The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 13 She wants to run the house

Chapter 13 She wants to run the house
After a while, Qin Yilan got into the carriage, Yao Yao caught a glimpse of the blood stains on the back of his hands, and smiled at the corner of her mouth, "Master Hou, your hands are dirty, I'll wipe them off for you."

As soon as the little hand holding the juanpa was handed over, he grabbed it, and when he pulled it, he pulled the whole person onto his knee.

"Master Hou?" Yao Yao whispered.

Qin Yilan said softly, "Don't dirty your Juanpa."


"Go home."


Yao Yao sat on his shoulder and smirked contentedly.

This man is so kind, blind but not blind, she doesn't need to say it outright, just give him a hint, and he can understand her mind.

Just suddenly, she remembered what her father said.

She has to give him a concubine!

It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. After taking a concubine, she may not be able to enjoy this kind of exclusive favor in the future!
Thinking about it, Yao Yao remembered what her mother told her in the early years.

"When you marry a wife, you must first remember to keep your heart. Your whole life is for your husband's family, not for this man. In everything, remember not to act emotionally. Do things as long as you are reasonable. Treat your husband and son-in-law as a guest, and you will be fine in your life." peaceful."

Respect each other as guests, respect each other as guests.

Mother's words are the most reasonable.She has to listen.

Respecting each other as guests means not being too close, so their sitting posture is really too unruly.

Yao Yao straightened up, "Master Hou, can I sit there?"

"Huh? What's wrong? My leg hurts you?"

"It's really uncomfortable."

Qin Yilan paused, squinted his eyes and asked, "The bench is hard or am I? Do you have to choose the bench instead of me?"


Why did she smell a sour smell?
After asking, Qin Yilan also noticed that something was wrong, he had nothing to be jealous of, but he was jealous with the bench?The elders are too preoccupied. After thinking about it, he nodded, "Well, indeed, I may be harder than the bench. You can sit on it."


To be honest, she always felt that there was a deep meaning in this man's words, which she couldn't understand.

After returning home and entering the house, Yao Yao supported Qin Yilan and said softly, "Master Hou, I am the only woman in the house for the time being, so I will take the position of head of the house."

Qin Yilan smiled, "Well, it's hard work for Madam."

"However, I have never managed a house before, and sometimes I may not be able to handle it properly. Master Hou took the time to help me. After I get started, I feel that I can be independent."

"it is good."

"As for the future, if Lord Hou takes a fancy to a concubine with better abilities, I can also hand over the position of head of the house to her."


Where did the concubine come from?
Why did he feel like she was telling the truth about her death?What do you mean by cultivating successors for yourself?
Only a few days after marrying into the Hou's mansion, Yao Yao couldn't sit still, and called the head housekeeper to come over and prepare to go to the warehouse.

When she said that she was going to the warehouse, the housekeepers winked at each other.

Although the Hou's mansion is very large, because Qin Yilan is not married, there are not as many people in the mansion as the Yao family, and there are not many housekeepers. There are three small housekeepers and one chief manager.

The head manager is old and in poor health, so half of the treasury keys he is in charge of are in the hands of his daughter. On weekdays, his daughter Zhang Huiyi helps him take stock of the accounts.

He had never interacted with that woman before, but this time she was going to the warehouse, and the chief manager asked his daughter to receive her.

Just now when they met each other, Yao Yao realized that this woman was not simple, and there was a gesture of contempt floating between her brows.

These days, there are really very few women who can manage accounts. Every woman regards incompetence as a virtue, but a woman who has studied literature will look down on those ladies who do not know how to write.

Zhang Huiyi went into the room and took two ledgers, and put them on the table, the sound was still loud, causing a wave of dust.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..." Yao Yao coughed while covering her nose.

Zhang Huiyi pouted and said, "Madam is so fragile, so don't be greedy about it, anyway, you can't understand this account book."

"Cough, cough..." Yao Yao covered her mouth, looked up, and said faintly, "Did I say that I don't understand?"

Zhang Huiyi was taken aback, then blinked and said, "Are you literate?"

Yao Yao smiled, "I don't know much..."


"It's just proficiency in three languages."


Yao Yao waved the dust, picked up an account book and looked at it briefly, "The handwriting is very neat, and the accounts are very clear. I will take these two books back and read them slowly."

"..." Zhang Huiyi felt a bit sour in her heart, "Oh. Madam, if you want to read it, take it back and read it."

"Give me the key to the warehouse."

Zhang Huiyi hesitated and said, "There are only two warehouse keys, one for my father and one for me. There is nothing extra."

Yao Yao turned around and said strangely, "Then just give me yours."

Zhang Huiyi shouted, "If I give it to you, I will be gone."

Yao Yao chuckled lightly, "You don't necessarily want to give me the key in the chief executive's hand, right? After all, he is the chief executive, but you are not."

Zhang Huiyi choked, gritted her teeth secretly, took out the key from her waist, and smashed it heavily on the table.

There was another loud bang.

Yao Yao could tell that this woman was uncomfortable, but she had to do this.

She needs to be in power.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yao Yao squeaked, "The warehouse is not clean, so it needs to be cleaned up."

"How can people come in and out of the treasury at will? What if the gold and treasures are not lost?"

"There are petty thieves in the house, that is, the servants are not well managed, and they will be punished if they are caught. Don't you dare to do anything because you are afraid of trouble?"


Yao Yao waved her hand and said, "I'll count the inventory when I'm optimistic about the account book. After counting the inventory, I will start cleaning. After cleaning, I will check the inventory again. The list of cleaning personnel must be written and handed over one by one."

Zhang Huiyi rolled her eyes and pouted, "Yes, ma'am."

As soon as Yao Yao turned her head and walked away, Zhang Huiyi kicked the corner of the wall angrily, "What the hell, you've only been here for a few days and you're showing us embarrassment!"

A few housekeepers hiding in the corner rushed over to coax, "Don't be angry, Huiyi, she just snatched the key. Isn't the real power in our hands? She wants to take power, it's too early Well. If you say something that doesn't please you, even if she steps into the coffin board with one foot, it may not be able to control us."

After hearing this, Zhang Huiyi was finally satisfied and smiled, "Hmph. Is it great after reading some books? Cut—the knowledge of the master is very deep!"

Before bringing the ledger back to the house, Meng Tao vigorously dusted it off.

clap clap-

clap clap-

Yao Yao hid far away, covered her nose and coughed, "cough cough cough..."

Qin Yilan heard her coughing and said anxiously, "Yao'er."

"Master Hou. Cough cough, you are back."

"Why are you coughing?"

"I sucked a little dust, it's not a problem, it will be fine in a while."

When Qin Yilan walked over, she saw her coming towards him, and her small hand caught his big palm properly, "Have you taken the medicine on time?"

"Ah..." Yao Yao blushed slightly, and muttered with wandering eyes, "Well, I drank it."


Is she lying?

Did you take the medicine?
what happened?I didn't drink the medicine obediently before, why did I stop drinking it all of a sudden?

Is it because he was drugged before and has a psychological shadow?
No, he wasn't the one who gave the medicine, so how could she blame him?Didn't even drink the medicine he arranged?
Facing a not-so-honest wife, what should he do?He couldn't easily expose her, because he was blind, and she would suspect him if he was too shrewd.

(End of this chapter)

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