Chapter 138 Four Changes
It was Zhao Wan who waited on the girl in the main house.Except for Zhao Wan, it seemed that even Meng Tao couldn't go to that house.

Is that girl really so important in Lord Hou's heart?
He Xiaolian took the opportunity to stop Zhao Wan, and asked secretly, "Miss Wanwan, you just came out of Lord Hou's house? What does the new girl look like?"

Zhao Wan rolled her eyes at her, and was about to turn around and leave.

He Xiaolian stopped her again, "Wanwan, you are the mother of my future child. After all, we are all a family, so there is no need to guard against me like this? I don't ask you anything else, just ask Ask how the girl looks! Who is better than your wife?"

Zhao Wan rolled her eyes at her again, she still gritted her teeth tightly, like a clam shell, the kind that couldn't be pried open no matter how hard she tried.

I saw her swearing very fiercely before, how could she become bored at the critical moment!

Zhao Wan shook the back of He Xiaolian's head, making her so angry that she could do nothing.

Within a few days, Yao Yao fell ill.

When He Xiaolian heard this, she burst into laughter, "I thought she was very capable. In the end, she collapsed. No matter how well the arrangement was, she would never see Hou Ye stop hugging Pipa. Haha——"

"Miss, the matter of Lord Hou taking concubines is probably settled. If that girl takes the position, what should I do? I always feel that this woman is also a big hidden danger. She is too favored. Will there be a position for Miss in the future?"

He Xiaolian frowned slowly, "Yeah. I've never seen Lord Hou be so caring about anyone. Even I couldn't help being jealous."

"Why don't Miss go to Madam, and you two join forces to bring that girl down first?"

He Xiaolian snorted, "If you're afraid, you're afraid. That bitch Yao Yao borrowed my knife to kill people. On the surface, she obeyed Lord Hou's wishes, but secretly wanted me to open the way for her. I don't want to be her pawn. I want to see Look, who will be the first to be impatient! Hmph!"


He Xiaolian said with a smile on his lips, "However, it would be good to go to her place tomorrow to find out her tone. Look at her expression and guess her thoughts. As long as I can see her depressed, I can also secretly enjoy myself."


Yao Yao was lying on the bed, clutching her belly, her face was extremely pale.

Holding the stove, Meng Tao asked, "Miss, why is the pain so severe this time?"

"Because of the cold, menstruation was delayed for a full ten days. It hurts me to death!"

"Master Hou told the servant to give you medicine, have you taken the medicine?"

Yao Yao blinked in embarrassment, "Ah, I forgot."

Meng Tao hit her head, "Blame me, the slave should watch you drink with her own eyes. Is it too late to drink now?"

"How would I know?" Yao Yao hesitated, "Why don't you bring me a drink. It hurts me to death."

"No, no, it's better to be careful. I'll ask after Master Hou comes back."

"Okay." The medicine is three-point poisonous, so you can't take medicine indiscriminately.This is what Master Gu told her.

The maid's voice came from outside the house, "Ma'am, Miss He came to say hello. See you?"

"Don't you have eyes? Didn't you see that Miss is sick? Get rid of it!"


Just as the servant made a sound, Yao Yao said, "Let her come over and sit outside the door to say hello. Maybe I haven't seen her for a long time, ask her if her stomach still hurts."


Some sounds came from outside the door, and the figure of a woman seated appeared inside the door.

"Mrs. Hou, after returning home, I saw that you have been busy, so I didn't dare to disturb you. I heard that you are not feeling well today? Did you ask the doctor to see it? Did you catch a cold?"

Yao Yao said softly, "I got some wind and cold, just rest for a few days. How is Miss He's stomach? Is the fetus safe?"

"The anti-fetal medicine Madam gave is really good. After drinking a bowl, the boy in the stomach must have gained a lot of weight."

"Okay. Don't worry, Ms. He, the child you give birth to in the future will be treated by my Wanwan family as if it were her own."

He Xiaolian was silent for a moment, obviously feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

After a moment of silence, she asked, "Madam is so weak, do you still have the energy to handle the matter of Lord Hou taking concubines? Do you need my help?"

It's a pity that there is a door panel between them, she can't see Yao Yao's expression, otherwise she thinks that at this moment, she must be able to see a face of grief.

But I heard a calm voice from inside the room, "Master Hou didn't say he wants to take a concubine, Miss He doesn't have to worry."

"Huh? Why? That girl, Lord Hou brought her back, wouldn't he give her a title?"

"Miss He, this is the Hou's Mansion. You don't need an outsider to worry about the affairs of the Hou. You just need to take care of the fetus in your stomach, and don't interfere in other things, let alone ask."

He Xiaolian got angry when he heard this, and said bitterly, "I know I'm not qualified to ask about Lord Hou, I'm just worried about Madam's health. Your health is not good, Lord Hou put his mind on other women, Don't you feel wronged?"

"I'm not wronged. Master Hou is very kind to me, why should I be wronged?"

"But after all, more than half of Hou Ye's thoughts are on that girl, isn't it?"

"How is it?"

for a moment.He Xiaolian felt that the emperor was not in a hurry to kill eunuchs.

This Yao Yao can really hold her breath!

Do not!wrong!

She had a premonition that Yao Yao's gesture was just pretending, and her real purpose was to watch the tigers fight from the other side, and wanted to see her get jealous for Master Hou and trouble that girl!When the time comes, she will become a clown, which will be disgusted by Lord Hou, and both sides will suffer, so she will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

What a good idea!
Thinking of this, He Xiaolian took a few deep breaths and said, "Madam is wholeheartedly planning for Lord Hou, which really admires me. Then I won't disturb Madam's rest, Madam should take good care of herself."

"You too. Take care of the miscarriage, otherwise I won't be able to explain to General Song."

"……"Humph!wait and see!As long as she is more calm than her, she will not believe that this woman will not come looking for her, and then she must take a good look at her pitiful expression begging her to cooperate!
After Qin Yilan returned to the room, he saw the soup and medicine on the table, but he didn't take a sip.

I saw Yao Yao lying on the bed again, her face pale.

At the moment, I was so angry that I wanted to scold but couldn't say anything.

"Yao'er. I'm back! Are you feeling unwell?"

"Hmm..." Yao Yao replied weakly, "I forgot to take the medicine. My stomach hurts. Menstruation is coming, so I dare not drink medicine indiscriminately."

"Fortunately, I know you can't drink the medicine indiscriminately. I'll ask someone to re-decoct the medicine for you and lie down for me."


Her body was still so weak, and she would fall over and couldn't move when encountering wind and grass. Qin Yilan was extremely annoyed, and went to the kitchen with red eyes, decocting the medicine herself, while Zimo waited on the wind.

"Master, when will Master's body get better?"

"She has been poisoned for too long, and she has to wait two or three years for her complete recovery."

Zimo couldn't help but ask, "Master Hou, you are really capable of tossing Madam's body like this. Don't you feel bad when you poisoned me?"

Qin Yilan's face darkened, "You are not allowed to say that!"

"Ahem——" Zimo scratched his head in embarrassment, "No, if you don't say it, don't say it. Master, you are deceiving yourself and others!"

Qin Yilan held a cattail fan and fanned the charcoal, "Fortunately, the emperor is still kind to me, otherwise if the emperor insists on giving Yao'er to his own son, then I can only let her die..."

"..." Zimo stared blankly.

Qin Yilan blushed and shook her head violently, "Don't mention it! Never mention it again in the future! If you mention it again, I'll cut your tongue!"

"Ah—yes, yes! Don't mention it, don't mention it, don't mention it!"

This secret must be let go, anyway, she is his wife now, as long as he doesn't tell her and she doesn't investigate, she will be able to get away with it.

But if it is exposed someday!

Will she bear a grudge against him?

Should, should, should not, right?

(End of this chapter)

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