Chapter 220

Yao Wenwen was still as stubborn as ever, "You don't need to persuade me. Last time your mother betrayed me, I decided to expel her from the family tree. Today, I have the same determination to let Zhao Xiang leave Yao's mansion. You persuade me to Useless."

"So father, you are still selfish as always, only thinking of yourself?"

"What did you say?" Yao Wenwen glared at her, "What do you mean I am selfish? The one who made the mistake is your third sister!"

"Third sister has already been punished. The emperor ordered her to be grounded for life. This is her final ending. Please don't make their mother and daughter worse!"

Yao Wenwen was silent for a moment, then snorted, "When I expelled your mother from the family tree before, I never saw you actively persuade me. You are filial to your third aunt."

Yao Yao held the teacup, sighed, and took a sip of tea lightly.

Yao Wenwen looked at the woman in the cloak sitting beside Yao Yao, and asked, "Who is she?"

Unlike the maid, the maid dared not sit down by herself.

The cloaked woman didn't speak after she sat down.

Yao Yao raised her eyes and replied, "Mother's old friend."

"Sihuai's old friend? Who?" Yao Wenwen was curious.

The cloaked woman said in a hoarse voice, "I heard that recently there are rumors on the street that Zhao Sihuai is harboring traitors from the Fan clan and having an affair with the Fan clan. Who spread the word?"

Yao Wenwen snorted, "No matter how much she hides the scandal, it will spread out sooner or later. What's the fuss about?"

"But the emperor has already spoken out for Zhao Sihuai, dare to ask Master Yao, do you believe in your wife's innocence? Or do you believe that she is guilty?"

Yao Wenwen slammed the desk with a bang, "What's none of your business? Why are you hiding your head and showing your tail? Take off the cloak!"

The cloaked girl snorted, "Just look at Master Yao's words and deeds. You don't trust Sihuai at all! You have already found her guilty! Why are you so sure of her guilt? Isn't there someone? Was in your ear What have you said bad about her?"

Yao Wenwen was stunned for a moment, then blinked.

"Am I guessing right? Did she tell you something?"

Yao Wenwen gritted his teeth and snorted, "Zhao Xiang saw it with her own eyes, she harbored the assassins of the Fan clan!"

The cloaked woman laughed loudly, "Haha, your third wife once promised me and your wife that she would never say anything about it! It looks like she broke her promise."

Yao Wenwen froze for a moment, "What do you mean by that?"

"You don't understand, do you? The person who murdered the emperor back then! It was me! I was the assassin. I hid in your wife's room and was treated by her. Just happened to be caught by your third wife. I threatened her and forced her to send poison. Swear, no publicity is allowed. But she still talked to you, didn't she?"


Indeed, the first time after the news spread, Yao Wenwen hid at home and did not dare to go out for fear of being judged. At this time, he learned what happened back then from Zhao Xiang.

Zhao Xiang saw the assassin fall into their Yao mansion with his own eyes, and was hidden by Yao Yao, and told her not to publicize it.She helped Zhao Sihuai hide the truth for many years.

After Yao Wenwen heard these words, he decided that Zhao Sihuai had really betrayed him, had an affair with a man, and conspired against him.

Immediately afterwards, he acted righteously and killed his relatives, kneeling and admonishing the emperor to return the prince's innocence.The next step is to expel Zhao Sihuai from the family tree.

He felt that he had done nothing wrong in everything!He is right!

"Although I'm an assassin, I'm a woman. Your wife and I will never have any illicit behavior. How did the word 'fornication' spread?"

"This..." Yao Wenwen took a deep breath.

"Master Yao, you listened to the villain's slander and misunderstood your wife's loyalty to you. You are really a man!"

Yao Wenwen was speechless. Embarrassed, he pointed at the cloaked woman and shouted, "You are a traitor! Zhao Sihuai harbored you, that is also a crime! she not at fault?"

"What's wrong with her? The emperor was cruel and benevolent back then, shouldn't I kill him? Shouldn't I resist when the emperor destroyed my family? As a prince and a tutor, you turned a blind eye to the emperor's actions back then. Are you blind or heartless?" black?"

"You!" Yao Wenwen scolded angrily, "You are presumptuous!"

The cloaked woman waved her hands and said, "Okay! What I did has nothing to do with you, you just have to remember one thing, you are sorry for your wife! You owe Sihuai! From the day she married you and became pregnant with Yao'er , you did something to be sorry for her."

"Me? What did I do?"

"Oh, I still don't know what I did wrong! Sihuai never told you, but she told me that the husband she originally hoped to marry would be like her father, a loving couple with her mother. But you What? When she was pregnant, she slept with her dowry maid. Ha—”

Yao Wenwen took a deep breath and hummed with a blushing face, "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Why can't she accept it?"

"She accepted, didn't she? She also gave you Mrs. Li. She has three wives and four concubines for you! Isn't it?"

Yao Wenwen clenched his fist and snorted, "She accepted it on the surface, but she still resisted it in her heart."

"You said it wrong! Her heart is not resisting. It's because she is discouraged by you and doesn't want to care about you anymore. Her heart has been taken back, and it is impossible to give it to you again."


When Yao Wenwen heard this, his heart ached more and more.

"A heartless man, don't expect Sihuai to be sincere to you. It's good that she died. After she dies, she will be reincarnated in the next life. Keep her eyes open. Don't marry the wrong man again."

After the cloaked woman said this, she was about to leave, but she suddenly thought of something, turned back and said, "By the way, that third lady!"

Yao Wenwen raised his head in a daze, "What?"

"Your third wife, stay here!"

Yao Wenwen stared blankly, "You also persuade me to keep her? Why, why?"

It stands to reason that Zhao Xiang betrayed her and Zhao Sihuai, shouldn't they be eager for her to pay retribution?

He pushed her out of Yao Mansion, are they not satisfied with this ending?

The cloaked woman snorted and said, "Sihuai said, if you miss her a little bit someday, when you see Zhao Xiang, you should think of her existence. If you drive your third wife away, then your wolf-hearted dog will Who will set it off? Only the third wife stands in front of you every day. When you see her, you will think in your heart that your wife has been wronged and betrayed by you. Compared with Mrs. Zhao, Master Yao, you make me think more I hate you. If you leave Mrs. Zhao, you will be the one who is tormented! If your troubles can be passed down to the spring, Sihuai can feel your repentance, and you will feel better. If you have no repentance, then you will go your own way. I won't come here to persuade you again, I just ask you to let go of your thoughts in the next life, never see her again, and don't harm her life again."

After the cloaked woman left these words, she left the mansion alone.

Yao Yao looked at the back of the woman going away, feeling very comfortable.

Looking back, she looked at her father, and was very relieved to see his frustrated expression.

Fortunately, my father still has a conscience in his heart. He should know what he owes her mother, right?
(End of this chapter)

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