The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 12 Telling Her to Take a Concubine for Her Husband

Chapter 12 Telling Her to Take a Concubine for Her Husband
She choked hard, and said falteringly, "What's so interesting about a girl's boudoir?"

"I'd love to see it."

Yao Yao spread her hands to stop her even more ruthlessly, "There's really nothing to see. If Lord Hou and my dad finish chatting, then, well, let's go home!"

"Let me take a look inside the house before going home."

You can't see again!What the hell is he going to see?
Yao Yao blocked the door with her hands and refused to let go, "There is really nothing to see in the room, there is only a bed, some benches, and some female red shelves...ah——"

Qin Yilan directly carried the man in, crossed his legs into the room, closed the door with his backhand, turned around and pressed the woman directly against the door panel,
Yao Yao was so frightened that she stared like a drum, "Hou, Lord Hou! What are you doing?"

Qin Yilan pressed her forehead and took a deep breath, "This room is full of your smell. It smells so good——"

Yao Yao stared at his intoxicated expression in horror, why did she feel creepy again?
Is he perverted?

You can't see, so you go into the house and smell her?
Before she could react, he directly lowered his head, plugged his red lips, and kissed lingeringly.

After a while, the two gasped and leaned on each other.

It doesn't feel right. If she goes back to her mother's house to sleep in the future, the smell of the house will change. She will probably think of the scene where he bullies her here. Can she still sleep peacefully?

"Miss, the master is here."

Yao Yao was so frightened that she hurriedly pushed the man away and straightened her clothes.

In broad daylight, if daddy knew that she was with a man in her house...


He is her husband and son-in-law, he is emotional and reasonable, and others can't say anything.

But it's wrong to do this kind of thing in broad daylight, and she will still be reprimanded.

Quickly tidy up the facade, wait for the clothes to be properly dressed, and the breath to be calm before opening the door and going out, "Daddy."

Yao Wenwen glanced at her back and forth, with a tense expression, coughed twice and said, "Yaoer, come here, my father wants to tell you a few words."

"Yes, Daddy."

Yao Yao walked to her father's side, Yao Wenwen said in a low voice, "You are not in good health, and you are not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth, but the Qin family can't be cut off because of you. After returning home, they will start preparing for your husband-in-law to take a concubine."

After Yao Yao heard this, she didn't know why, she was very blocked.

"Yao'er, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. You have to calm down and don't be like your mother..." The voice stopped abruptly, and Yao Wenwen suddenly realized that he had said something wrong.

Yao Yao raised her head and asked, "What do you learn from my mother?"

Yao Wenwen turned his head in embarrassment, "It's nothing. Your mother is fine."


Say this half and stop?
In her impression, the relationship between father and mother is not very good, they have always talked and laughed, respecting each other as guests.She had never seen her parents quarrel once.

But why, she heard that her father seemed to have a trace of resentment towards her mother?

Why is that?
Qin Yilan came over suddenly, with a cloak covering Yao Yao's back, "It's cold, be careful and cough."

Yao Yao blushed suddenly, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Lord Marquis."

Yao Yao lowered her head and smiled shyly.

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Yao Wenwen's eyes were in a daze for a moment, something was choked in his throat, and he said after a long while, "After marrying into the Hou's mansion, my little girl's complexion has become much ruddy, and her body has become fatter. Your son-in-law is very nice to you?"

Yao Yao nodded and said, "Master Hou treats me very well."

She didn't say a word, just used the word "excellent" to express her gratitude.

Yao Wenwen nodded in satisfaction, "That's good, that's good."

A group of people chatted and laughed and left Yao Yao's small garden. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the pavilion next to the rockery, they bumped into Mrs. Li.

Li Xuexuan greeted him and bowed, "Master."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Master, the third sister is so pitiful, go and help her!"

"What happened to her?" Yao Wenwen frowned and muttered.

Li Xuexuan said with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, "What else can I do, her prodigal brother is making trouble again. He cried, made trouble and hanged himself three times, just like a woman. The third younger sister couldn't hold him down, so he let him make trouble." .”

Yao Yao squinted her eyes and muttered, "He also came back three times?"

Qin Yilan almost burst out laughing, what kind of metaphor is she talking about.

Yao Wenwen waved his hand angrily, "It's about kicking people out, so don't gossip about me."

Li Xue nodded thoughtfully, "Then I'll kick them out right away."


After receiving the master's order, Li Xuexuan swaggered away.

Originally, if her mother was in charge of this kind of thing, her mother would never come over to bother her father, and just wave her sleeves to drive him away.

Li Xuexuan has the right to be in charge of the family, so she can do the same, but she just wanted to come here to ask the master for advice. To put it bluntly, she wanted to let the master know how unbearable his third wife has a younger brother.

Zhao Xiang tried every means to maintain her position in the master's heart, but Li Xuexu refused to let her do so, insisting on embarrassing her.

Especially at this juncture, when the family has guests present, Zhao Xiang will definitely lose face if his family ugliness is publicized.

In this way, Yao Wenwen will definitely feel disgusted with Zhao Xiang.

This was not once or twice. Since Li Xuexuan took power, she stepped on Zhao Xiang's head from time to time. Originally, Zhao Xiang was very favored, but to this day, she has almost been forgotten by her father.

When going out to get on the carriage, Yao Yao saw Zhao Zhong still staggering outside her house, her eyes wanted to go in the house for a stroll.

All the money she took from Third Aunt was lost?Such a quick prodigal, she can be considered a long-sighted person.

"Bah--those stinky girls, it's great to have a few stinky money! Still chasing people? Huh, I won't leave today. The little niece married the emperor's relatives, and she took so much as a return gift, so I gave it to you." I’m so low, I’m going to send the beggar away! I’m not leaving today! I don’t give more than half of me when I return home, and I wait at her door every day! Let’s see if she will give it or not!”

The homecoming gift sent by the third sister today, this wretched uncle did not take away the homecoming gift, as if he would not give up.

Yao Yao tugged at Qin Yilan's sleeve, her small face pressed against his arm with grievance.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yilan felt something was wrong.

Yao Yao whispered, "Master Hou, just now, my aunt's younger brother looked at me with lewd eyes. I feel very uncomfortable."

Qin Yilan frowned, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the wretched uncle in the corner, "Is that the one who caused trouble in the Yao Mansion just now?"

"Yes, he's still lingering here, he saw me. He's staring at me with lewd eyes again!"


She lied so blatantly, the uncle didn't even look at her, he was only focused on facing the gate of Yao's house.

Not to mention whether his wife was lying or not, the three words "smiling and squinting" made him super angry, and what his wife meant was that he wanted him to beat someone.Since Madam gave the order, he must obey it.

Qin Yilan put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Get in the car first."


Yao Yao happily got into the carriage, and after a while, she vaguely heard screams coming from the dark alley.

"Ah—stop hitting—help—ahh—help—"

(End of this chapter)

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