Chapter 125

buy house?move out?
Ling Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Madam, what are you doing with this mess? Are you planning to run away from home?"

"One day I will end my fate with Lord Hou, and I need a place to go! It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. This is the truth my father taught me." Yao Yao laughed at herself.

"Eh..." Madam was really thoughtful, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that it was impossible for Master Hou to let her go.I really don't know what's going on in her mind.After thinking about it, he will definitely do what Madam ordered, "I will find a big house for Madam when I have time."

"Yeah. By the way, find me a granary by the way and stock up on food."

"Huh? Why does Madam stockpile food?"

"No need to ask, you just stock up."


Yao Yao returned home with the medicine jar.Qin Yilan had just returned home, before he had time to go to Yao Yao's small courtyard, He Xiaolian stood at the gate and waited for him to return.Seeing that professional attitude, the servants all gave a thumbs up and praised him.

"Master Hou, Madam has gone out of the house to do some business today."

Qin Yilan paused, "Have you followed?"

"No, but I asked Xiaoxiao to follow. Originally, my wife said that she would go back to her natal family to visit relatives, but I met that man again on the way!"

"Jiang Renlong?" Qin Yilan frowned.

He Xiaolian nodded vigorously, "Yes."

"Then do you know what they talked about?"

"What were we talking about? Xiaoxiao didn't hear it. But Xiaoxiao said that she saw Madam give the man a bag of silver. A whole bag!"

"Silver?" Qin Yilan frowned even deeper.

Seeing this, He Xiaolian covered his mouth and smiled slightly, pretending to cough, "Don't worry, Lord Hou, Madam shouldn't be raising him with money. After all, he seems to be an official of the imperial court, so he shouldn't be short of the money. I guess Madam sent him to do something. Son."

That's what she said, but she wanted him to believe that Yao Yao took money to raise a man.

He Xiaolian added, "Madam entrusting someone to do things is actually not a big deal, but is it necessary to spend so much money? It's not a small bag, but a big bag. No matter how rich the Hou Mansion is, she can't let her waste it like this?"

Qin Yilan took a deep breath.

He knew that it would be even more difficult for this little thing to discipline her after she opened a store and got rich.He shouldn't have turned a blind eye to it back then!

"Apart from Jiang Renlong, who else did she meet?"

"There's no one else. I went back to my mother's house and met her family. Xiaoxiao didn't go into the house with her. I don't know what she did at her mother's house."

Qin Yilan nodded, "Thank you."

After speaking, he turned and left.

When He Xiaolian heard the words "thank you", he felt as if his life had been fulfilled.For a moment, she seemed to feel that she was an indispensable woman in other people's lives.

Qin Yilan went straight to Yao Yao's room, "Yaoer, I'm back!"

Standing at the door, before Yao Yao came out, he saw a medicine jar on the table in the outer room.

His face became stiff for a moment.

Yao Yao walked out the door, greeted her with a smile, "Master Hou has come back very early these days. He used to slander his family."

Qin Yilan remained calm, entered the room, put his arms around her and rubbed her shoulders, "I miss you, and I kept asking the emperor for leave."

Yao Yao blushed, "What? Don't use me as an excuse to ask the emperor for leave! Did Hou Ye really say that when he asked for leave?"

"En." Qin Yilan nodded decisively.

Yao Yao covered her face and faltered, "Master Hou, why are you doing this! If this gets out, I will become a Daji who will bring disaster to the country and the people!"

"Nonsense, my wife is gentle and virtuous, how could it be a disaster for the country and the people?" Qin Yilan murmured, holding her in his arms, "What side dishes are we having tonight? I'm hungry. I want to eat something cooked by you."

"Okay, Master Hou, go and sit down first!"

Yao Yao helped him to the dining table, Qin Yilan pushed him sideways, waved his hand wildly, and bang—the medicine pot on the table fell to the ground.

Yao Yao stared and looked up in surprise, only to see Qin Yilan's flustered expression, "Something was broken!"

Ah, she forgot that he was blind.It's not his fault that the medicine jar is broken.

Yao Yao twitched and muttered, "Uh, it's okay, it's the medicine jar I used to decoct the medicine before."

"Oh, then I don't worry, there are plenty of medicine jars in the house. Zimo, pack up your things."

Yao Yao hurriedly stopped her, "No, I'll ask Meng Tao to clean up."

When Qin Yilan saw Mengtao enter the house, he put the medicine jar into the cloth bag, instead of throwing it away, he put it back on the table.

"..." Qin Yilan sat down at the dining table and took a deep breath, "Why does Madam still treat this medicine jar as a treasure? If it breaks, don't you just throw it away?"

Yao Yao laughed, "To be honest with Master Hou, this medicine jar is the medicine pot I used to decoct medicine in my mother's house before, but this medicine pot seems to be a bit tricky. Master Hou is very skilled in medicine, I don't know if you can help me look at it. What was painted on the lid of the medicine pot?"

Qin Yilan froze, seeing that Yao Yao had already taken out a fragment and handed it to him.

Yes, what's the use of him breaking the medicine pot?It cannot be broken into powder.

How is this good?

Qin Yilan took the lid of the medicine with an extremely unnatural expression, and he secretly saw the girl staring at him with a faint expression of doubt.

Taking a deep breath again, Qin Yilan leaned his head and smelled it, "The smell is a bit weak, I can't tell the difference."

Yao Yao hesitated and said, "The old man said the same thing. The taste is too weak, so I can't be sure. Maybe Master Hou's medical skills are not good? Or tomorrow, Master Hou will take me into the palace. I want to see the old man who diagnosed my pulse at the beginning. Physician."

Qin Yilan squeezed his fist and asked, "How about? I'll take you to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors to meet the owner of the valley?"

Upon hearing this, Yao Yao was overjoyed, "Really? Can I go to see the owner of the valley?"

Seeing her excited expression, Qin Yilan's heart felt sour.

He had never seen her show such longing for him before.

Could it be that she has fallen in love with the owner of the valley?To her, his husband-in-law is nothing more than the grace of the Holy Grace?

Qin Yilan really didn't want to take her to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, but he didn't even want to take her into the palace to meet the old imperial doctor.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still nodded, "Yes. Set off on another day."

"How is tomorrow? I'm free every day!"


"Can you go back and forth in one day? If it's too far, do you want to stay? If you want to stay, I'll bring some bags."


"Meeting gift money is indispensable. Although Lord Hou is friends with him, it is the first time I meet him. I have to bring some good gifts. What does he like? Can Master Hou tell me?"


Yao Yao tilted her head and asked, "Master Hou, what's wrong with you? Why is your expression getting uglier?"

Oh, she finally found out!
If she continues like this, he's about to vomit blood, you know that!
Qin Yilan turned his head with a straight face, his face full of awkwardness.

Yao Yao was thinking about where she said something wrong, but after thinking about it, she couldn't figure it out, "Master Hou feels uncomfortable, just say something."

"I'm not comfortable anywhere, how are you going to coax me?"

Come again?

Every now and then the man would do it to her once or twice.Yao Yao rubbed between her eyebrows, "Master Hou enters the house, shall I help you wash your feet?"

"..." Can't be subdued!You must not let her be subdued!

I thought so in my heart, but my body just didn't live up to it, so I got up and walked to the inner room, ready to let her rub her feet.

(End of this chapter)

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