Chapter 128
Just as he finished speaking, he bumped into He Xiaolian.

Ye Zi hurriedly cried and yelled, "Miss He, save me quickly! I am dragged down by you!"

He Xiaolian's face froze, and he hurriedly separated the relationship, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know you at all!"

Ye Zi was so angry that his teeth itched, "You! You!"

He Xiaolian turned to Eunuch Ying and asked softly, "What's wrong with her?"

"What's wrong with me? You still ask? You shameless bitch!"

"Presumptuous!" He Xiaolian's maid immediately walked over and slapped Ye Zi, "Dare to call my lady a bitch? Are you tired of work?"

"You—" Ye Zi gritted her teeth extremely.

At this moment, Yao Yao's voice came from behind, "Eunuch Ying."

"Ah, ma'am, the servant is here."

"Let go of the leaf and see if she can still walk?"

Eunuch Ying understood Yao Yao's meaning all of a sudden, he chuckled, waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately let go of Ye Zi.

When He Xiaolian saw this, his heart sank.

Is this to let the dog bite the person?
Sure enough, after Ye Zi was let go, even though her buttocks were bloody and bloody, she still managed to get up, and rushed towards He Xiaolian, grabbing her teeth and pulling them frantically.

Being instigated and used by her, then abandoning her and slapping both of them?With this breath, if Ye Zi can choke on it, he will be damned!

Even if she was injured, she still had the strength to die with this bitch.

"Ah—" He Xiaolian was knocked to the ground by her.

The two maidservants hurriedly pulled her, but they didn't know where Ye Zi got the strength, they just grabbed He Xiaolian and bit her ear, neither pulling nor not.

"My stomach—it hurts—" He Xiaolian cried out, "Yao Yao! You! You still won't tell her to let go of me?"

Yao Yao stepped forward calmly, bent down and asked, "Miss He, why did she treat you like this? Can you tell me the reason?"

He Xiaolian yelled, "You ordered it! I want to tell Lord Hou, I want Lord Hou to make decisions for me—it hurts—get out of here—"

Leaf bites tightly but does not let go.

Yao Yao stood up, covered her mouth and chuckled, "You are right, I was indeed instigated. Because I am the only one who directs the entire Hou Mansion up and down, and even the power of life and death is in my hands. If I want them to live, they will live. If I want them to die, they must die. Miss He, remember the lesson this time, and don’t try to instigate my people to do things for you in the Hou Mansion. Otherwise, it’s not just an ear It's so easy!"


"Come on, grab the leaves!"

He Xiaolian yelled in horror, "No no—you make her let go!"

"Whether or not to let go is up to her own will! You can try coaxing? Heh—"

When Yao Yao turned to leave, she heard a miserable scream from behind, "Ah——."

Immediately, Meng Tao hurried over and called out, "Miss, the ear surnamed He was bitten off by Ye Zi."

Yao Yao blinked and said, "So cruel?"

"Oh, Ye Zi's mouth is bloody, and his face is bloody."

Yao Yao patted her heart, "Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have been scared to death. Delicate women cannot be scared."

"Yes, yes, the lady's lifespan is short, but if you see that scene, your lifespan will be shortened by half."

"Pfft—you're so naughty."

He Xiaolian lay on the bed, clutching his stomach and howling in pain, "Take it away! I won't drink it——I want to wait for Master Hou to come back—"

She slapped the birth control pill on the ground.

"Don't pretend to give me medicine! If I have a miscarriage, it will be that woman who hurt me! You dog slaves, low maids, are her minions! Get out of here——"

She brought three bowls of anti-fetal medicine, but she knocked them down one by one.

He Xiaolian really wished he could shout his yelling in front of the emperor, so that he could avenge himself.

As night fell, a man's figure stood outside the door.

Seeing the figure, He Xiaolian shouted joyfully, "Master Hou—Master Hou, you are finally back! You have to decide for me! Madame——Madam, she actually ordered the servant to humiliate me like this!"

Outside the door, the man said, "It's me."

"Song Ci?" He Xiaolian asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Master Hou informed me to come."

He Xiaolian frowned and asked, "Master Hou returned home? Why didn't he come to see me?"

"Why did he come to see you?"


A heart-wrenching and realistic rhetorical question.

He Xiaolian covered his ears, "Could this be the end of the matter? My ears, my ears are gone—"

Song Ci took a deep breath, "Mrs. Hou has already told me about the cause and effect. Xiao Lian, do you feel that you deserve this retribution?"

"Fart! You fart! What retribution? What nonsense did you listen to that woman again? She cheated me and made a hundred excuses for herself! She has a bad heart! Why don't you have eyes—"

"is it?"

"Isn't it?" He Xiaolian asked viciously.

Song Ci smiled wryly, "So, you arranged for Xiaoxiao to go to Ren Yazi's side, handing money to Ren Yazi, and telling her to sell Ye Zi into a brothel, are you also wronged?"

"Ah you—you—"

"Do you want to ask, how would I know?"

He Xiaolian choked out a big breath and couldn't speak anymore.

Song Ci said softly, "Mrs. Hou knows that you are a woman who will take revenge, and it is impossible to let Ye Zi go. When your girl left the Hou's mansion, Mrs. Hou sent someone to follow her."


"I can tell you how much silver you give the toothmaid."


"Doing the most despicable thing, but licking your face and calling others despicable? He Xiaolian, since when did you become such a woman?"


He Xiaolian's face was numb and his body was cold, "Stop talking."

"If a person does bad things, he will always leave various clues. What's more, your hands and feet are full of mistakes and omissions. It is shameful for my child to have a mother like you."

"Stop talking! Did you hear me!" He Xiaolian yelled hysterically, "Do you think I want to have your child? Do you think I want to marry you? I don't like you at all, not at all Did you hear that?"

The man outside the house was shaking more and more with the hand holding the medicine bowl.

He Xiaolian was still yelling, "No matter how bad-hearted I am, you have no right to say a word about me! I'm no longer your wife! Do you hear me?"

Song Ci lowered his head and took a few deep breaths. Finally, he pushed open the door, "Okay! Then... take the child."

He Xiaolian was taken aback, then turned to look at the man entering the room, "What, what?"

"I'm not qualified to be your child's father, so take the child!" Song Ci entered the room with a medicine bowl in his hand, "This bowl is not an anti-abortion medicine, it's an abortion medicine. He Xiaolian, the child you don't want, I Let me help you deal with him yourself."

Now, He Xiaolian finally became frightened, "No—you—what are you going to do? Don't come over—"

Song Ci approached step by step, his face became more and more ferocious.

"Don't come over—go away—go away—"

Song Ci grabbed He Xiaolian's hair and poured the potion into her mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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