Chapter 224

Yao Yao took Suomenyi to the corner.

Somenyi raised his shining eyes and asked, "What is sunflower water?"

Seeing her ignorant and ignorant expression, she suddenly remembered that she had raised her head up and asked stupidly before, what is Zhou Gong's gift?
Thinking of this, she almost wanted to slap herself a few times.

When a woman is ignorant, how ridiculous will it be in the eyes of a man?

Poor little girl, she has a mad mother and a brother of the opposite sex, so it's inconvenient to teach her these things.At that time, if there is blood from her buttocks, she will scare herself to death, right?
Yao Yao patiently taught her a lot of knowledge. After listening to the little girl, she ran to Zimo and asked, "Brother Ah Mo, I haven't come to Sunflower Water since I was eighteen. Am I not healthy? Are you sick?"

"Well. If you are really eighteen, you are indeed stunted! You need to take some medicine to supplement you. But the premise is that you are indeed."

The girl lowered her head, twisted her little finger, and said, "Let me tell you the truth, I'm not eighteen, I'm only thirteen."

"Huh? Why...why? Falsely reporting your age will do you any good?"

"Because my mother lost a child, counting her age, this year! My brother lied to my mother, saying that the child was not lost, and he was it! My mother didn't believe me. My brother said again, that the child was not lost, and I was it! We sisters took turns Lie to my mother."

"'s like this." Zimo rubbed her head, "What a poor child, how hard he has suffered with your mother and your brother."

Yao Yao stepped forward and asked, "Your brother?"


"Does he have a birthmark of this shape?"

Somenyi nodded, "It should be. Brother dare not ask, and neither do I. Anyway, mother will draw this symbol wherever she goes."

"Well, I've seen it!" Yao Yao smiled awkwardly.

Ever since her aunt woke up, her entire Hou Mansion, literally every corner, was covered with a little red mark between the twin-tailed foxes.

Seeing this imprint, she could draw two conclusions. The child that my aunt lost was the boy she had to find. In addition, my aunt was the woman who was imprisoned in Zhuqing Palace.All the bamboos in Zhuqing Palace are engraved with the same imprint.

Now there is a question, the emperor said that he wanted to find his third son.Why does she feel that this third son is the one that my aunt lost?
However, the mother-in-law also said that she was looking for a boy, and she felt that the boy her mother-in-law was looking for was the same one.But she said that the emperor does not have a third son, and she thinks this boy is Qin Yan's illegitimate son?
Confused, really confused!
It's a pity that my aunt suffers from insanity. She can occasionally get some secrets from her mouth, but every time she mentions a certain key point that stimulates her, she immediately becomes insane, and it is really difficult to talk.

After much deliberation, this breakthrough has to be struck from the side.

In the evening, when Yao Yao went to the main house with fine wine, she saw Qin Yan standing at the gate of the garden, looking up at the moon.

She stepped forward and smiled slightly, "Father is so elegant, how can he enjoy the moonless night so happily?"

"Hahaha! My daughter-in-law is really giving me face, she said it so decently. Just say it directly, I was kicked out by my wife. I can't sleep in the house!"

"..." She did not expose him to save face, but she did not expect her father-in-law to be so sincere.

Qin Yan flicked the dewdrops on his body, and at a glance, he knew how many hours he had been punished to stand, "It's not the first day. And I'm not ashamed, isn't my son often kicked out of the house to sleep by you?"


"Like a son, like a father!"

"Uh huh..." Yao Yao didn't know what expression to make other than an embarrassed smile.

Qin Yan suddenly stopped smiling, and stared at her complainingly, "My wife never drove me out of the house before, and after waking up, I don't know who I learned this trick from. Cough cough!"

"..." Yao Yao's scalp went numb, and she hurriedly curtseyed to say goodbye, "I'll go drink some wine with mother to warm her heart. Maybe mother will let you in when she's in a good mood? "

"Well, that's about the same! Go, go!"

Yao Yao was pushed into the room.

I happened to see Yuwen Liuli groping for a pair of jingle bracelets.

I guess this bracelet should be a token of love, right?Qin Yilan guarded her very carefully, and when his mother woke up, he immediately returned it to her.

"Mother." Yao Yao called softly.

Yuwen Liuli withdrew her staring gaze, and hurriedly greeted, "Yaoer, come and sit down quickly, and have a good chat with me."


After her mother-in-law woke up, she was either sick or busy, so she didn't have time to have a long talk with her.

"I know what you're going to ask, do you want to talk about your mother?"

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "Yes."

"It's not a complicated story. Back then, a group of Fan clan assassins assassinated the emperor. When the leader of the Fan clan was repelled and was almost assassinated, I saw that the assassin looked a bit like my husband, so I moved. Compassionate, I helped him block it, and quarreled with the emperor on the spot. The emperor's bad temper directly took out his sword and stabbed me. When your mother saw it, she blocked it in front of me, and the sword directly stabbed your mother. My dear belly. It's not a big problem at all."

"Ah..." She had already heard this story a little, but it was only when it was told from the mouth of the person involved that it was detailed.The truth of the matter is that the sword that the mother-in-law was stabbed was actually stabbed by the emperor.But in order to protect the emperor's own reputation, he abruptly put the blame on the Fan clan.

"Your mother and the leader of the clan seem to know each other. I can see that she took advantage of her injury to cause the emperor's panic, so she rushed to the leader of the clan and let him hold her hostage. Those assassins fled. Later, when the emperor found your mother, she appeared in the grove. She has not been defiled by anyone!"

"But there are rumors in the palace."

"Hongling Fuxiang, that bitch passed it on!"


Yuwen Liuli snorted, "The emperor wanted to keep his mouth shut, so he killed his eyes. There were corpses all over the place that day! Your mother was still under house arrest in the palace, and the emperor refused to let her go home. It was because I went to invite the empress dowager to do that." They sent your mother out of the palace! I remember that day, when I was looking for the concubine, the concubine gave me a bowl of poison and asked me to drink the poison in exchange for your mother's freedom. I drank it without hesitation!"

"Is that the poison? It left you in a coma for decades?"

"En!" Yuwen Liuli nodded in response, "After I was poisoned, my son sealed my heart and said it would delay me for a few days. During this period, he was busy trying various antidotes, which stabilized my injury. He did not die from the poison on the spot."

"and then?"

"Yi Lan told me, don't rush me, he can stabilize me for a long time. But that day, when I was in the mansion, I suddenly found a child stealing chicken legs. When I went to chase the child, I saw him skillfully Our mansion fled through the dog hole, and I chased him over the wall. When I reached the foot of a certain mountain, I saw the child hugging a woman's thigh and calling her mother!"

"Could it be that child?"

"Yes! That child is the illegitimate child of Lao Immortal!"

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, "Why are you so sure?"

"The woman said it herself. At that time, there was a man in front of the woman who asked her if the child belonged to him. The woman directly denied it, saying that the child belonged to Qin Houqing!"

At that time, the father-in-law was not yet a nobleman, but was also a marquis.

(End of this chapter)

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