Chapter 124

Hearing his mention of his mother, Yao Yao asked eagerly, "Are you really ignorant of what happened to my mother back then?"

Jiang Renlong nodded and said, "I really don't know at all. Your mother has made great contributions to saving you, and the emperor has given you countless gold and silver treasures. This incident has caused a sensation in the whole capital. I have never heard of the inside story of your mother being defiled! If Yes, I am afraid that only the emperor knows, and everyone else should be silenced."

Yao Yao panicked, "If that's the case, how many deaths will be caused by my mother's matter?"

"Oh, that's right!" Jiang Renlong knocked his hand suddenly and said, "I remember your grandfather had something that was hidden from people to see. The officers and soldiers who took away your grandfather's body seemed to be looking for that thing too."

"What is it?"

"I don't know about that! I just remember that I was strangled by an officer and soldier. He asked me if I had seen the little box."

Small box?
Looking back on the memory, is there any mother left for her?
Maybe not.

Didn't grandpa give the treasure to mother?
After Yao Yao and Jiang Renlong had a brief chat for a while, they parted ways.

Jin Fuzi got into Yao Yao's carriage and prepared to go back to Yao Mansion with her.The servant girl watching from the corner followed her again.

Yao Yao brought a gift and entered Yao's mansion.

The third aunt, Zhao Xiang, came to greet her in a hurry after hearing the sound.

"Why didn't you inform Auntie in advance when the girl came back? Auntie can also ask the small kitchen to prepare some delicious food for you."

"I'm not greedy, I can eat whatever I want, I don't need to notify you, I'll keep you busy."

Yao Yao entered the room with a gift.

Zhao Xiang smiled and said, "Your father is still in the palace and hasn't come back yet!"

"I know."

She seemed to deliberately choose to return when her father was not at home.

Zhao Xiang hurriedly said, "Go to my room and sit for a while!"


Yao Yao didn't refuse her invitation, but when she entered Sanyiniang's small courtyard, she played tricks on Master Jin.

The old man was very ruthless, and immediately understood what Yao Yao meant.

The excuse is to go to the kitchen to help out, but in fact to find out if there is any poison or the like.

I looked around and found nothing.

After lunch, Yao Yao said she was dizzy and wanted to go back to the house to rest for a while, and took her servants back to her small courtyard.

As soon as I entered the boudoir where I lived for many years, I always felt nostalgia in my heart.

This small courtyard is also her mother's home.

She is married, and there are no shortage of items in it.

Seeing this scene, the hatred for her father in her heart was reduced by more than half.

At least, her father still has her place as a girl in his heart.

Yao Yao said to Master Jin, "Sir, go and help me find out where the poison came from."

"Okay, ma'am later. I'll go check it out."

The old man searched hundreds of times inside and out, but couldn't find any clues.

Tired and out of breath, he sat down on the stone bench, "Ma'am, Xiaomin is incompetent."

Yao Yao thought about it, "It stands to reason that the person who hates me the most and who is most likely to poison me is actually my second aunt Li Shi. But I don't think she will give me such a painful poison. It will be delayed until I get married. They didn't poison me to death! The most convenient person to poison me was Third Aunt. But I really don't think she will do this to me! But besides them, who else wants to put me to death? "

Master Jin muttered, "I feel that the person who poisoned you didn't want to put you to death, but tortured you on purpose! The dose of poison was very small, and it was taken for a long time. It has delayed your cough for many years."

"Low dosage, long-term use?" Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and said, "Sir, let me show you my prescription, what's wrong?"

Jin Fuzi took the prescription written by Yao Yao and looked at it, "It's not wrong, it's really a good medicine for tuberculosis."

"Then I know! Meng Tao, go and bring the pot of boiling medicine to the husband and let him check it."

"Ah? Where did I put the medicine jar? I'll look for it."

After a while, Meng Tao brought over a medicine jar that was stained with dust, "Miss, I found it! Mister, give—"

Jin Fuzi took the medicine jar from Mengtao, held the cap of the medicine jar, smelled it again and again, "Well, it doesn't smell right! The lid doesn't smell right! But... I can't be sure! Maybe I'm not good enough, I have to let other wise men Let the doctor take a look."

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "Understood, I'll take it back, and I'll find the old imperial doctor in the palace to look at it for me another day. Meng Tao, pack the medicine jar and bring it back."


This time when she went back to her natal home, she didn't find anything. At least, she found some clues.

It's just that after thinking about it, she still couldn't figure out who gave her the poison.

Second aunt?Not too possible!Third aunt?Less likely!Could it be her father?This is even more impossible!

When Yao Yao went out, Zhao Xiang blocked the way and said, "Girl, why didn't you wait for your father to come home before returning home?"

"No, Lord Hou won't see me when he comes back, he's going to lose his temper!"

"Huh? Master Hou doesn't seem like such an unreasonable man!"

"Seeing is not believing. He looks amiable on the surface, but he is a cold-blooded animal behind the scenes."


Yao Yao covered her mouth and snickered, feeling that her description was a bit off, deliberately discrediting Qin Yilan's image, but as she spoke, she felt very refreshed in her heart.

Yao Yao gave Mengtao a look, and Mengtao came out with a medicine jar.

Zhao Xiang saw it and asked strangely, "What are you doing with this?"

"Oh, my doctor said that my cough has been incurable for a long time, and he didn't know if I had taken the wrong medicine before. The doctor asked me to give him the formula, but I forgot, so I wanted to take the medicine jar back to the doctor for inspection."

Zhao Xiang nodded in response, "Auntie will feel more at ease when the Hou Mansion has a doctor to take care of you."

Seeing that Zhao Xiang's expression did not change at all, Yao Yao was as calm as usual, and she had eliminated the doubts in her heart that she was the murderer.

"Then I'll go home first."

"Girl, I remember going home to visit your father often. Your father misses you very much."

"I'll be back when I'm free." Yao Yao stopped talking and got into the carriage.

The moment the car curtain was lowered, she let out a long sigh, "Oh——"

Meng Tao asked strangely, "Miss, why are you sighing?"

Yao Yao shook her head and said, "If you ask Yao Mansion who will poison me, Meng Tao, do you think I will suspect you?"

Meng Tao yelled in horror, "This is absolutely impossible! I will never harm the eldest lady!"

"Yes, you're right. Even if I doubt my father, I won't doubt you. But I doubt Third Aunt. Do you know what this means?"

"What?" Meng Tao tilted her head and asked.

Yao Yao smiled wryly, "There is a gap."

It seemed that she could no longer go back to treating Third Aunt without any scruples.The moment a city wall was built in her heart, it was really difficult to tear it down.

Looking back and thinking about the relationship between her and Master Hou, it seems that they haven't reached the level of heart-to-heart yet.

Because she always felt that that man hid a lot from her.

Just because she doesn't ask doesn't mean she doesn't want to know.She just hoped that he would take the initiative to tell her.

But not only did he refuse to take the initiative to tell her, he even tried every means to stop her!As Mrs. Hou, she has worked really hard.

Thinking of this, Yao Yao opened the curtain of the car and said to Ling Yu, "Ayu, go and help me look at the big house, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers and far away from the noise. Buy it if you have a suitable one! Add some furniture inside. Things, take care of it, so that we can move there at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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