Chapter 15
After Zhang Huiyi resigned angrily, she hid beside the rockery, crying in anger, kicking stones and hammering tree poles to discourage her.

Not far away, Hong Luo came over and called, "Miss Huiyi."

When Zhang Huiyi saw the person coming, she hurriedly wiped away her tears and stared at her.

She is Yao Yao's personal maid!What is she here for?
Zhang Huiyi stared and said, "What are you doing?" Want to see her make a fool of herself?

Hong Luo said close to her, "Miss Huiyi, my young lady has such a temper. She loves to offend others, and people who don't like her, she likes not to lose face. I'm her servant girl, and I can't tell her even on weekdays." As much as you have, adults have a lot, don't mind!"

What's the matter with this maid?Why poke her lady's heel and talk?

Zhang Huiyihu questioned, "What do you want from me?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to get in touch with you. As maids, we have to help each other. Otherwise, one day, I will fall out of favor in front of the eldest lady, and where I will go will make people panic? You think so?" ?”


This woman doesn't seem to be quite right with her eldest lady.

Zhang Huiyi muttered, "Then what? What do you want me to do for you?"

"Now that you have temporarily lost power, what can you do for me? How about this, I will find a way to help you return the position of head of the house to you. This favor is with you, just remember to return it to me when the time comes. how?"

When Zhang Huiyi heard it, a smile finally rose from the corner of her mouth, "Okay! No problem. I'm just curious, how do you give me back the real power of the family from your lady?"

"Well... don't ask about this, I have my own way."

"Heh..." Zhang Huiyi squinted and sneered.This maid is not easy!

Back in front of the main house, Hong Luo saw Meng Tao standing outside the house and giggling, she walked over curiously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Meng Tao smiled and said, "Miss Cai was dragged into the house by Lord Hou just now, and she is training her."

"What did you train for?"

"What else can I teach you? Miss secretly poured out the medicine, and was caught by Master Hou again, and now she is forcing me to give medicine. Listen."

Yao Yao's pitiful begging voice came from the room, "Master Hou, I drink it myself, I can drink it myself..."

"No, you can't, you have no strength in your hands, and you can't hold the medicine steadily, didn't you notice it?"

"I really can, Master Hou, can I drink it by myself, please—"

"Cut—" A sarcastic laugh escaped from the corner of Hong Luo's mouth.

Meng Tao looked at her strangely when she heard it, "What's wrong with you? Missy is so favored, are you unhappy?"

Hong Luo quickly turned her face, "No, I am also happy that the eldest lady is so doted on by Lord Hou. I am just a little sad. How long can the eldest lady enjoy such a favored life? If the Lord Hou takes a concubine, our family will The lady is probably going to be angry."

Meng Tao frowned, "That's right. I really hope that Lord Hou will stop taking concubines for the rest of his life, and only spoil our young lady."

"Are you dreaming? With the body of our young lady, she will be the last child of the Qin family when she is married. If the Marquis refuses to take a concubine, can the Duke agree? Even our master told us loudly the day he returned home, Persuading the young lady to take a concubine for Lord Hou! Don't expect to spoil the young lady alone, it is impossible to happen."

"..." Meng Tao stomped her feet, feeling very uncomfortable, she snorted and turned her head away.

Leaving Hongluo standing alone outside the house to eavesdrop, I heard the two people in the room flirting and gasping, muttering and muttering in their mouths, do you need to be so hypocritical to feed a medicine?Eyeballs frantically rolled up to the sky.

In the house, Yao Yao's hair was disheveled, her face was flushed and she stared at the man beside her resentfully, her hair and clothes couldn't be adjusted well, this bowl of medicine was the most painful time she had ever drank.

The tool for feeding is not a spoon, but his mouth. This is called personal feeding, and feeding one bite at a time is not enough, and you have to reminisce with her, which is too painful for her to bear.

She wondered, doesn't he feel bitter?Why is there always a sweet smile on the corner of the mouth?
Qin Yilan put her arms around her back contentedly and said, "Look, once you take the medicine, you won't cough anymore. You should drink the medicine well in the future, you know?"

Yao Yao responded aggrievedly, "Understood."

He stayed with her all afternoon, but went to the palace at night. The emperor had some urgent business with him, and he was supposed to stay in the palace tonight.

At night Yao Yao was embroidering with a long lamp on, when Hong Luo entered the room and called out, "Miss."

"Huh?" Yao Yao looked up at her, "What's wrong?"

Hong Luo put the pastry by her hand and said, "This is the gift of apology that Miss Huiyi asked me to bring to you. I hope Madam has plenty and don't mind her recklessness today."

Yao Yao blinked and then smiled lightly, "It's okay, I never hold grudges."

She glanced at the pastry and said softly, "Is this walnut cake?"

Hong Luo looked at it, and replied, "Yes. Ah, I forgot, Miss is allergic to walnut cakes, so I can't eat them!"

Yao Yao was silent for a moment, did not speak, and quietly continued to embroider.

"Miss Huiyi doesn't know that Miss is allergic to walnuts. Don't blame her, she didn't mean it."

Yao Yao raised her head and asked strangely, "You and Hui Yi match each other?"

Hong Luo coughed in embarrassment, "Actually, I didn't have much contact, but Miss Huiyi wanted to please you, so naturally she wanted to get in touch with us more. By the way, miss, do you remember that the master mentioned that you should be a concubine for Lord Hou?" thing?"

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and asked, "Well, what then?"

"Miss, what do you think of Miss Huiyi?"

Yao Yao's embroidering hand paused, and she asked, "What do you think of her? Tell me."

"I think she is the best candidate for the young lady to be the concubine of Lord Hou. You see, she has been in charge of the family for so many years and can help you in every way, and her identity is a servant. After you pull her to the position, She will definitely be very grateful to you. Miss, think about it, how many people can help you manage the house and listen to you? Do you expect the lady of the official family that Lord Hou will marry to obey you? "

Hearing what Hong Luo said clearly and logically, Yao Yao smiled lightly and shook her head.

Seeing her shaking her head, Hong Luo frowned, "Miss, what do you mean? Do you not like Miss Huiyi? Just because she offended you before? Miss, I remember that you are not the kind of narrow-minded person."

Yao Yao still smiled and said nothing, just embroidering quietly.

Seeing that she was ignoring her, Hong Luo couldn't help but said sourly, "Oh, I understand, Miss is afraid that Master Hou will have real feelings for Miss Huiyi. After all, Miss Huiyi has stayed in the Hou's mansion for so many years. She has been in contact with Lord Hou for so long, and she knows everything about him, so she can definitely figure out what Master Hou likes. Moreover, Miss Huiyi is also very smart and handsome, if she becomes Lord Hou's concubine, she may not be unfavorable."

Although she didn't want to talk to her, Yao Yao couldn't hold back, and said softly, "If Master Hou really liked Huiyi, he would have accepted her as a roommate a long time ago. There is no need to go through my level."

"Since Miss is assured that Miss Huiyi won't be favored, what are you worried about? Anyway, Lord Hou will have three wives and four concubines sooner or later. Wouldn't it be best to take a woman he can control? Eldest miss, Hong Luo will help you There is absolutely nothing wrong with the person you are looking for, trust me."

"Arrogance, jealousy, and narrow-mindedness. I can't let her enter the threshold of the Marquis's harem with these three things alone. A woman who was originally dissatisfied and misbehaving, and her status is not worthy of the Marquis, how could I mention her?" She is in charge? Hong Luo, don't mention this again in the future."

Hong Luo froze for a moment, her face froze instantly, she bit her lip and asked, "Then what if Master Hou likes it?"

"Master Hou likes it, so it's a different matter."

After Hongluo rolled her eyes around, she bent her knees and said, "It's getting late, miss should go to bed early, and this servant is going to tidy up her clothes."


(End of this chapter)

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