Chapter 105

After Yao Yao sent Qin Yilan away, she turned back to Yao Yu and gave some advice.

Yao Yu was dazed when he heard that.

Yao Yao called out strangely, "Sister, what are you in a daze for? Did you listen to what I told you?"

"Ah...ah? What?"

Yao Yao said in a deep voice, "I'm telling you these days, don't go out indiscriminately, and raise your baby quietly in the bedroom. I will come to visit you every day, but you have to keep an eye on it."

"Got it, sister."

"What were you thinking just now? Are you a godless one?"

Yao Yu bit her lip, and said softly, "I just saw the interaction between Master Hou and my sister, and I'm really jealous. The Second Highness would never do such small tricks to me."

Yao Yao's face was slightly red, "I don't really like him treating me like this. It's very uncomfortable."

Yao Yu muttered, "My sister is in the midst of blessings but I don't know how to be blessed. Master Hou is really good to you! I thought you were out of favor before, but Master Hou abandoned you and left. Who knew it was a misunderstanding. It's ridiculous that I want to help my sister to ask Hou Please forgive me."

Yao Yao covered her with a quilt, and comforted her, "Stop thinking about it, after you give birth to a child, you will be more expensive than mother."

Yao Yu nodded vigorously, "Well, my sister must take good care of me and my child, I have no one to rely on."

"Don't worry, your mother and child will be safe."

Why did her eyelids keep jumping when she said this?
Leaving the house, he searched, but he didn't see Qin Yilan's figure, so he asked, "Where is Mr. Hou?"

Didn't you agree to wait for her outside?

"The Second Highness came here just now and called Lord Hou away. Lord Hou ordered you to go back to the palace first." An eunuch helped pass the message.

Yao Yao sighed, "Understood. Let's go back!"

After the eunuch who led the way walked around, Yao Yao stopped.

The eunuch looked back strangely, "Ma'am? What's the matter?"

Yao Yao said with a straight face, "Where do you want to take me? Do you think that I haven't been to the palace a few times and don't know the way, so you just take me around?"

The eunuch smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, ma'am, the servant is also following orders."

"At whose order? What to do?"

"It's His Royal Highness who invited Zuixiangju."

Yao Yao frowned and stared at him.

The eunuch hurriedly added, "It's a small stage, the prince invites you to go and watch the play and talk about things."

After Yao Yao pondered for a moment, she nodded and said, "All right. Continue to lead the way!"

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, you can't avoid it, what should come will come sooner or later!

Yao Yao followed the eunuch to Zuixiangju, because she was accompanied by many guards and maidservants, she was not afraid.

Entering Zuixiangju, one look, all the high platforms are full of people, looking around, Wu Yaya is all Miss Qianjin.

Yu Wenhong and Yao Ying sat on the main stage.

Yao Yao walked over and saluted, "I have seen His Royal Highness the Prince."

Yu Wenhong smiled slightly, "My brother and sister look good. I heard that you vomited blood a while ago, and even alarmed the imperial physician in the palace. After only two or three days, you are alive and well again? I always feel like you are wandering around the gate of hell every day, but the king of hell just refuses to take you in." look."

Being ridiculed, Yao Yao's expression remained unchanged, "Thank you for your concern, His Royal Highness, the concubine's body is fine."

"By the way, I heard from the daughter of the Xia family that you still wanted to fight with her yesterday? What kind of conflict did you have, to the point of making a fuss? Can you tell me?" Yu Wenhong pouted meaningfully. .

Yao Yao glimpsed that Xia Meiyue, daughter of the Xia family, was also sitting beside her, looking like she was watching the show, and Liu Hong was also there.

It seems that these two daughters went to the Prince's place to gossip. It is estimated that her second sister also added a lot of oil, after all, she ate a lot in the third sister's house at noon today.

Before Yao Yao could speak, Xia Meiyue hurriedly said, "Your Highness, my little girl dare not ask Madam to apologize, nor dare to offend her old man again, for fear that she will slander me with shameless words again."

Liu Hong followed suit, "In my life, I have never seen such an unreasonable, unreasonable and troublesome person like Madam Hou. She called me a slut when we went to the Duke's mansion to say hello, and I was really wronged."

Yu Wenhong pouted a playful smile, and grinned at Yao Yao, "It must be a misunderstanding, right? The younger siblings, the fathers of Xia Qianjin and Liu Qianjin, one is Guoqin and the other is Shangshu, both of whom are important ministers of the state. How do you give It's really inappropriate for Qin San to offend people. How about this, I'll be a peacemaker and help mediate, brothers and sisters, you admit your mistake to them, and this matter will be over! How about it?"

Yao Yao pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "His Royal Highness, am I old?"

"Huh? What?"

Everyone was astonished.

Yao Yao took out the small bronze mirror she carried with her and looked in the mirror, "I'm not old. Although I've been sick for a long time, I won't be crowned with the title of old man. Miss Xia, your words are wrong. Call me? Do you think I have no temper? But forget it, I am magnanimous, and I don’t need your apology, just follow what His Royal Highness said, and let this matter pass.”

"Hey you!" Xia Meiyue was speechless.She wanted her to apologize, so how could it be her fault?

Yao Yao turned her head to look at Liu Hong, and said, "And you, Ms. Liu, I am the daughter of the Taifu, my family is very strict, and I never say dirty words easily. Life is so big, I never said it. Ms. Liu slandered me saying you are a slut? Your behavior is embarrassing to your father. You must always remember that your father is an important minister of the country. Forget it Forget it, I'm magnanimous, I'd better give the crown prince a face, if the crown prince told me not to care about it, then I don't care about it. The two girls don't need to apologize to me, this matter will be over like this!"

Liu Hong cried out of anger, covered her nose and shouted, "Your Highness! Look, Madam is too bullying!"

Yao Yao turned her head to look at Yu Wenhong and said, "His Royal Highness is the future Mingjun, who is reasonable and sensible to distinguish right from wrong. Do you think he will believe the villain's slander?"

Yu Wenhong couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Siblings really love to put a high hat on me, so I can't even say anything about you! Forget it, I really can't participate in the conflicts between your girls' families. Let's go on, even I I feel ashamed. There is no need to mention what happened yesterday. Siblings, sit down and watch the play. I specially prepared this play for my younger siblings!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward."

Yao Yao sat sideways, covered her mouth and coughed a few times.

The theater troupe performed on stage, and after watching it for a while, she felt something was wrong.

The play was really for her!

The play tells about a couple in the royal family. The head of the wife loves her husband deeply, but the husband does not love her. The husband raised a first love outside the courtyard. Hugh's fate.

Yao Yao watched the play, and then looked back at the young ladies around her, seeing their expressions of anticipation, as if they had brought her and Qin Yilan's role into the stage.

This crown prince is also a narrow-minded man, and with the help of the complaints of the two daughters of the Xia family and the Liu family, he actually gave her such a trick?Isn't it just to retaliate against her for making things difficult before?
Public humiliation makes him happy, doesn't it?
"Cough cough cough..." Yao Yao covered her mouth and coughed twice.

There were snickers from all around, "Pfft, look, I'm angry, I'm angry!"

"She deserves it when she's pissed off!"

"She also knows that if she commits jealousy like this again, sooner or later she will be abandoned by Lord Hou, and she is starting to get nervous!"

"Do you think she will be so angry that she vomits blood?"

"Nine out of ten chances!"

"So many people are eagerly waiting for her to die early, why is she still alive and an eyesore? Really!"

(End of this chapter)

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