire, they received the most attention and received the most activity funds. Moreover, as soon as Su Gong came here, the situation was quickly opened up. , and also started spy activities in the capital of the empire. Although it has not penetrated into the military camp of the Lanhao Empire, it has already started in two important institutions.

As for Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, Future, the little beauty Wang Lianzi, and Ms. Ouyang, the five captains are important members of the family support army, the people in Tianji Mansion already knew that, later, His Royal Highness was captured by Yang Xiaobao and the others. , and let him take poison. Although the poison was fake, His Royal Highness didn't know about it, and he still believed it. So after His Royal Highness returned, he found some reasons to support Xiaobao and the other five adults. The captain excused himself.

Of course, His Royal Highness is now a member of the Family Support Army. After all, he once made a soul oath in front of Yang Xiaobao. If he breaks the oath, his soul will collapse and die, even though he is now the crown prince of the Shenyuan Empire , but brought the entire Tianji Mansion to work for the Family Support Army.

If He Lianlang, the emperor of the Shenyuan Empire, knew about this, he would definitely be furious. If Sima, the prime minister, knew about it, he would definitely be furious, but since His Royal Highness is a prince, who would have thought of it?Emperor Helian Lang would not have thought of it, and Prime Minister Sima would not have thought of it either.

Of course, the various empires are now in a short period of calm, and it has become a stalemate. There is no war happening now, because the family support army is only in Starlight City, relying on solid city defenses. Prime Minister Sima knows that As for the Huayang Empire, because of the natural danger of the Yunjiang River, and Zhan Feiyi, the suzerain of the orthodox sect, who is loyal and responsible for the Huayang Empire, even though the Shenyuan Empire occupies half of the Huayang Empire, there is still nothing to do.

The Lanhao Empire is guarded by Prime Minister Zhuge Mingyue, and it is even more impenetrable, so the Shenyuan Empire stopped expanding outwards, but the emperor of the Shenyuan Empire, He Lianlang, did not let it go. Another way is to use the form of spy organization infiltration, and he also handed over this important task to his son, the prince of the empire, and the prince also did a good job, first held a martial arts conference, and then went all out Make use of these martial arts experts to form the Tianji Mansion.

However, what Emperor He Lianlang never imagined in his dreams was that the day His Royal Highness established the Tianji Mansion, he was infiltrated by the family-supporting army, and he was also the most important member of the family-raising army, and even became the five captains of the Tianji Mansion , this is not counted, in the end, even His Royal Highness the Prince became the breadwinner of the family army.

Of course, the emperor of the Shenyuan Empire does not know these things now, because the Tianji Mansion is run by the Crown Prince. It can be said that the people in the Tianji Mansion are all the entourages of the Crown Prince, and there are no people from other factions. He didn't know about Tianji Mansion at all, even the emperor He Lianlang didn't know, after all, he was his son, and he also liked this son quite a lot, so he made him the crown prince.

As the saying goes, to fight with brothers, to fight with father and son, for an important secret service agency like Tianji Mansion, Emperor Helian Lang would naturally be handed over to the crown prince, but he did not expect that the crown prince would be controlled by others, and it was completely controlled from top to bottom. Suddenly, the entire Tianji Mansion was controlled by the Family Support Army.

But now, when the team leader Su Gong saw Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future, he immediately became very excited, and immediately invited Yang Xiaobao and the others to Tianji Mansion's stronghold in the imperial capital.

Of course, although Su Gong was very puzzled and curious about the three captains Yang Xiaobao, Future, and Jin Ximei coming here, he didn't ask, and he didn't dare to ask. After all, Tianji Mansion is a level. Although the strict secret service agency has not been established for a long time, it has a strict system, and His Royal Highness is a murderer without blinking an eye. Therefore, it is so strict and ruthless throughout the training.

In the eyes of these people in Tianji Mansion, there are only tasks, only achievements, only orders, no human feelings, and it can be said that they are inhumane. However, the five brigades of Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, Future, Little Beauty Wang Lianzi, and Miss Ouyang , but it is different, because these five team captains are not heartless people, so these teams still have some human touch in the whole training, and the total score of Yang Xiaobao and his team is also higher than that of the other five teams. The brigade is much taller, that's why people from Jin Ximei's brigade were sent to such an important place as the Lanhao Empire.

But now, Yang Xiaobao, Future, Jin Ximei and others got into the car of the team leader Su Gong, and then headed for the stronghold of Tianji Mansion. The reason why Yang Xiaobao wanted to go to the stronghold of Tianji Mansion with Su Gong Take a look for yourself to see what these people in Tianji Mansion have done here, that is to say, go and inspect it.

Originally, Yang Xiaobao had no plan to inspect the stronghold of Tianji Mansion, and he didn't even think about it, but when he just entered the city, he saw the car of the team leader Su Gong, and then he saw people, Therefore, Yang Xiaobao decided to take a look.

Of course, if Yang Xiaobao wants to unify Yunyang Star, the most important thing is to rely on his own powerful martial arts cultivation. Only with super strong martial arts can he do this in the fastest and shortest time, but since there is A secret service agency exists, and Yang Xiaobao also wants to use it. Although it is not very useful in unifying Yunyang Star, these people can still play some role once it is unified.

After all, raising Xiaobao has no thought, and he doesn't have the time to manage Yunyang Star. After the reunification, raising Xiaobao will not be the emperor, because raising Xiaobao's greatest pursuit is not the secular imperial power, but the supreme martial arts.

It didn't take much time, just over ten minutes, Su Gong took Yang Xiaobao and the others to the outside of Tianji Mansion's stronghold in the Lanhao Empire.After Yang Xiaobao got off the car, he immediately saw a huge manor. The area of ​​this manor is really not small, and the environment here looks quite good, the air is fresh, and it is very quiet.

The most important thing is that this manor is still in the capital of the Lanhao Empire, not in the suburbs. Of course, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spent a considerable amount of money to purchase this huge manor. Seeing this manor, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but click Nodding his head, it seems that this Su Gong still has some insight, and he has learned well. He actually knows that buying a manor and using such a place as a spy base is the most suitable for spy activities, and it is extremely concealed. In the imperial capital, this is also conducive to spy operations, which is very good.

So, Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future followed Su Gong into the manor. After Su Gong entered the manor, he walked along the way and gave some introductions, and also focused on the history of the manor. The manor was originally the property of a prince of the Lanhao Empire. Later, after the prince fell, he changed hands with others. After several changes of hands, by the time Su Gong bought it, it had changed hands with more than ten people.

Of course, the people who bought this manor were all dignitaries, but unfortunately, all the people who bought this manor died strangely after half a year of moving in, so they kept changing hands. After the news spread, few people cared about it, so Su Gong had the opportunity to buy this manor, but when he bought this manor, he didn't know these things. After all, he just arrived in the Lanhao Empire and was eager to find a manor. As a stronghold, he just saw the news of the sale of this manor, and more importantly, as a trained spy, he took a fancy to this place at a glance.

However, after Su Gong knew the history of this manor, he was also quite scared. Now, when he saw the arrival of the three captains Yang Xiaobao, Jin Ximei, and Future, he was overjoyed immediately, and immediately put this The situation was explained to Yang Xiaobao and the others.

Hearing Su Gong's introduction, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help thinking for a while. If it was true that he died strangely after living there for half a year, then it must be abnormal. Maybe there is something strange about this manor. Little Treasure couldn't help becoming a little interested in this manor, and he was still very interested. He decided to find out what was so weird about this manor.

(End of this chapter)

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