Chapter 107 Another Play
Qin Yilan said again, "She likes to eat pears."

Three or four more sat down.

Yao Yao frowned and muttered.She also often eats pears, but she doesn't like pears very much, because she heard that eating pears can relieve cough, so she keeps eating them.Does she qualify?

Shouldn't count!
"She loves to play on the swing. She often played with it when she was a child, and she also played with it when she grew up."

Sit down a few more.

Yao Yao covered her face, slandering her inwardly.She is quite suitable for this point, she loves to play on the swing, but she doesn't like to swing high, she just sits on the swing and reads.

"She loves reading, drawing, carving, and making handicrafts."

Suddenly, a large number of people sat down one after another, and only a few remained.

Xia Meiyue also sat down unwillingly, full of disappointment.

Yao Yao stared blankly and looked at Qin Yilan suspiciously.

She meets all of these points, except for the first two!Does she count?

Seeing that there were still two women standing on the field, Qin Yilan thought for a while and said, "She was bitten by a snake before, so she is afraid of snakes."

Finally, both girls who were standing sat down.

Qin Yilan finally let out a big breath.

He sneaked a glance at Yao Yao, and saw that her eyes were in a daze, wondering what she was thinking about.

Can I get a seat?Why does it look like she doesn't want to.

He felt that what he hinted was obvious enough, if she didn't match up again, he would have a terrible headache.

Yu Wenhong was not satisfied with this game, "Third Brother, aren't your conditions too harsh?"

Qin Yilan smiled lightly, "That's the way it is."


Yao Yao was awakened by Yu Wenhong when she was panicking, "Ah? What orders does His Royal Highness have?"

"Do you meet the conditions that the third younger brother just said?"

Yu Wenhong asked nervously.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yao Yao said, "It doesn't quite fit. I am indeed afraid of snakes, but I don't remember being bitten by a snake before."

"..." Qin Yilan almost vomited blood and died.

Don't remember being bitten?She she she!Is the brain capacity so small?
But Yu Wenhong breathed a sigh of relief and almost burst out, that's good.

Qin Yilan frowned, unable to understand it.

Where did he describe it wrong?How did it match?It's terrible.

Yu Wenhong laughed and said, "Maybe the girl that the third brother admires is not in the palace, or it may be the senior sister and sister he met outside the mountain, right, third brother?"

"I don't know!" Qin Yilan was angry, and her tone of voice was not right.

Yao Yao was speechless.Master Hou loses his temper for no reason, she can't even lose her temper, why is he losing his temper!

"Madam is not in good health, it's better not to blow the cold wind outside, let's go back to the palace. Tomorrow you have to get up early to go to your third sister."

"Okay, Master Hou." She didn't want to stay in this ghostly place either, but if Master Hou didn't come to pick her up, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to get away.

But as soon as the two got up, Yu Wenhong called out, "Third brother, why are you in a hurry! I still have a show here that hasn't been staged yet! You can stay too, if you can't see it, you can listen to it."

Qin Yilan frowned and said, "But my wife..."

"My brother and sister are much stronger than you and I imagined, and they escaped after going to the gate of hell several times. She is not as delicate as you imagined. What's more, the following drama, my brother and sister absolutely like it."

Yao Yao looked sideways at Yu Wenhong, blinking suspiciously.

After thinking for a while, Yao Yao grabbed Qin Yilan's hand and said, "It's all here, let's watch the play. Lord Hou sit down."

Qin Yilan had no choice but to sit with her and watch the play.

Yao Yao stood next to Qin Yilan and said softly, "Master Hou, don't worry, I'll tell you the trick for you. I won't make you bored."

"..." He needs her to say?
"Actors have come out. A man wearing a dragon robe? Which dynasty's emperor is this? The emperor is accompanied by a woman, and he calls her sister? That woman is a princess. Someone assassinated the emperor, and the princess was also arrested."

Speaking of this, Yao Yao frowned, "Why does it look like..."

Qin Yilan's face changed slightly.

"Yao'er, let's go, we won't watch this show."

The big hand grabbed her small hand, trying to pull her out of the table, but Yao Yao grabbed his wrist instead, "Don't move, I want to see."


Yao Yao asked in surprise, "The princess was taken away? No, there is another woman coming out from behind, she is the princess? Who is the woman who was taken away?"

"She, she was rescued...but..." Yao Yao's throat was slightly choked up when she said this, because she couldn't say the last sentence.

The captured woman was humiliated.


Qin Yilan overturned the dining table, grabbed Yao Yao's wrist and said, "Madam, let's go back to the palace, you should rest."

Yao Yao was thrown into the air by him, "It hurts so much. Lord Hou——what are you doing?"

Yu Wenhong called out, "Third Brother, why are you going? The play is not over yet! Why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Qin Yilan's expression was ferocious, and he clenched his teeth, "His Royal Highness, let's talk about it some other day. I don't want to bother you today. Farewell."

After he finished speaking, he was almost in a hurry, he held Yao Yao under his arm and dragged her away.

Along the way, Yao Yao looked at the man beside her without a word, and the doubt in her heart was getting stronger and stronger. She asked with a tentative smile, "Master Hou, I think that story is very similar to the assassination of the emperor back then. It's just different." In order to save Her Royal Highness, my mother blocked her with a sword and was seriously injured. She was not arrested, but was abused, right?"

Qin Yilan paused.

This meal almost caused Yao Yao to burst the embankment.

Her eyes became moist all of a sudden, and she choked up and asked, "Lord Marquis? Do you know anything about what happened back then? You were not involved in that assassination case, but Her Royal Highness knew about it. As the princess' consort, Her Majesty the Duke also You must know about it. Lord you have anything to say to me?"

"No!" Qin Yilan resolutely refused her words, turned her shoulders, kissed the chattering little mouth fiercely, and bit her madly.

With that force, both of them broke their skin, and the blood filled between their lips and teeth.

The more flustered he is, the more he proves something.

Yao Yao closed her eyes anxiously, waiting for him to calm down.

After a long time, he panted and backed away, put his forehead against hers, and coaxed, "Your mother just blocked my mother's sword, that's all."

"..." Yao Yao said softly after a moment of silence, "Master Hou, I don't like others to lie to me. If you lie to me, you will have to pay the price."

"I..." Qin Yilan's pupils flickered, and then he closed them tightly, breathing heavily, "Stop asking about these old things. Will you be obedient?"

From the looks of it, from Lord Hou's side, there must be nothing else to ask!
Don't ask?is it possible?

The prince threw such a big olive branch to her, it was hard for her not to be fooled.

She must ask about this matter clearly.

Yao Yao replied calmly, "Since Lord Hou doesn't want to talk about it, then I won't pursue it. Let's go back to the palace!"


How could he not know her temper?It seems that this time things can't be better.

(End of this chapter)

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