Chapter 186

She took a few breaths before forcing a laugh, "Is it true that the emperor killed hundreds of servants for my mother's sake?"

"Yes. It's all true!" Yuwen Liuli also calmed down, and continued to tap her fingers, "My brother really likes your mother, even if he knew that your mother was in collusion with the Fan clan, he would pretend not to know."

Yao Yao blinked, "Why did my mother collude with the Fan clan?"

"It's not collusion, it's just that I saved the leader of the Fan clan and hid it. Hiding is tantamount to collusion. In the assassination, the assassin wanted to take me as a hostage to threaten the emperor. When he stabbed with a sword, your mother just blocked the sword for me. "

Yao Yao remembered the play that the prince arranged for her that day!It seems to be right!

Her mother became a stand-in for Her Highness the Princess.

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Abducted?"

"Yes! He was taken away! The emperor sent people to chase after him, and found your injured mother in the forest!"

"Could it be that she was defiled by the Fan clan?" Yao Yao asked hurriedly.

"No! She's innocent, but—"

but?Yao Yao stared nervously at Yuwen Liuli's hand.

At this moment, a guard's voice came from outside the house, "Ma'am! The person next door has woken up and is arguing!"

Yao Yao looked cold and indifferent, and after taking a breath, she said, "Come on. Go and appease first!"

"As ordered."

Turning around, Yao Yao touched the back of Yuwen Liuli's hand and said softly, "I'm afraid my mother-in-law still has a lot to say to me, but you are too weak, you should rest first. The rest of the things are not very important. I will When I come to see you, you can talk to me again."

Yuwen Liuli tightly grasped her wrist again, pulling for a long time.

Yao Yao frowned slightly, "What's wrong with the mother-in-law?"

Yuwen Liuli opened her lips with difficulty, "Stay away from... her..." point.

Yao Yao couldn't help chuckling, "Don't be afraid, I have a way to deal with her!"

"Be careful of the Hongling Cavalry." Yuwen Liuli tapped his fingers again, repeating these words over and over again.

Red-collar cavalry?

She has seen it!You really need to be more careful, after all, Lord Hou is on his head.

Yao Yao stepped out of the room and saw the door of the auxiliary room next door, many guards pulled out their sabers one after another, one of the guards seemed to have poisonous powder on his arm, grinning in pain.

"Go find Zimo and get some medicine."

"Yes." The injured guard hurriedly retreated.

Yao Yao stepped forward, as elegant and indifferent as always, "Greetings to the empress, is the residence in the Hou's mansion still safe?"

Hongling Fuxiang looked at her with her head held high, "Girl, you can imprison me if you want, I won't struggle anymore. But you must give me better treatment, right? At least it can't be worse than the palace! I want a medicine garden, I want to plant Flowers and plants, the temperature is not enough, the fire room is here, buy more coal, and burn the whole main house into a greenhouse to be comfortable!"

"I will try my best! I will definitely try my best to satisfy my mother. However..." Yao Yao smiled, "My Lord Hou taught me that I need to receive an equivalent return. I am not like the emperor and the princess. You put so many resources on you, and you ended up getting nothing."


"Come on, what kind of information is worthy of my basket of coal?"

Hongling Fuxiang was angry, but she was helpless. If this woman didn't give her some bait, she would never take the bait!

Hongling Fuxiang took out a badge from his waist, "Have you seen this thing before?"

Yao Yao took a closer look, "What is this?"

"Have you heard of the red-collar cavalry?"

Yao Yao's eyeballs rolled around in an instant, isn't that what her mother-in-law called her to pay attention to just now?

Yao Yao said, "I've never heard of it!"

"Oh! Then you are really ignorant! Our Hongling family has been stationed in Nanyuan all year round, and only used three thousand cavalry! But do you know how much troops these three thousand cavalry can make up?"

Yao Yao covered her mouth and asked softly, "How much?"

"Speaking out will scare you to death! One is worth a thousand! Do the math yourself!"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows, "300 million troops?"

"Ha, that's right! It's not an exaggeration!" Hongling Fuxiang said, throwing the waist card in his hand, "Although our Hongling family has already been exterminated, but the waist card was taken to Nan Yuan's border and made an appearance. No problem!"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is this... is it what Her Royal Highness wants?"

"Huh? Why don't you guess it's the emperor?"

Yao Yao covered her mouth and snickered, "Your Majesty has the military power in his hands, why are you short of three thousand cavalry? Only a princess who has no military power would yearn for this thing. And the reason your Majesty is held by you should be his first News of the three sons!"

Hongling Fuxiang pursed her lips in embarrassment, "Hmph, you really know how to calculate, and you are as unpleasant as your mother."

"Thank you for your praise. My lady left some words of praise, I'm afraid you will run out of words in the future!"

"What the hell?"

Yao Yao gave her a contemptuous look, "I guess, this is what you told the emperor: I have news about your son in my hand, if it is not good for me, I will destroy the last clue for you, so that you will never find out Can't find your precious prince. Can't you?"

Hongling Fuxiang pulled his face, and was speechless at the moment.

Yao Yao smiled even brighter, "Let me guess again, in fact, you don't have any clues about the third prince at all. You just caught that dumb father-in-law, and what that dumb father-in-law is holding is the real clue." .You tortured him for years, and he never gave you a clue."

"You..." Hongling Fuxiang asked eagerly, "What did the dead eunuch tell you?"

Yao Yao said indifferently, "Mother, pay attention to your wording! I let you out of the coffin, thanks to your iron cavalry smashing your head, I let you go! If you speak out again, I will kill that father-in-law tomorrow!" Bring the coffin back for you, and let you and him eat and sleep together day and night!"

"Fuck!" Fuka Hongling rolled up her sleeves.

The guards all around pulled out their sabers one after another.

Seeing this, Cheng Zi hurriedly pulled Hongling Fuxiang behind her to hide, and begged for mercy, "Mrs. Hou, please calm down! My mother is just a poisonous mouth!"

"Just a poisonous mouth? Hmph, I think she is not only poisonous in her mouth, but also in her heart and hands! What kind of Hongling cavalry, following the wrong master, you are more blind than my Lord Hou!"

"Pfft—" A certain guard couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Yao Yao casually rolled his eyes at him, and the guard quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

The atmosphere was slightly eased by that burst of laughter.

Yao Yao's arrogance also faded by half, and she said slowly, "Your Majesty, give me the waist card in your hand. I will bring you whatever medicine or coal you want."

Hongling Fuxiang stuffed the waist badge into his bosom, and snorted, "I won't give it—"

Yao Yao didn't bother with her, and smiled slightly, "Okay, I won't give it if you don't give it, and I don't think it's rare. I guess it's in my hands, but it's just used as a scraping board."

"Fuck!" Fuxiang Hongling couldn't help but flicked up her sleeves again.

Cheng Zi simply pushed her into the room, "Your Majesty, please come in and rest, stop shouting, cough cough——"

The door was closed, Cheng Zi blocked the door, and cupped his hands to Yao Yao, "Mrs. Hou, it's not suitable to talk about it today. My mother has a bad temper."

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "What a coincidence, I also have a bad temper. Xiao Chengzi, remember to make your mother's hands and feet clean. Don't poison people or anything like that! I'm a short-lived ghost, and I can take life and death seriously. Even if I was poisoned by you, I will still deal with you."

Cheng Zi choked, lowered her head and replied, "Just follow Madam Hou's orders. But Madam please save my mother a way to survive! Her enemy is only the emperor."

Yao Yao nodded and said, "Okay."

Turning around, Yao Yao ordered the guards, "Go buy some charcoal fire and send it to that house, please be considerate. I leave this three-point favor to them. If you want to be shameless, it depends on whether she knows the fun."


(End of this chapter)

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