Chapter 195

I don't know how long she fell into a coma, but Yao Yao woke herself up with a cough, "cough cough—cough——"

"Daddy, sister is awake!"

A boy over ten years old hurried into the house.

As soon as Yao Yao opened her eyes, she saw the baby, who looked a bit like herself.

Suddenly remembered what the child said before he fell into a coma.

— Mother!I picked up a sister back, this sister looks like my mother!

Yao Yao is overjoyed, isn't it?
She stepped into the door of the room with one foot, and her eyes looked eagerly.

But that foot turned out to be a man's shoe.

Followed by the crutches, the man who entered the room was a lame man with stubble on his face and a deep scar on his left eye.

The man's gaze was extremely unfriendly, "Are you awake? Can you get out of bed and walk around on your own? If you can walk, just walk! Meng'er, give her a medicine and let her get out of the valley by herself!"

"The Valley of Obstacles? Is this the Valley of Obstacles?"

The little boy smiled and said, "Yes, why did my sister come to the Valley of Obstacles? The Obstacles here are poisonous!"

Yao Yao asked curiously, "Then why aren't you afraid of poison?"

"We have an antidote, and living here all year round, our body has become resistant to the poisonous fog."


Yao Yao hurriedly grabbed the boy's hand and asked, "Where's your mother?"

The boy tilted his head and smiled, "Mother has gone up the mountain to gather medicine."

"Then I...then I'll wait for her to come back! I want to see her!"

The crippled uncle immediately groaned, "What's the point? Go away as soon as you wake up, don't disturb our life! You are not welcome here!"

Yao Yao's face was pulled down, she was very troubled by the uncle's unkindness.

But he is her own savior, so it's not easy for her to get mad.

She lowered her head to the little boy and said softly, "Little brother, can you help my sister? My sister wants to see your mother!"


A broken bowl fell on the ground, and the medicine in the bowl was originally boiled for her, and it spilled all over the floor.

Yao Yao looked over blankly, and saw that the uncle was blushing, as if he was extremely angry, "I told you to get out, why don't you understand? Do you want me to throw you out with my own hands before you are willing to leave?"

The boy stopped him and said, "Daddy, can't you control your bad temper? It's fine if you treat me harshly on weekdays. After all, I'm a guest, so please be more polite! Otherwise, I'll sue you with my mother!"

As soon as the uncle heard the complaint, he finally restrained his bad temper, and ran outside the house to chop firewood without saying a word.

There was a loud bang and bang, and Yao Yao felt that what the man wanted to chop was not firewood, but her head.

Yao Yao covered her mouth and asked with a sneer, "Is your father always so cruel to you?"

"Well. Daddy is not very kind to me!"

"Why? Aren't you his own son?"

"It's my own son, but daddy just doesn't like me."

"Why, why?"

"I don't know, I feel like Daddy thinks I'll snatch mother away! But sister, don't be afraid of him, he's just a paper tiger. As long as my mother is here, he won't dare to breathe. With my mother protecting me With you, you'll be fine."

Yao Yao's heart trembled, and she clenched her hands tightly, "Ahem...cough...when will your mother come back? I want to see her!"

"I don't know, sister, you have been poisoned. I need to grind medicine for you to cure your illness, but the medicine is hard to find. Mother went to find the medicine for you. I don't know if I can find it back!"

"Is it the poison of the mist? Don't you have an antidote? It seems like you fed me just now!"

"It's not the poison of the mist, sister, you have been poisoned by other poisons, don't you know it yourself?"

Yao Yao asked in surprise, "You...can you find out that I have been poisoned by other poisons? Other doctors can't find out my poison at all."

The little boy smiled proudly, "Isn't that right! I'm a young genius in the medical field, don't look at me as a small person, I will take over the position of Master Gu, the genius doctor in the future!"

Yao Yao stared blankly, "Master Gu, the genius doctor? You...know him?"

"I don't know each other, but it won't be long before we get to know each other."

"How to say?"

"I want to find the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, I want to learn from Master Gu, and I want to become his most powerful disciple, and then inherit all his medical skills!" The boy said excitedly, "I heard that the Valley of Miraculous Doctors is actually in the Valley of Misty It's nearby, but unfortunately I couldn't find the entrance after searching for two or three years."


"But Huangtian pays off those who work hard. If you search harder, you will definitely find it, right sister!"

Yao Yao chuckled happily, "Yes! I believe you will see him soon."

"With my sister's auspicious words, I must work hard to become the closed disciple of the genius doctor Guzhu!"

There were male and female conversations outside the house.

"Is the girl awake?"

"Didn't wake up, she's still asleep, don't disturb her, go cook, Meng'er is hungry."

Yao Yao frowned upon hearing this.

This uncle really likes to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Yao Yao quickly pushed the door open and called out, "Ma'am!"

The woman with her back turned back slowly.

Aging, but the charm is still there, the beautiful woman with delicate skin, raised her beautiful eyebrows, her eyes are agile, and her smile is amazing.

"Girl, you're awake!"

Yao Yao's eyes flickered wildly, and tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, "Mother—"

The beautiful woman was taken aback, then blinked innocently, "What are you calling me?"


Yao Yao rushed over in a hurry, trying to hug her, but was blocked by the uncle, blocking her way.

"Go away—"

The uncle was still ferocious, his expression was more ferocious than before.

Yao Yao took three steps back after being shouted down, she calmed down, and asked, choked with sobs, "Madam, may I ask your name?"

"My name is Xingan."

Yao Yao was dumbfounded and muttered, "What's the name?"

The lady covered her face and snickered, "I don't know why I'm called this name, my husband likes to call me that. He calls me heart! Oh, sometimes he also calls me baby."


"Also call me meatball."


"I feel like I can't even pronounce my name, girl, you can just call me Mrs."


Yao Yao was speechless, "Ma'am, have you... lost your memory?"

The woman nodded, "Yes. I can't remember my previous name. I only know that I am Qiao Meng's mother."

"Qiao Meng? Is it him?" Yao Yao touched the boy's head.

The woman replied, "Yes. His name is Qiao Meng, and my husband's name is Qiao Fu."

"..." Yao Yao rolled her eyes, "Both of your names are too casual."

One is called the woodcutter, and the other is called the heart!What the hell!Can't you choose a good name?
Yao Yao choked up her throat and said, "Ma'am, haven't you thought about retrieving your memory?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't want to."

"Why, why?"

"Because it hurts. Every time I have a nightmare, I wake up in tears. I feel that I have not been happy in the first half of my life. But it is different now. I have a husband who loves me, and a lovely Son, why should I bother myself?"

Yao Yao suddenly realized, her heart ached, thinking of what happened to her mother, she nodded vigorously, "That's right! That's right! This... This is indeed a wise move!"

She can't be too selfish, no matter how much she wants to recognize her mother, she must restrain herself.After all, her mother needs her own life.

A husband who loves her dearly, a son of Shuiling, the family of three live in harmony, and as for the past, if it should be abandoned, it must be abandoned.

As for doesn't matter, she won't live long anyway...

(End of this chapter)

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