Chapter 129

After drinking a bowl of medicine, He Xiaolian clutched his stomach and cried bitterly, "Song Ci! How could you do this to me?"

Song Ci said coldly, "Isn't this the result you want? Bowls of antinatal drugs are sent to you, and you don't want to just throw them away. If you just don't want this child purely, then I will help you today!"

"You! You—you go—"

"The one who should get out is you. If the child is gone, please leave Beijing earlier, and don't stay in the Hou's mansion any more. It's a shame."

"I don't want it!" He Xiaolian struggled to get up, "I came in with great difficulty, I can't leave here, even if I die, I will die by Yilan's side! Don't think that taking away my child can kill me Drive away! If you force me to leave the gate of the Hou's Mansion, I will be killed at the gate of the Hou's Mansion just like my sister!"

Song Ci stared at her speechlessly, "Are you crazy?"

"Yes! I'm crazy! I love a man, crazy, can't you? Go away—I don't want to see you! Go away—"

Song Ci took three steps back, and after a long silence, he turned and left.

When he stepped out of the door, he bumped into Yao Yao and Zhao Wan who were waiting outside the door.

Seeing Zhao Wan's worried gaze, Song Ci bowed his head with guilt, and walked away without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Yao Yao felt very uncomfortable.

Song Ci has liked He Xiaolian for how many years, how can he forget it overnight?He still has that woman in his heart, obviously.

Yao Yao thought for a while and said to Zhao Wan, "Are you still planning to follow him?"

Zhao Wan nodded, "Yes."

"Even if he doesn't like you?"

Zhao Wan bowed her head and twisted her fingers, "I, I'm here to repay the favor."

"There's no need to repay your kindness with your body. There are many ways to repay your kindness. Why spend the rest of your life? I don't think it's worth it. Although General Song is indeed a good man, he is very reliable as a husband. But he has other things in his heart." Woman, this is the blemish of his life. If it were me, I would never approach such a man. "

Zhao Wan listened, then grabbed her finger again, and asked breathlessly, "Madam, do you think he will forget his old love? Maybe I'll give him some time."

"Heh..." There was a mocking smile on the corner of Yao Yao's mouth.

Needless to say, Zhao Wan understood what she meant.

But after thinking for a long time, Zhao Wan still gritted her teeth and said, "Madam, I still want to try."

"Okay. Whatever you like." Yao Yao knew that her persuasion was useless, so she could only let her decide her future.

Pushing open the door and entering the room, Yao Yao walked to the bed and looked at the shivering woman curled up on the bed.

Yao Yao turned her back and said, "Don't be nervous, it's not an abortion pill. It's an anti-abortion medicine! The medicine is so effective that if you drink it in a bowl, it will surely stabilize your fetus, even if you fall off a horse. he."

He Xiaolian raised his eyes in surprise, "What? Antifetal medicine? Not an abortion medicine?"

"I can't give you abortion pills. As I said, you have a little life in your stomach."

He Xiaolian said angrily, "You actually cheated me with Song Ci? You!!!"

"It's General Song's own idea, and it has nothing to do with me. I asked him to persuade you to drink medicine to prevent miscarriage. Who knew that he was so rude and force-fed you. Heh..." Yao Yao whispered, "Look at Miss He She looks like she doesn't want to have a miscarriage, so she must take good care of her body in the future, right? I hope Miss He can drink the anti-abortion medicine that I bring tomorrow, and don't knock the medicine bowl away. The medicinal materials of the Hou Mansion, Quite expensive."

"I won't drink—" He Xiaolian snorted angrily.

Yao Yao covered her mouth and snickered, "You don't want to have an abortion, and you don't want to have a baby if you're told. She's such a difficult woman! Forget it, do whatever you want, anyway, Master Hou and I are going on a long trip tomorrow. .I won’t be able to come back for several days. If you can’t keep your child while I’m not in the mansion, you can’t blame me. Do you like the anti-fetal medicine or not, or you will fall down if you don’t drink it.”

Yao Yao was about to leave, He Xiaolian yelled, "Where are you going?"

"Nothing to do with you!"

He Xiaolian was furious, "I want to see Lord Hou! I want to ask Lord Hou personally! Don't stop me from seeing him! Let me meet Lord Hou if you have the ability."

Yao Yao turned her head and asked, "Do you want to go with us?"

"Master Hou is definitely willing to take me!"

Yao Yao couldn't help laughing, "You are a confident woman, I really admire you. Meng Tao, go and ask Master Hou to come over, just say, Miss He wants to see him."

He Xiaolian asked in surprise, "Are you really willing to let me see him?"

"Well, I'd like to let you see, but I don't think Master Hou will see you. You have your confidence, and I have mine."

He Xiaolian got angry, "Impossible! He will definitely come!"

"I'll just sit here and wait with you."

Yao Yao sat beside the bed, waiting leisurely.

After a while, Meng Tao brought Zimo over.

Zimo opened his mouth and said, "Why hasn't Madam returned to her room? Master Hou is waiting for you!"

He Xiaolian hurriedly said, "Zimo, where's your Marquis? Why didn't you come?"

Zimo tilted his head and asked, "Why did Lord Hou come?"

"That girl Mengtao didn't tell you, do I want to see Lord Hou?"

Zimo squinted his eyes and muttered, "I said it, but our Lord Marquis can't be seen by anyone who wants to see him! Who do you think he is?"

He Xiaolian's face was stiff, "Then I want to see him, I'll go see him!"

He Xiaolian struggled to get up, pretending to stay on the bed.

Zimo stopped and said, "Miss He, it's getting dark, what's the matter, let's discuss it later. Master Hou is going to rest soon."

"But aren't you leaving the house tomorrow?"


"Then I won't be able to see Lord Hou?"

"Miss He can discuss it after Master Hou comes back."

He Xiaolian looked stiff, "I want to be with Lord Hou, can't I?"

Zimo stared blankly, "Just kidding!"

"What's wrong? Can't I follow?"

Zimo said, "Master Hou and Madam are leaving the mansion this time, just the two of them and me, and no one else will be allowed to follow."

"Ah?" Yao Yao was also dumbfounded, "Why, why?"

Zimo smiled and said, "I don't know what Master Hou ordered."

"But I have prepared a lot of things. If I don't bring anyone with me, how can I unload the presents?"

Zimo shrugged, "I don't care about this, Madam can decide for herself."


Yao Yao got up hastily, "No, I have to discuss it with Lord Hou. If you go out without your subordinates, you're trying to embarrass me!"

He Xiaolian saw Yao Yao leaving and Zimo was about to leave, so he hurriedly called to him, "Brother Zimo, please stay!"

Zimo asked annoyedly, "What else can Miss He do?"

"Where are Lord Hou and Madam going? I won't follow, but I want to know where they are, is that okay?" She felt that she had already asked very humblely.

Zimo should give her the answer!

Unexpectedly, Zimo replied coldly, "This is someone else's family business, it's better for outsiders to inquire less!"

Other people's housework?outsider?
What an outsider!He didn't even leave room for her to intervene.

Yao Yao hurried back to the room, seeing Qin Yilan tasting tea and waiting for her to return, she hurried into the room and asked, "Why doesn't Lord Hou let me take people to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?"

Qin Yilan said softly, "That is the owner's site, the location is very hidden, and almost no one knows where the entrance and exit are. Idlers and others are not allowed to enter the mountain indiscriminately. This is the rule of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors."

In a word, it directly blocked all Yao Yao's subsequent pleadings.

(End of this chapter)

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