The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 108 What is he hiding?

Chapter 108 What is he hiding?

After returning to the palace, Qin Yilan walked up and down in the study alone, frizzy.

Zimo sneaked a few glances at him, then leaned his head together and murmured, "Master Hou, if you keep doing this, your eye disease will be cured."

Qin Yilan scratched her head in panic, "How did he know? Who told him? Only my father and the emperor knew about this matter. Everyone else who knew about it was killed, including the wet nurse."

Zimo shook his head and said, "Master, can you calm down?"

"I can't calm down! I can't calm down at all! How did the prince know about this? Could it be that there were still fish that slipped through the net back then?"

"Master Hou, Madam is here."

Qin Yilan was taken aback, and quickly sat down at the desk, closing her eyes and meditating.

Holding the tea, Yao Yao asked Zimo, "Where is Mr. Hou?"

"Fake sleep in the study."

Yao Yao asked with a smile, "If Master Hou is tired, why don't you go back to the house and have a good rest?"

Zimo smiled awkwardly.He has a guilty conscience!

Yao Yao entered the room, took a look at Qin Yilan, and gently pushed the tea towards his hand, "Master Hou, it's getting late, go back to the room early, wash and sleep!"

"The emperor asked me to come over tonight, go to bed first."

Yao Yao shook her head, and replied in a low voice, "Oh, that's fine. Then I'll go to rest first. Master Hou, pay attention to Ye Han's heavy dew."


Sending Yao Yao away, Qin Yilan supported his forehead, "I have to go to the emperor's place. You stay and watch that girl, don't let her run around."

Zimo blinked, "If Madam insists on going out, what should I do if I can't stop her?"

"I can't stop me from killing you!" Qin Yilan left in a hurry after dropping these words angrily.

Yao Yao sat in the room for a while, opened the door and was about to go out, but Zimo smiled at her, "Hey, ma'am, it's so late, where are you going?"

Yao Yao also laughed along with him, squinting her eyes and said, "Can I go out for a stroll?"

"Master Hou said, you are not in good health, so don't run around in the middle of the night!"

Yao Yao took a deep breath and closed the door again.Lie on the bed for a while, then went to open the door again.

Zimo dozed off and was awakened, he hurriedly turned around to block the door, "What is Ma'am doing?"

Yao Yao asked strangely, "Master Hou has been away for so long and hasn't come back yet? Does the emperor want to keep him overnight?"

"Ahem, this, how do I know this? Madame, you should go to bed early. Poor sleep is not good for your condition."

Yao Yao sighed and closed the door again.

After another stick of incense, she opened the door again and asked with a smile, "Zimo."

"Huh? Madame? What's the matter?"

"I just opened the window."

"..." Zimo was taken aback, "Turn, turn the window? Then why are you still in the room?"

"It didn't turn out! I almost fell, and my arm was scratched!" Yao Yao laughed at herself, speaking very frankly, and didn't feel ashamed.I'm weak, so what's the shame if I can't open the window?
Zimo had a splitting headache, "Auntie, what are you doing?"

"I just don't like being grounded. Tell Hou Ye to come back quickly. If I don't come back, I'm going to burn the house down! I can't get out through the window, but it's still possible to burn the house down."

"I, I, I, I'll go right away, madam, don't make trouble."

Zimo ran away in a hurry, before it was time for a cup of tea, Qin Yilan showed up.

He hesitated a little outside the house.

Yao Yao went out of the house to look around, but happened to bump into him standing at the door looking embarrassed.

"Master Hou came back so quickly." She couldn't help laughing.

It is estimated that he has returned from the emperor's place long ago, but he has not returned to the house, and he is probably hiding in the study again.

Qin Yilan's headache was about to split, "Yao'er, I..."

Yao Yao disappointed, "Master Hou, the prince's play today, whether it is true or not, I still need to ponder and judge. If you are more calm with me, I will not blindly listen to other people's words. But you treat me like this. You look guilty, and anyone who sees you will think you are a ghost. Lord Hou, since you have no ability to lie to me, then tell the truth, okay?"

Qin Yilan opened his mouth, but just as the words reached his lips, he shook his head again, "No. No! You shouldn't know those things, and you should be my wife quietly."


Qin Yilan hadn't finished speaking when the door was slammed shut.

Yao Yao's angry voice came from inside the house, "Then don't go back to the house, Zimo, go to the study and make a bed for your Lord Hou."

Qin Yilan touched his gray nose and shook his head helplessly.

After tossing and turning all night, Yao Yao got up to wash and go out.

As soon as the door was opened, Qin Yilan was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, standing outside her house, and she took a deep breath, "Master Hou?"

Qin Yilan looked back, but didn't dare to look at her, "Yaoer, I..."

"Master Hou, did you stand outside the house all night?"


Yao Yao walked over to touch his hand, and when she touched it, it was icy cold, and her body was covered with thick dew.

These evidences cannot be falsified at all.

Did he really stand there all night?

Although it hurts, the more he behaves like this, the more it means that he has something to hide from her.And it's a big secret.

Yao Yao said discouragedly, "Master Hou, I know that someone must have lured me here with a purpose when I entered the palace this time. Since the crown prince threw an olive branch at me, it makes no sense not to accept it. I will definitely investigate this matter to the end. I'm afraid Lord Hou won't be able to stop it."

"..." Qin Yilan lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then said helplessly, "Madam, don't listen to the villain's slander. I..."

"Don't worry, I will weigh and think by myself. In view of Master Hou's performance in the past two days, I think that I will also weigh and think carefully about what Master Hou said later. According to what Master Hou said, I must not listen to the villain's slander. "

What do you mean?
How did he become a villain?
He was just being dishonest, how could he become a villain?

Once the credibility is low, will he still have weight in speaking in front of her in the future?

What a headache.

Yao Yao left Qin Yilan and went to the second prince's palace alone.

Seeing that Third Sister looked much better than yesterday, she felt much more at ease.

Yao Yu could see that the elder sister was a little out of control today, and asked curiously, "Elder sister, you don't look right, what's wrong? Is there something on your mind?"

"No." Yao Yao flatly refused.

She's not used to telling people what's on her mind, not to mention Sanmei, she doesn't even talk about Mengtao often.If there is anything, I love to hold it in my heart.Solve it quietly by yourself.

"Elder Sister, I heard His Highness the Second Highness reveal that he wants to marry Miss Mu Li. The imperial concubine also means the same thing." Yao Yu said while nervously grabbing Yao Yao's wrist, anxiously said, "If Mu Li If Miss Li follows the Second Highness, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my position as Second Concubine! Eldest sister, you have to help me find a way, I don't want Miss Mu Li to marry me."

Yao Yao persuaded softly, "Your imperial concubine is bestowed by the emperor himself. As long as you abide by your duty and don't do anything out of line, no one will be able to shake you if the emperor doesn't say you will be removed from the imperial concubine. Worried about something that didn’t happen?”

"But... but..." Yao Yu was struggling, and suddenly, she clutched her stomach and said excitedly, "Sister—my stomach—my stomach hurts—"

Yao Yao was startled, and hurriedly said, "Come here, please go and get the imperial doctor."

Looking down, Yao Yu's belly was already red.

Yao Yu cried nervously, "Sister——sister, my child—quickly, save my child—"

Yao Yao panicked at the moment, she went out of the room and called out, "Meng Tao, go and call Lord Hou!"


(End of this chapter)

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