Chapter 137
The two of them were on the top of the tree, ate a few pieces of cake, watched the moon and the lake, and when she fell asleep, he carried her back to the house.

Early the next morning, Yao Yao wore a thick mink fur cape and went to the ice room with the stove in her hand.

Sitting in the round chair next to her, Yao Yao smiled coquettishly at the beautiful woman on the bed, "Say hello to the old lady. Yesterday, Master Hou and I went to the cliff, and the two hung on the treetops and chatted all night. It's really strange, Lord Hou is blind, yet he can lead me over the eaves and walls. It still makes me suspicious to say that he is strong in martial arts."

Hearing Yao Yao's voice, the fingers of the woman on the bed moved excitedly again.

Seeing her wriggling palm, Yao Yao felt that she wanted to grab her hand.

After thinking for a while, she stretched out her hand, and sure enough, the woman held on tightly, feeling particularly at ease, and slowly loosened her tightly locked brows, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Have the old lady and Master Hou met? Have they talked? Did they also know each other when they were young?"

She asked several questions in a row, but she didn't get an answer.

Yao Yao said with a sneer, "Master Hou said that he and Lord Gu are brothers, and they studied together with a teacher before, but it is a pity that Master Hou later lost his sight. Otherwise, I don't think Master Hou's medical skills are necessarily inferior to Master Gu. My master Hou is talented and knowledgeable." , Ingenuity and skillful hands, can be ruthless!"

Listening to her proud tone, the smile on the corner of the woman's mouth grew wider and wider.The hand holding her palm is getting stronger and stronger.

"Chatting with the old lady, just talking about me is boring. Since the lady can move her hands, you can give me a password like last time. I can understand it."

The beautiful woman's hand froze for a moment, and knocked twice with difficulty.

Seeing this, Yao Yao asked thoughtfully, "Could it be that Madam has not learned much? She only knows a little superficial?"

The index finger tapped twice.Yes.

Yao Yao said with a sneer, "That's indeed...communication is difficult."

After thinking for a while, Yao Yao hurriedly said, "Well, I'm free anyway, I'll teach my wife the second code word. It only takes three fingers, and there are a lot of words. Madam learn it carefully, and you can talk to me when you learn it. Chatted."

The beautiful woman's excited hands kept shaking.Eyelids are also flickering frantically, but they just can't open them.

The eagerness of her heart was obvious, how eager she was to wake up after sleeping for eight full years.

After chatting every day, the owner of the valley would stand outside the door waiting for her to come out and ask about the situation.

Today is the last day, Yao Yao smiled sweetly, "Congratulations to Master Gu, your mother said that you are not filial. She is about to freeze to death, and she wants to get out of the icehouse."

Gu Zhu was stunned for a long time, "She... spoke?"

"No, it's just that the old lady has learned code words and can communicate with me normally."

"Huh? Learned so fast?"

"Yes, your mother is also very smart, once taught."

The owner of the valley lost his heart, and quickly asked, "Aside from saying she was cold, what else did she tell you?"

"Ah..." Yao Yao lowered her head and smiled shyly, "I just asked if I was pregnant."

Yao Yao quickly raised her head, "By the way, Master Gu, can you help me find out if I'm pregnant? Uh... my period has been delayed for several days."

"Don't worry, you didn't."

"Guzhu doesn't even need to feel his pulse? How can you be sure that I'm not pregnant?"

"You and your husband did not share the same room."

"No, have sex every day."

"..." The man let out a deep breath, "Madam's monthly letter hasn't arrived, it should be caused by the cold. It's too cold in the ice room. Later, I'll ask someone to bring you some soup. After drinking the soup, the moon will come letter."

" need. I made an agreement with Master Hou that we will leave the valley tomorrow. It will be troublesome if we go on the road. I will recuperate after returning to the Hou's mansion. Master Hou also has some medical skills, so the owner of the valley does not have to worry."


After Yao Yao evaded a few words, she quickly sneaked back to the house, tidied up and saluted as soon as she entered the house, and didn't intend to stay any longer.

Going out to look around, Yao Yao asked Zimo, "Where is Mr. Hou? Where did you go?"

"I went to the medicine garden to collect medicine. The medicine in the valley is very rare. It's rare to come here once. He said he would return with a full load."

"He's not welcome. My brother's medicine garden, just take it if you want? You go and urge him to come back and clean up. We will go home early tomorrow morning."


Early the next morning, when Yao Yao was about to leave, she saw Qin Yilan holding a woman in her arms.

That woman is none other than...

The mother of Lord Gu!
Yao Yao's eyes widened, "Hou, Hou, Lord Hou! You, you, you! What did you bring out?"

"The owner of the valley entrusted me to take his mother out of the valley to watch the wind and see the world."

Yao Yao said speechlessly, "This... is this okay?"

"I think it's a good idea. Taking her out for a walk will help."

"...Your Majesty, are you kidding me?"

"This is what the owner of the valley ordered. Do you need to check with him?"

Yao Yao was extremely embarrassed, "This... this..."

It felt like she didn't have the status to make up her mind.

The grain is mainly given away, but Hou Ye is willing to accept it.She owed the kindness to the owner of the valley, and Lord Hou was the head of the family.Once the two men reached an agreement, she would have nothing to say.

After Yao Yao choked for a few breaths, she smiled awkwardly, "Master Hou and the owner of the valley just decide. I... er... will help take care of it."

"Then I would like to thank Madam." Qin Yilan snickered, "I am wronged Madam, I can no longer hold Madam and ride a horse. Let Zimo lead you away."

"It's all right. I'll be careful myself, it won't fall."

Fortunately, after leaving the Valley of Obstacles and returning to the country inn, I can take a carriage again.

On the way, Qin Yilan put a mask on the beautiful woman, covering her eyes so that no one could see her face.

Seeing this scene, Yao Yao asked in a low voice, "Do I have to hide it from everyone?"

Qin Yilan nodded, "Yes. We have to keep it a secret. Especially not to let my father know. Because..."

"Master Hou doesn't need to explain anything to me." Yao Yao interrupted him directly, "I only know what Master Hou wants me to do, and I will do it properly according to Master Hou's wishes. What a housewife should do."

Qin Yilan smiled and said, "Madam is really caring. If you are lucky enough to have you, you will have no regrets in this life. After that day, Mrs. Harding will take care of you on your behalf, and Gu Master will definitely remember your kindness."

Yao Yao showed a shy smile, with mixed feelings in her heart, "He also owed me a favor, and I should repay it."

Qin Yilan reached out and grabbed her little hand.

It took dozens of days to go out and return.

When Master Hou came back, he even brought a beauty back to the mansion.

No one knew who that beauty was, but only knew that Lord Hou cherished it very much, and once he entered the mansion, he even settled the woman in Lord Hou's main house.There are guards inside and outside the main house, and no one else is allowed to enter or leave.

This scene completely fell into He Xiaolian's eyes, and his heart was so shocked.

In the main house of a man, even his wife is not allowed to move in easily. Who is that woman?Why is it possible to sleep directly in Qin Yilan's main house in a stately manner?
I searched around and found nothing.

The tone of the Hou Mansion has never been seen to be more rigorous than it.

I don't know what kind of affair Hou Ye got when he went out, what kind of stunning beauty he brought back, looking at this posture, it is estimated that Yao Yao is about to give up the position of wife!
Thinking of this, He Xiaolian didn't know whether to be anxious or laugh.

Seeing Yao Yao coming and going in the mansion as usual with a calm expression, she wondered in her heart, isn't she worried at all that she will be replaced by that woman as the mistress?

(End of this chapter)

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