Chapter 221

Yao Yao got up and said to Yao Wenwen, "Father, I'm going back home too. I won't go to the third aunt's place. I hope my father can keep the third sister and the third aunt. Retired early and returned home with his wife and children. Let's leave Beijing."

Yao Wenwen quickly raised his eyes, "You persuaded me to leave the capital, are you planning to do something bad again?"

Yao Yao nodded silently, "It's hard to protect myself, I'm afraid that innocent people will be involved. My father has left the capital to live in seclusion, so I can have no worries."

"But your second sister is still in the palace."

"The life and death of the younger generation, let the younger generation decide for themselves. Daddy can enjoy his old age peacefully."

Yao Wenwen hurriedly chased after him, "Yao'er, Daddy doesn't want you to do those stupid things."

"Loyalty and filial piety are hard to achieve, Daddy." Yao Yao said in a deep voice, "I really don't want to be an enemy of Daddy, please don't hurt my heart again. This is my last advice."

After curtseying, Yao Yao also turned her head and left.

As soon as Yao Yao left, Yao Wenwen went straight to Zhao Xiangyuan, dragged her to the ground, and asked angrily, "Zhao Xiang, let me ask you, did you witness it with your own eyes when Sihuai harbored assassins?"

"Yes, yes!"

"The assassin is male or female?"

"'s a man!"

"Is it a man or a woman? Have you seen it clearly?"

Zhao Xiang choked up and bowed his head, finally confessing the truth, "It's a woman."

Yao Wenwen closed his eyes and said angrily, "Why did you lie to me?"

Zhao Xiang hurriedly said, "Why else? Master, I have put my whole heart on you for so many years, why can't I sit on the throne of Mrs. Zheng? And my sister is the same, she knows that I like you , but when I was lingering with you, let Mrs. Li come over and interfere, and break my heart!"

"Okay, don't talk about it! I don't want to pursue what happened before, and I don't have the strength to pursue it anymore. You are like your daughter, you should be grounded in Bieyuan from today. I don't want to see you again."

"Master—" Zhao Xiang rushed over and hugged his knees, "I am the one who is sorry for my sister, if you want to blame me, please blame me, okay? Don't be so cruel to my daughter, how could she sacrifice her great youth for her little one?" In the garden?"

"Then do you still want her to go out and continue to embarrass me?"


Zhao Xiang covered his face and wept bitterly, lamenting and pitiful.

When Yao Wenwen saw Zhao Xiang's appearance, he really missed Zhao Sihuai, recalling the shy and gentle posture when he first married into the mansion, and the cold expression behind him, a little bit of regret floated in his heart.

Leaving Zhao Xiang behind is torture to him!

I don't know if this torture can offset his apology to Si Huai?
Yao Yao returned to the Hou's Mansion to look for her aunt, but Director Ling said, "That lady didn't come back to the mansion!"

"What do you mean by not returning home? Is she lost? Send someone to find her."

Just as Yao Yao finished giving her orders, Xin Yuan rushed over to say, "There's no need to look for it. Madam Hou, my mother said she has her own affairs to deal with, so don't worry about it."

Yao Yao sighed, "She just woke up. She's not feeling well!"

"Let her go. The little monk will chant scriptures and pray for her, and keep her safe."

"..." Yao Yao had no choice but to go back to the house quietly.

When passing by the study, I saw Qin Yilan standing by the bookshelf, reading a book.

This blind man's bookshelf is full of inscriptions. When did he buy a book that can be read with the naked eye?

Look at him so engrossed that he didn't even notice her coming?
When Quiet Mimi crossed her legs into the room, she still alarmed him after all.

Qin Yilan was so frightened that she hurriedly put the book on the top floor.

Yao Yao stared at the unreachable height, and was taken aback for a while, "What good things did Lord Hou hide?"

Qin Yilan coughed awkwardly, "No, nothing."

Looking at his guilty look, it's really hard not to be suspicious, but looking up at this unreachable height, her little hands will definitely not be able to reach it, and she won't be able to snatch it.

This man with all his bad deeds felt like he was planning something all day long.

"Master Hou, I was too busy to question you before. You said that you saved me when I was attacked by a wolf?"

Qin Yilan asked strangely, "What? Do you doubt me?"

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "Master Hou can answer yes or no. As long as you answer, I will definitely believe you."

"There is no doubt that I was the one who saved you. Although I was young at the time, I can still fight a wolf."

"Hmm." Yao Yao nodded blithely, and asked again, "I don't have any scars on my body, is it because of Lord Hou's good medicine?"

"For sure. The quack's ointment will only harm you. It will leave you with indelible scars."


"So?" Qin Yilan asked sideways, "What does Madam want to ask?"

Yao Yao glared at him angrily, "Did Lord Hou give me the medicine himself?"

"Uh... this..." he finally realized the problem, "this... this..."

"Cough cough cough..." Yao Yao covered her mouth and coughed.

Qin Yilan hurriedly said, "Ma'am, don't be angry. At that time, you had no choice but to! And at that time, you were still young and underdeveloped, so there was nothing to see!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yao Yao covered her mouth and lay down next to the bookshelf, coughing more fiercely.

Qin Yilan was sweating profusely in an instant, "I was wrong! I...I...I'm sorry! Madame, calm down! If you're not at ease, or poke my eyes out!"

After a while, Yao Yao supported the bookshelf and exhaled, "If there are any secrets that I don't know, Master Hou will tell you. Don't wait for me to find out before telling me."

"No other secrets. Really."

Yao Yao raised her eyes and stared at him, "Swear to me!"


"Cough, cough, cough!" Yao Yao was so angry that he almost turned her stomach to death. "Then tell me!"

"Ma'am, do you still remember that you were bitten by a poisonous snake that year?"

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and thought, "I don't remember. When did it happen?"

"Lantern Festival night, lighting lanterns, I don't know what you saw. After being separated from your family, you went to an alley alone, and you were bitten by a poisonous snake and fell into a coma."

"and then?"

"Are you poisoned? I'll give you medicine!" Qin Yilan blinked guiltyly.

Yao Yao faintly heard something was wrong, "How did you feed?"

good question!
Qin Yilan couldn't help suppressing a smirk, "He fed it with his mouth."

Yao Yao took a deep breath, "So..."

"Yes! I got your first kiss very early!"

A good education taught her not to swear at mothers, otherwise at this moment she really wanted to say, fuck.

Yao Yao took countless deep breaths, pointed to the row of books above her head and asked, "What's hidden there?"

"Knowledge." Qin Yilan coughed twice, "Madam, sometimes it's better not to ask too much. People need to pretend to be confused."

After hearing this, Yao Yao sighed speechlessly, "Your vision is quite open."

"Is madam tired? Go to the house and have a rest. You can't take care of yourself anytime soon. I'm dying of anxiety."


Yao Yao turned her head and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "Is your mother plotting something? Recently she asked the guards in and out of the mansion, she was very busy."

"Really? I didn't ask."

"It's time for you to care about her. Mother just woke up, so it's not advisable to run around and get tired."

"I can't see her."

Yao Yao was taken aback, "Why?"

"My father is with her, and I can't see her."


"Madam wants to see her, so she should be able to see her."

Yao Yao turned her head in embarrassment, "I had a little conflict with my father, seeing him...embarrassing."

Qin Yilan snickered, "It's okay, even if you offend him, he won't hold grudges against you. You are the treasure in our family."

Yao Yao's pupils flickered slightly, "Does Hou Ye know that your father..."

"Huh? My dad what?"

(End of this chapter)

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