Chapter 104

Yao Yao didn't like the way Mu Li looked at Qin Yilan, she turned her body to block it, and said, "Miss Mu Li, my third sister is unwell and cannot entertain you. How about you go back too?"

Compared to driving Yao Ying away, she was more polite to Mu Li.

Mu Li sighed, and said softly, "Forget it, I'm nosy. Brother Yilan, then I'll go first."

When she said goodbye, she only said goodbye to Qin Yilan, and she didn't pay attention to others.

As soon as Mu Li left, Qin Yilan couldn't bear it any longer, hugged Yao Yao into his arms, and whispered into her ear, "Madam is domineering and cute when she lectures others. It's a pity I can't see it, otherwise Madam's heroic appearance must be Could break my heart."

Yao Yao yelled in horror, "Master Hou, what are you doing?"

"I want to kiss you—"

"Nonsense, nonsense! Lord Hou, this is my third sister's bedroom. The third sister is still here!"

"Ah—" Qin Yilan said speechlessly, "I really forgot."

In a trance, he thought this was his own palace, the kind where he could do whatever he wanted.Those words just now were indeed a bit ambiguous.

But he really couldn't restrain himself, he wanted to hug her and kiss her for a long, long time.

Through the curtain, what Yao Yu heard and saw was so sore that her teeth ached.

Why can't the second prince treat her like Lord Hou?
Why is Lord Hou blind?
How nice it would be if he wasn't blind?At first...

She shouldn't have changed that letter in the first place.

For a moment, regret and annoyance filled the whole heart.

Yao Yao dragged Qin Yilan to the table, and brought the medicine residue, "Master Hou, take a look, is there any problem with the medicine that Sanmei drank?"

Qin Yilan sniffed it, "No problem, it's a good medicine for calming the nerves and relieving pregnancy."

"Then Hou Ye will help Third Sister take the pulse and see what's going on."


Qin Yilan lifted the curtain, walked to the inner room, and immediately smelled a strange smell, "Exotic style."

"What?" Yao Yao asked hurriedly.

"Fanbang, north of northern Xinjiang, has a unique ecstasy fragrance."

Ecstasy?Yao Yao was horrified, really someone wanted to kill her third sister?

"Where is the ecstasy incense? Lord Hou, help me find it."

The smell in the room was a bit strong, and I couldn't find a place for a while.

Yao Yao asked anxiously, "Master Hou? Can you do it?"

"Huh?" Qin Yilan turned sideways in surprise.

Did he hear wrong?What is she questioning him about?
"Yao'er, ask again."

"Ah?" Yao Yao was also dumbfounded by him, "Uh, I'm asking, can you find Mihunxiang, Lord Hou? If not, do you need help?"

"Who please?"

"Master Gu Gu, the genius doctor. I think he can do it." Yao Yao smiled slightly.

"..." Qin Yilan held back his anger and said softly, "Don't provoke me, girl. Although I haven't shown it to you, you can't question my ability. If you make me angry, you will have no fruit to eat."

Yao Yao was aggrieved and muttered, "Master Hou is really small-minded."

"Men are very fancy about this aspect. Don't ask me if I can do it in the future."

In this regard?which aspect?Medical skills?Is it necessary to take it so seriously?
It's not necessary, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are inferior to others!

Qin Yilan searched for it, and secretly glanced at the bathtub. "It should be in the bath."

Yao Yao hurriedly went to look for clues, saw two packs of incense lying beside the bath, took it up and smelled it, a fresh fragrance rushed into the tip of her nose, she felt refreshed and extremely comfortable.

"Is it this? Master Hou?" Yao Yao walked to Qin Yilan's side with a sachet in her hand.

Qin Yilan took it and smelled it, "Yes, it's this thing."

"It doesn't look like it. I smell this fragrance, and it's very refreshing. It doesn't feel like a bad thing." Yao Yao looked at it over and over curiously.

"This is the nature of this drug. When you first inhale it, you feel as if you are in a fairyland, and your whole body is floating, but after you use it up, you will appear in a hallucination. The more empty the heart is, the more terrifying the illusion will be."

"What?" There was such a strange medicine.

Yao Yao hurriedly walked to Yao Yu's side, holding a sachet and asked, "Third Sister, who gave you this thing?"

Yao Yu blinked and said, "This is a gift from the Second Highness to me. It is a spice for bathing. After washing, the fragrance will penetrate into my body and change my body fragrance. Men will be very clear when they smell this fragrance. Comfortable, so the Second Highness asked me to take a bath."

Because she was neglected by the second highness for a long time, when she heard that she would change her body fragrance after taking a bath with this, the second highness loved the smell very much, so she never tired of taking the sachet into the bath.

"Why are you so confused? Is what the Second Highness gave must be good? Don't you pay more attention to yourself?"

"...I...I never thought that the Second Highness would harm my child."

Yao Yao asked strangely, "Master Hou, why did the Second Highness give the Third Sister such a harmful thing? Does he not know what it is?"

Qin Yilan snorted and said, "He doesn't understand medicine, how could he know that this thing can harm people's mind. To be clear, I am afraid that no one else in the palace knows about this thing except me and the murderer. The second brother just smelled it. This taste makes the body and mind feel comfortable, so I thought it was a good medicine.”

From the looks of it, the Second Highness should have been fooled as well.

"Then who gave him this thing?" Yao Yao said softly, "When it comes to Northern Xinjiang, I have to think of Miss Mu Li. Hou Ye, what do you think? Could it be Miss Mu Li who did it? "

"It's impossible, but we don't have conclusive evidence, so we can't act rashly. General Mu is the guardian of Northern Xinjiang."

Yao Yao choked, "I know, Master Hou doesn't need to remind you. But Master Hou can help me to test the words of His Highness the Second Highness."

"Yeah. Take some time to find out. Yaoer, don't be impatient, check things slowly, don't startle the snake."

"Thank you Lord Marquis for reminding me."

Qin Yilan was right, she also had this kind of thought.Before the matter is investigated, one must not be rash and radical.

Yao Yu aggrieved, "Sister, do you want me to just forget about it? If I didn't find out early, I'm afraid that the child will be lost!"

Yao Yao sighed, "In the palace, if someone wants to harm you, you can't guard against it. They order someone to push you casually, and your child may not be saved."

Speaking of this, Yao Yao turned her head and whispered to Qin Yilan, "I always feel that this is not an easy matter."

It seemed that someone was using Yao Yu and the child in her womb to set a trap for her, deliberately luring her into the palace.

So far, Mu Li is the most motivated behind-the-scenes murderer, and Princess He Le, who is closer to Mu Li, is naturally not ruled out.

Qin Yilan also thought of this. He held Yao Yao's head in his hands worriedly, and dawdled affectionately on her forehead, "You must be careful when entering and leaving the palace these days. It is easy to hide the open spear and difficult to guard against the hidden arrow. I am a little scared, if I When I'm not by your side, what should I do if something happens to you?"

Yao Yao bowed her head in silence.

"Those people obviously don't dare to fight you hard, but behind their backs, most of them are scapegoats." Qin Yilan worried, "You have to pay attention to everything, you know?"

Yao Yao forced a smile, "Don't worry, Lord Hou. I will take care of myself!"

"Yeah." Qin Yilan smiled in relief, "Then I'll go out and wait for you first."

"it is good."

 Thank you girls for your five-star praise and rewards, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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