Chapter 126

With eyes closed, she comfortably enjoyed her service.Qin Yilan's expression softened a lot.

Yao Yao sneaked a look at him, and seeing that his expression was relaxed, she tried to ask again, "Master Hou, what does the valley owner like?"

Qin Yilan frowned again.

Seeing this, Yao Yao finally understood something.

He seemed unable to hear her every word of Guzhu's question.

should be……

Is that right?

"Ahem, since Master Hou doesn't know the owner's preferences, I'll just choose a few gifts for him. After all, the gift is not the key, the heart is the most important."

"Hmm..." Qin Yilan reluctantly agreed.

Yao Yao accepted it when she saw it, and she didn't dare to mention the matter of the owner of the valley, because she was afraid that if she provoked him again, the miracle doctor would not be able to go to the valley!

Qin Yilan sneaked a glance at her, saw her muffled, and thought again in his heart, he wanted to ask her about today's itinerary, but how should he ask?

"Are you bored in the mansion alone on weekdays? Miss He is in the mansion, do you have something to talk to her?"

Yao Yao blinked, and muttered, "Miss He listened to your orders, and came to my hospital early this morning, saying that she would greet me."

"Ah...cough cough..." Qin Yilan blushed in embarrassment.

As smart as she is, she probably doesn't know that he is looking for He Xiaolian to spy on her, right?
The topic has been opened, why didn't she turn around and question him?Why spy on her?
why not ask?It's okay to ask!He has already figured out how to answer it!
But if she didn't ask, his answer would just be rotten in his stomach.

"Speaking of Miss He, I'll tell Hou Ye a joke."

"En." Qin Yilan's ears immediately stood up.

"Today when I left the mansion, there was a servant girl who followed my carriage, chasing and running, wherever my carriage went, she ran there, she looked very funny and funny, in order to let her run for a while, I I purposely wandered around the city, shopping here and there. Pfft——I tired her into a cow."


Yao Yao laughed and raised her eyes, "Don't you think it's funny, Master Hou?"

"Ah...hahaha..." Qin Yilan smiled awkwardly.

"Pfft—" Seeing his expression, Yao Yao amused herself again.

Yao Yao squeaked while holding the footcloth, "The water is cold, Lord Hou wipe your feet."

"En." Qin Yilan was a little discouraged, but also depressed.

While wiping his feet, Yao Yao asked, "Master Hou, just tell me, what did Miss He say about me in your ear again?"

Finally asked out ah!
He was almost suffocated by her!
Qin Yilan sighed, and asked with displeasure, "She said, seeing that you gave the man a bag of money. Why?"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows, "Don't ask who it is first?"


"It's Mr. Jiang Renlong, Mr. Jiang."

"Oh. And then? Why did you give him silver?"

"It's just dragging him to donate. I don't want to do alms in the name of Lord Hou, so I didn't touch the people in the Hou's mansion, and I didn't touch the money in the Hou's mansion. The money was given by mother's family."

Qin Yilan took a deep breath, "I don't care about money, I only care about why you did this?"

"What else do you need to ask about charity? Can't you do good deeds? I want to accumulate virtue for Lord Hou, and also for myself. Maybe the master treats me well and gives me two more years of life!"

"Then why can't it be done in my name?"

"The big tree attracts the wind. What's more, the second prince was punished by the emperor for disaster relief a while ago, and you will go out to give alms later. When the news spreads to the palace, interested people will say that you are acting, and the second prince also thinks that you are wearing small shoes for him. Make a note of you. Let's do good deeds, and we can't leave a name."

I have to admit that her thinking is really unprecedented.If she serves by the emperor's side, it will really bring about a peaceful and prosperous world.

No wonder the emperor back then...


Qin Yilan frowned fiercely, and his face became gloomy again.

Yao Yao carefully observed the man's face, thinking that he was still thinking about the money she gave Jiang Renlong.

"Master Hou, I believe you are a wise person. Even if I don't explain anything to you, you shouldn't listen to the villain's slander."

Qin Yilan came back to his senses and squeaked, "I didn't listen to anyone, I only believed the facts from your mouth. I know you will never lie to me, right?"

"Yes." Yao Yao nodded sincerely.

"Then do you like me?"

"Huh? Ah?" Yao Yao raised her eyes in a daze, staring at the man in front of her in a daze.

Why did his train of thought change so quickly?

"Tell me, do you like me? It's a matter of one sentence! I believe you won't lie to me, right?"

Yao Yao lowered her eyes in embarrassment, and stammered, "Xi... Xi... Xi must like it. After all... After all, Hou Ye is outstanding, handsome, gentle and elegant. Ah... Yazheng... seems not suitable. Gentle... overbearing!"

Qin Yilan's tightly locked brows finally burst into a smile, "Gentle and domineering? Isn't it contradictory?"

"It's really contradictory. Master Hou didn't look in the mirror for himself. When you were domineering, you didn't see it, did you?"

"Oh, I haven't seen it before, I'm blind."

"..." Yao Yao said angrily, "Master Hou, don't come and tease me just because you have nothing to do."

"This is flirting between husband and wife. Why can't you always learn it? Your Mengtao is by your side every day, don't you ask her for advice?"

Yao Yao stared and said, "She dares!"


Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "I don't want to see them doing those little tricks in front of me, it's bad manners!"

"..." His wife must be stupid when she reads books!Is flirting bad manners?

His wife's incomprehensible appearance really gave him a splitting headache.It seems that he can't count on her to act like a baby to him in this life!

The next day.

Yao Yao went to the warehouse to look for gifts.

He Xiaolian hurried over and asked, "Madam is going on a long trip with Lord Hou? Where are you going?"

Yao Yao turned her head indifferently, and asked with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Master Hou didn't mention it to you?"

He Xiaolian blinked in embarrassment, "Master Hou left in a hurry this morning, I didn't get up, and I didn't see Master Hou."

Understandable, what she meant was that Master Hou didn't want to tell her, but that it was too late.

From the past, she was used to showing off in front of her that there was always some unspeakable love between her and Master Hou.To this day, this temper has not changed.

"It's okay, then when Lord Hou comes back, you can ask him in person."

He Xiaolian choked, because she was not sure that she could get something out of Lord Hou's mouth.

Before Qin Yilan returned to the mansion, He Xiaolian tried his best to find someone in the mansion to inquire, but after inquiring around, no one let her know.

Is the Hou Mansion managed so strictly?Is there no one who has a suspicion against Yao Yao?

After looking around, He Xiaolian found Xiyuan.

Two guards guarded it, and no one could easily enter or exit.

He Xiaolian observed outside for a long time, and inquired a lot, but this time she managed to find out the clues.

In this Xiyuan, there is actually a pregnant woman living there?
She couldn't find out who the pregnant woman was, and the servants in the mansion strictly suppressed their words.

He Xiaolian guessed in his heart that the one inside should be Lord Hou's maid. After she became pregnant, his wife became jealous and put this maid under house arrest.This is Yao Yao's usual tactic. Didn't she want to put her under house arrest in Beiyuan before?
Thinking of this, He Xiaolian hurriedly asked the maid, "Xiaoxiao, find a way for me to connect with the people in Xiyuan. I want to find out her identity!"


(End of this chapter)

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