Chapter 196

Qiao Fu asked coldly, "When are you going to leave? I'll pack your package and send you medicine without paying any money."

Yao Yao said awkwardly, "Uncle, you are so polite, I am too weak to walk, I want to stay overnight!"

Qiao Fu was so anxious that he burst out a few words, "Your family will be anxious and will look for you!"

Yao Yao smiled and said, "It's okay, let them look for it. The best you can find, let them carry the sedan chair and take me back. I can't walk."

"You are so delicate!"

The beautiful woman snorted, "Husband, you're too mean, she's a girl! It's normal to be coquettish. Let me go to the kitchen to cook, Meng'er, you can chat with my sister."

"Okay." Qiao Meng dragged Yao Yao's hand into the room, "Sister, come in and sit down, let mother cook. Meng'er has a lot to ask you!"

Yao Yao was dragged into the room with three steps and one turn.

Qiao Meng held her head and asked with a smile, "Why did my sister call my mother my mother? Could it be that she was yours before she lost her memory..."

"Well! I can be sure that she is my mother. Her name is Zhao Sihuai."

Qiao Meng murmured the name and tapped her palms, "Ah! No wonder I heard Daddy call her Sihuai once."

Yao Yao was taken aback, "Your father...does he know my mother's name is Sihuai?"

"Well. It was a thunderstorm that day, and my mother went up to the mountain and was trapped in the mountain. My father went to search for someone, and called her name in a moment of anxiety! I heard it, but my mother might not have heard it. When I carried her back that day, my mother was unconscious. !"

Yao Yao's heart trembled, and she wept with joy, "I knew God was kind to me. My mother is really not dead! It's really... great."

It's a pity that she wanted to hug her, but the uncle probably wouldn't let her.She also wanted her mother to remember her, but after thinking about it, she felt it was inappropriate.She would rather give up her memories in her mother's heart than let her mother remember the pain of the past.

"If sister is really mother's daughter? Don't I have a sister?" Qiao Meng said excitedly.

Yao Yao's expression flashed, and she also loved the boy in front of her very much.

"I'm the only child in my family. I live alone in Senshan without any playmates. I want my parents to give me a younger sister, but they don't want to."

"They won't?"

"To be precise, it's Daddy who refuses. Daddy even dislikes me and refuses to have a second child."

"Why? Why does your father despise you so much? Aren't you born of your father?"

"How could it not be his own? There are only the three of us in this valley, and there is no one else. I also don't understand what Daddy is thinking. Anyway, he doesn't want it, so it's useless for me to pester him."

Yao Yao gently touched his head and asked, "Where did your father come from?"

Qiao Meng stared, "I don't know that! Why did my sister ask my father?"

"A person who knew the identity of my mother hid her, refused to let her go home, and even married her in private. What is this?"


Yao Yao said in a deep voice, "Your father, it seems that it is not simple."


Yao Yao asked in a low voice, "My mother is not good at medical skills. But you are excellent in medical skills. Can you tell me, who did you learn your medical skills from?"


"Is it your father who taught you?"

"Uh." Qiao Meng stared blankly, "My sister and mother really seem to have the same expression when questioning people."

Qiao Meng held her chin and laughed, "I don't care who my father is, I only know that my father is my father, and my mother is my mother. I hope that the three of us will be happy and happy together as a family of three. That's enough! "

"..." Yao Yao lowered her head and muttered, "Yes. This is what I desperately desire."

When Qiao Meng heard this, she quickly grabbed the back of Yao Yao's hand, "I like my sister very much. If my sister wants to, she can stay in the valley and live with us."

Yao Yao smiled wryly, "Your father won't agree."

"It's okay, as long as my mother agrees. My father listens to my mother in everything."

"Heh. I don't force anything, I just hope that your father will take me in for a few days!"

After staying for a long time, I don't know what will happen to Lord Hou?

Outside the house, Zhao Sihuai called, "Girl, it's time to eat! Our guest table is in the kitchen, girl, don't be disgusted."

"Here we come." Yao Yao touched her tears secretly again, took Qiao Meng's little hand, and walked out of the room.

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

Qiao dreamed that Yao Yao had a severe cough, and worried, "Mother, my sister has been poisoned for a long time, and the toxin is difficult to clear. Have you picked the medicinal materials?"

"It's all in that basket, go and have a look, right?"

Qiao Meng ran over and took a few glances, "It's not right! Mom, don't I look like that herbal medicine?"

Zhao Sihuai wondered, "I've been looking for it very hard. I can't find it!"

Qiao Meng was very sad, "It seems that these rare medicinal materials are only found in the Valley of Genius Doctors."

"Ah..." Yao Yao covered her face in embarrassment when she heard this.

Really, baskets of evidence have shown that the bad intentions of that bitch poisoned her, and only his genius doctor, Gu, has the antidote.It meant that if she left him, there would only be a dead end.

Hey...why should her life be controlled by others?It's really not reconciled.

Qiao Meng grabbed the back of Yao Yao's hand and said with concern, "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely help you find Miracle Doctor Valley, and then I will try my best to make an antidote for you after I learn the art from a teacher."

"My brother is worried."

Yao Yao was moved in her heart, thinking of the heart she lost in Yao's family before, at this moment, she warmed up again.

She always felt that she had no relatives anymore, but she never expected that God would send her such a lovely brother, a family of flesh and blood connected by blood.

Looking at her mother, even though she lived in seclusion in the mountains and lost her previous memories, her every gesture was exactly the same as in her memory.Seeing her mother pick up a piece of meat, she couldn't help but shed two tears.

I knew that my mother was hiding in this deep mountain, but I just couldn't find her.Unexpectedly, being hunted down today gave her an unexpected joy.

"My house only has two rooms. Husband and Meng'er will sleep together tonight. I will share the same bed with the girl."

Yao Yaoxin looked at her with joy, eyes full of longing.

Qiao Fu pulled his face, and slammed his chopsticks on the table, "I don't agree. I never slept with you in your dream. Why should she!"

Zhao Sihuai said in a soft voice, "After all, she is a girl, and Meng'er is getting older, men and women are different, you can't let a girl sleep with Menger in the same bed, right? Even siblings are not good!"

"It's okay, I'll go to the cowshed to lay a quilt, and let Meng'er spend the night in the cowshed."

Qiao Meng stared blankly at her father, speechless.

Yao Yao was even more speechless.

Is this... really a father?Are you so cruel to your son?

Zhao Sihuai stared at him angrily, "You're being unreasonable again."

"I don't care, I won't give up my bed anyway."

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Yao Yao persuaded, "Okay. Ma'am, let Meng'er and I squeeze together. After all, he is still young, and I also see him happy. I want to recognize him as my own brother. There is a relationship between siblings." There is no barrier, it doesn't hurt to sleep together."

Qiao Meng shouted excitedly, "I also want to sleep with my sister. I have so many things I want to say to my sister!"

Zhao Sihuai listened and nodded, "It's a pity that this child has no playmates since he was a child, and he doesn't even have anyone to talk to. He only chats with Ah Huang on weekdays."

"Ah Huang?"

"Our cow."


Qiao Meng said proudly, "Our Ah Huang is amazing. His nose is stronger than a dog's. He was the one who found you. He wanted to go up the mountain, but he turned his head and ran towards you. I couldn't hold him back."

"Ah..." Yao Yao smiled knowingly, "Then I really thank you little brother Ah Huang."

Qiao Meng stuck to her tightly, dragged her to this side and that way, introduced a bunch of flowers and plants, all of which were some precious medicinal materials, and he picked a few handfuls of medicinal herbs at random and went to feed that Ah Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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