The pretty mistress of Hou Ye's family

Chapter 16 I May Be Pregnant

Chapter 16 I May Be Pregnant
As soon as Hongluo left, Mengtao walked in.

Meng Tao saw the pastry on the table, took it over, took a look, and smelled it, "Walnut cake? Who brought it here? I don't know if my lady is allergic to walnuts? Why did you bring it here?"

She thought about it and poured the pastry into the bucket, disgusted to death.

Yao Yao glanced at her, smiled slightly, and called softly, "Mengtao."

"Well, miss, what's the matter?"

"I'm asking you something."

Meng Tao smiled and said, "Miss, it's okay to ask."

"I want to take a concubine for Lord Hou, tell me, how about that Zhang Huiyi?"

Hearing this, Meng Tao stomped her feet angrily, "Miss, you can't choose anyone. Why did you choose the woman with corns? She is just a woman in charge, and she dares to look at you with her nostrils. If you let her enter If she is out of the gate, why not send her to heaven?"

Yao Yao couldn't help laughing, "Why are you so angry? I'm just talking, don't take it seriously."

Meng Tao was extremely uncomfortable, "Miss, how long has it been since you entered the house, is the Marquis going to take a concubine? Then Marquis really doesn't take you seriously, Miss. Such a man should be less concerned in the future."

"Pfft——" Yao Yao covered her mouth and just smiled, "Master Hou won't be coming back tonight, so you can sleep with me tonight."

Meng Tao rolled her eyes, "Miss, do you think you are in the boudoir of your natal lady? The other half of your bed belongs to Lord Hou. How dare I compete with Lord Hou for a bed, and he will blame him for dirtying his bed." Come down, I will lose my head."

"Pfft—how can it be so serious! If he doesn't come back tonight, you can sleep with me. It's cold, and my hands and feet are not warm."

"I don't want it, my servant will get you a heater."

Yao Yao blushed and said, "Won't someone make fun of you for setting up the stove so early?"

"Who dares to laugh at you? You are Mrs. Hou! You have to weigh your own identity when you make irresponsible remarks! Cut—"

Meng Tao cursed and went on.

In the middle of the night, Yao Yao fell asleep hugging the stove, and vaguely noticed a strange movement beside her. She wanted to wake up but couldn't wake up. She was sleepy and heavy. With the faint scent of medicine, she closed her eyes with peace of mind, wrapped her small arms around the man's thick waist, and fell asleep.

After waking up, there was no sign of the man beside him, and he suspected that he hadn't come back at all last night. After going out and asking around, he found out that Qin Yilan had returned in the middle of the night last night, and this morning he got up and went to the palace again before dawn.

Yao Yao looked at the sky and muttered, "It's strange, I usually sleep very lightly, and I would be awakened when I heard a sound. Why are you sleeping like a pig now?"

Meng Tao smiled and said, "Yeah, Miss is gaining weight too! Why don't Miss ask a doctor to take a look? Will she be pregnant?"

Yao Yao's complexion changed greatly, "Impossible? I just passed the door less than ten days ago? Isn't this too fast? And my body is not suitable for pregnancy!"

Meng Tao frowned, "That's right. Missy is in poor health and not suitable for pregnancy. What should I do then? I'll find a doctor to come over and show Missy?"

"Yeah, go quickly."

After a while, the doctors in Hou's mansion hurried over for consultation.

After taking the pulse for a while, the doctor nodded and said, "Madam is in good health, her cough has decreased a lot, and there is no major problem."

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "No, doctor, I want to ask, am I pregnant?"

The doctor looked at her in surprise, "Ma'am, you've only been here for ten days, so you can't get pregnant. Unless you're with Lord Hou before you leave the cabinet, uh...uh..."

Yao Yao patted her chest, "Oh, it's good if I'm not pregnant! That's good! Doctor, how long will it take me to get pregnant under normal circumstances?"

The doctor said embarrassingly, "It depends on whether Master Hou works hard. If he works hard, he will be able to get the Ximai by the end of next month."

Work hard?

What power are you selling?

After thinking hard for a while, Yao Yao asked, "Doctor, my body is not suitable for conception, you know that?"

"Yes. Ma'am is absolutely incapable of conceiving at this time, Lord Hou should be aware of this, so according to the old man's guess, Lord Hou will not allow you to become pregnant. Miss, you should feel relieved about this."

Yao Yao blushed a little and nodded, "Okay, okay. I'm just worried about being careless? Doctor, do you have any medicine to prevent me from getting pregnant?"

The doctor frowned and said, "Ma'am, it's best not to take those medicines, it will hurt your health. Just listen to my advice and ask Lord Hou to restrain himself."

Yao Yao asked curiously, "Restrain what?"

"K, gram, gram... gram..." The doctor stammered and couldn't speak.

At this juncture, Qin Yilan entered the room and asked, "What's wrong?"

The two immediately looked at him in embarrassment.

The doctor smiled subtly, "Master Hou, Ma'am asked me if I had my pulse."

When Qin Yilan heard this, he almost burst out laughing.

His wife is really funny.

He hasn't touched her before, where did she get her pulse?
Qin Yilan waved his hand, the doctor nodded and left.

Yao Yao supported him, and said softly, "Master Hou, you know my body. I'm a short-lived ghost. If I give birth to a child, how pitiful it would be to lose my mother to take care of me when I was young? So Master Hou, I really don't plan to If I want a child, I told the doctor to prescribe some medicine to prevent me, but he said that the medicine is not good and it will hurt your body, so he just asked me to remind you and tell you to restrain yourself."

"Pfft—" He was really about to suffer internal injuries, what should we do?
Yao Yao mumbled and asked, "Master Hou, what are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

After sitting down, Qin Yilan took advantage of the situation and pulled her onto his lap, and said softly, "Don't worry, I will restrain when I should restrain, and no one can stop me when I should restrain."

Yao Yao muttered, "I don't understand, what needs to be restrained? Lord Hou, tell me, if you can't restrain it, I will help you restrain it?"

"..." Qin Yilan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I told you, when I don't want to restrain myself, no one can stop me. Even if you know it, you can't stop me."

"..." Yao Yao scratched her head in distress, really confused.She always felt as if she hadn't acquired any knowledge.

Yao Yao felt that her short life was still being threatened. Thinking of her father mentioning the matter of taking concubines, she hurriedly asked, "Does the Marquis have a favorite official lady?"

Qin Yilan was taken aback, "Miss Guanjia who you like? Why are you asking this?"

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "If so, I'll propose marriage to Lord Hou? But it's best for me to look past it, if the girl's character is not good..."

Qin Yilan grabbed the back of her head and kissed her hard, blocking her subsequent words.


After a long while, Qin Yilan let go of her, panting, "There is only one little princess, and I can't serve you if there are too many."

"Ah?" Yao Yao stared at him angrily, "I'm not arrogant, so I don't need you to serve me. Serious things..."

Qin Yilan suddenly lowered her face, "Stop talking, Yao'er."

Yao Yao suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right.

He seems to be angry!Strange, why is he angry?
Isn't this concubine a matter of time!

How did Yao Yao understand his thoughts?
He never thought of taking a concubine when he married her.Of course, this is just the second thing, the point is that she wants to give him a concubine means that she doesn't like him at all.If she had him in her heart, how could she push him to other women?
Thinking of this, he remembered that when she was selecting candidates, she actually betrothed her third sister to him?

She hadn't planned to marry him from the start.

Then he couldn't help but kept thinking, if she didn't marry him, who would she choose?Choose the second prince?Or choose the prince?
Could it be that the man she likes is one of them?

He knew it was impossible, but as a man, he couldn't help but think about this question.

This layer of estrangement feels a little deep, and it may take some time to resolve it.

It was the first time that Yao Yao saw Qin Yilan angry, she hurriedly distanced herself a lot, and spoke in a cautious and polite manner, for fear of adding fuel to his fire, but she didn't know that her actions were just adding fuel to his fire.

If he hadn't thought about her poor health, or at this juncture, he would have tossed her to death on the bed.

But right now he knew he couldn't be impatient, he had to let her open up slowly first.

(End of this chapter)

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