Chapter 187

When he was about to go back to the house, He Xiaolian rushed out suddenly, grabbed Yao Yao's arm and asked, "Is Lord Hou sick?"

Upon hearing this, Yao Yao asked strangely, "Who did you listen to?"

"Master Hou usually stays in the study when he goes back to the mansion? But this time he has been sleeping in your room and hasn't come out for a whole day. He is not a lady of every family. It must be sick, lying down, that's it, isn't it?"

Yao Yao was a little surprised.

Why is Miss He so sensitive about Lord Hou's matter?

Yao Yao said with a cold face, "Don't worry about Master Hou's matter, Ms. He, take care of the fetus in your womb..."

He Xiaolian pushed back.

Yao Yao almost fell down, but fortunately she was supported by a guard.

"What are you doing?" The guard shouted angrily, "How many heads do you have to lose if you dare to hurt my wife?"

He Xiaolian hurriedly knelt down, grabbed Yao Yao's trouser legs and cried, "Madam please let me serve Lord Hou."

Yao Yao looked at her coldly, "There is no shortage of maids in my house!"

"I know, but I want to take care of him! Madam, I apologize for disobeying you before, but please let me take care of him for the sake of my infatuation with Master Hou. .”

Yao Yao held back her anger again and again, "Miss He, as I said, there is no shortage of maids in the house, and I don't need your service! Please respect yourself!"

Seeing that the intercession was not enough, He Xiaolian got up angrily and reprimanded, "Master Hou is in your hands, and you ruined him like this. You have the nerve to occupy him? If it were me, at this moment, I would definitely Staying on his bed, never leaving him! But what about you? Walking around, you don’t know what the hell you’re busy with! Can’t Master Hou’s illness be compared to those external things?”

Yao Yao stared coldly, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Yes! I'm just teaching you how to be a wife! If you can't do your duty as a wife, leave him immediately! I still say the same old saying, you don't deserve to be his wife! Not at all! "

When excited, He Xiaolian felt his stomach twitch and tighten, and it was obvious that something was about to stay between his legs.

Could it be that wrapping around the abdomen has an effect?The child... is coming down?
Yao Yao said at the right time, "Miss He, please go back to the room. She is not allowed to come out and dance without my permission in the future." An eyesore!
He Xiaolian struggled hastily, trying to break into her garden.

The guards arrested people to stop them and shouted loudly, "Don't mess around, go back quickly!"

"I don't want—I want to see Lord Hou—I don't allow you to spoil Master Hou's body! I'm going to serve—"

While struggling, He Xiaolian's legs overflowed with blood.

Seeing this, Yao Yao took a breath, "Miss He, you—"

"Ah—it hurts—" He Xiaolian slipped down clutching his stomach.

The guards hurriedly let go of their hands in fright, and stepped back dozens of steps, "Madam, I, we didn't, we didn't use any force..."

Yao Yao ordered, "Send Miss He back to her room quickly, call the doctor over, and call Zimo too!"


"Where is Wanwan?" Yao Yao looked back and asked, "Why haven't I seen her when I came back?"

The guard smiled awkwardly, "Miss Zhao Wan has been staying at General Song's mansion these days."

Yao Yao rubbed the center of her brows, "What a headache! This person hasn't married yet, so why did he post it directly? This is going to be a price drop! Tell her to come back, and call General Song over by the way. Ms. Ruo He can't hold on In the past, this matter..."


"It hurts - it hurts - save my child - save my child -"

The woman in the room screamed miserably.

The two doctors in the Hou's mansion were so busy that the maidservants who came in and out brought out pots of blood.

Seeing this symptom, Yao Yao's face turned green and blue.

This is the second miscarriage she has seen.

When a woman is pregnant with a child, she really wants half of her life! This is it!

Song Ci and Zhao Wan rushed over. Hearing the shouts in the room, Song Ci was flustered and asked, "Mrs. Hou? Xiao pity her...she..."

Yao Yao said in a deep voice, "General Song, be mentally prepared, I'm afraid the child will be lost."

Song Ci squeezed his fist, his face was very sad.

"General Song, go in and have a look at her!"

"Mrs. Xie."

Song Ci just stepped into the house with one leg, when he heard the woman in the house shout, "I want to see Lord Hou—I want to see Master Hou—can you please invite Master Hou here? Madam Hou, I beg you , let me see Lord Hou—it hurts—"

The leg that stepped into the house was pulled back abruptly by him.

Song Ci raised his dead face, exhaled the breath he had pent up for a long time, and said, "Ma'am."


"The lower official has an unfeeling request, please let my wife fulfill it."

Yao Yao frowned tightly, "Say it."

"Ask Lord Hou to come and see her once."

Yao Yao didn't want to agree at all, but turned her head, she saw Zhao Wan behind Song Ci poking her palm, this is the posture of worshiping Buddha!

Yao Yao didn't understand, what did she owe Zhao Wan girl?Waving his hand, it actually made people call for people.

I feel that these two people in front of me are fools. They are so stupid that they are in love with someone who shouldn't be loved.

But tilting her head and thinking about it, why isn't she herself?

That's all, life is short, as long as you think it's worth it, it's okay to be silly.

Yao Yao went to Yuanzikou, stretched out her hand to meet the injured man, supported him, and said distressedly, "Master Hou has worked hard for you. I have to run for you when I'm tired."

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, and said in her ear, "I will naturally respond to all Madam's requests. Because I like all kinds of favors Madam owes me."

"..." Yao Yao said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense. If you enter the house, you are not allowed to enter her body."

"I know. Ma'am, don't worry, just come here for your husband."

Qin Yilan entered the room, and before the door was closed, He Xiaolian's servant girl knelt down and cried, "Master Hou, my lady is so pitiful. After she heard that you were sick, she wanted to take care of you, but Mrs. Don't let it. Don't let it, don't say it, she still dragged my young lady, and she didn't care about my young lady's pregnancy, which caused my young lady to have a miscarriage!"

Outside, Yao Yao shook her head holding back her anger.

This pair of master and servant really loves to put on a show, and I don't know if Lord Hou will believe it?
If this He Xiaolian is really Hou Ye's first love, then as soon as this drama comes out, Yao Yao will be thrown into the [-]th floor of hell by Hou Ye immediately!

Enduring the severe pain, He Xiaolian stretched out his trembling hand, eager to be grasped by Qin Yilan and comfort her.It's okay, I'm here!

Unfortunately, Qin Yilan turned his face away and pretended not to see it.

"Miss He, do you have something to say to me?"

He Xiaolian asked earnestly, "Master Hou...I..."

"What? Don't you have anything to say? If you have nothing to say, how about I say it?"

He Xiaolian stared blankly, then stammered and asked, "Your Majesty, what orders do you have?"

"It's not an order, but a question. I heard from my family, Zimo, that Ms. He's aborted fetus had deformed bones. What's the reason? Could it be that my guards pushed the fetus in your womb into a deformed one?"

He Xiaolian's expression changed drastically, "This...I..."

"Miss He, please answer honestly, what is the real reason for your tire slippage?"

"I, I... I..."

Qin Yilan snorted and said, "If the belly is wrapped until the fetus slips, it shouldn't be too late to throw away the cloth to feed the belly, right? Someone, search the bed!"


A large number of guards swarmed in.

(End of this chapter)

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