Chapter 225

Yao Yao took a deep breath, "Mother, do you believe what other people say right away?"

"How is it possible! In fact, I have suspected it for a long time. Five years ago when I found out about the child, the woman gave birth to the child in our concubine's mansion. That old man even served her in confinement! Although he kept saying that he was a servant The child is the child of a servant girl, but I just feel something is wrong. So that day I found this kid who stole chicken legs, and I had to chase him to find out what happened."

Yuwen Liuli covered her heart, and said with a wry smile, "But after all, I still don't have the courage. I didn't even dare to look at the woman's appearance, I only heard her voice. Hearing the woman screaming, the child is Xia Houqing, I was so angry that the poison in my body broke out, so I dragged my body back home. Yilan told me that he was not good at learning, so he had to go to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors to ask his master. I told him not to tell his father, but to give him Father, find a corpse and bury me, and treat me as dead!"

Yuwen Liuli was holding the wine pot and pouring it vigorously, "I want to find that child out of my heart, and then ask that old man face to face! Did he have an affair with another woman, and even gave birth to an illegitimate child? If so, I will Is it okay to let him be free? Why would he lie to me? But I have been in a coma for decades, but I listened to him guarding the empty boudoir alone, never taking concubines, never renewing strings, guarding my tablet, and living like years. My heart is soft When I got down, I thought strangely, since he betrayed me once, doesn’t he care about the second and third times? Why didn’t he continue? Could it be that the child is not his?”

"I also feel that the child is not father's."

Yuwen Liuli suddenly felt better, and after a while, her face fell again, "But I asked him, but he just didn't say anything! He just didn't say anything, are you angry?"

"Daddy is also a man with secrets! Why is mother angry? I have never been so angry with my mother! Your son's style is even worse than your father's!"

"What's that? He's just pretending to be blind to deceive you. What's that?"

"Mother only knows one thing but not the other. Not only did he pretend to be blind, he also sneaked into my boudoir and peeked at me!"

Yuwen Liuli gave her a blank look, "Sooner or later it will be his little wife, see it sooner or later, is there any difference?"

"Ahem!" Yao Yao was annoyed, "Mother—"

What are you talking about!
"It's like you are keeping the famous festival to be a treasure! Just like Sihuai. It was her blessing that the emperor fell in love with her back then. Anyway, your father didn't want to see her. If you want to be me, I'll just divorce your father." Abandoned, and then stayed and flew with the emperor, and when she became a concubine, she turned around and kicked your father. What an inspirational story! But she insisted on guarding her own reputation and caused so many tragedies."

Yao Yao suddenly said, "But why, I always feel that the emperor doesn't look like that kind of cruel and heartless man? He is very reasonable."

"What's the point? When he exterminated the Fan clan, he just wanted to find the lover of his dreams. He said that the granddaughter of the leader of the Fan clan looked like the lover of his dreams, and he didn't care whether his granddaughter was married or not. Agreed, stepped on their tent directly, and snatched the woman back. After snatching it back, she saw that it was wrong, and threw it down the mountain alive. This kind of scumbag is really not worthy of being an emperor! Yaoer, listen to me Now, with your intelligence and my courage, the two of us will definitely be able to usurp the throne!"


"Then I will make my son the emperor, and you will be the queen! You assist him to ascend the throne, and the two of you will have a perfect ending."


Yao Yao held the teacup and sighed, "Mother, you drink too much."

"No! I didn't drink too much, and my mind is very clear. This is the strategy I have been planning when I was in a coma! I just thought, if the heavens can wake me up, I will definitely do something great for the people! "By the way, I heard that there is a very powerful woman living in your house? She also wants to murder the emperor? Tell her to come here. I want to make friends with her, and then the two of you will marry each other." Discuss how to assassinate the emperor."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yao Yao shook her hand quickly, "No, no, no, that woman's brain is sick, and she's lost her mind. When she becomes crazy, her own people can't recognize her. She hacked with a knife!"

"'re insane. Forget it! You can't become a comrade-in-arms, for fear of being held back by her. You should quickly cure her and send her away. There are too many cats and dogs in your mansion!"

Oh, yes!Her mother-in-law is also included!

Yuwen Liuli was drunk and drunk, and fell down at the dining table after a while, Yao Yao hurried out to meet people, and sent her father into the house.

Turning back, she went to the side room.

The door knocked twice, and Hongling Fuxiang's voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Yao Yao entered the room and saw that she hadn't lit the lamp. The pitch-black bedroom made her dare not move around, "Why don't you turn on the lamp?"

"The night calms me down. What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"Is your empress planning how to get out of the Hou's mansion?"

"It's not easy to escape? Just take some medicine powder and sprinkle it, and I can come and go freely! But you also know that I can't go back to the palace after I leave the Marquis Mansion. I want to kill the emperor, and this wish is getting farther and farther away. I I'm still counting on you to help me! I want to remind you in your ear every day that there is a hatred between you and the emperor that insults your mother!"

Yao Yao asked softly, "Major, can you tell me how the emperor's third son disappeared?"

"Birth of a lowly maidservant, the concubine can't bear it, so someone will arrest her. Where will it be sent, who the hell knows?"

"Why did Empress Hongling spread rumors about my mother's scandal? Said she was defiled by the Fan clan? So many servants in the palace were killed?"

"Tch—your mother has a family and hooked up with the emperor, what is it if she's not a slut? What's wrong with me saying something bad about her? Besides, it's not me who slaughtered the servants! It's the emperor!"

It could be heard that Hongling Fuxiang was very jealous of her mother. "Do I understand that my mother is jealous of my mother? So spreading rumors to make trouble?"

"That's it!"

"What about now? Why murder the emperor?"


Fuxiang Hongling wasn't answering, but had a bitter smile on her face.

Yao Yao asked, "Mother, give me a reason why you want to murder the emperor, okay?"

Hongling Fuxiang covered her stinging heart and said, "When your heart and eyes are all about that man, watching him ascend the throne, being with him with joy, and becoming his concubine, but he never looks at you, how do you feel? Can you understand? I tried all my hard work, but I couldn't get him to look at me, but he is so obsessed with a married woman! Does he think I'm a fake? Our Hongling family, is it true? His spine! It was so hard to wait until the woman fell off the cliff and died. The emperor was lost for several days, and I was still full of hope waiting for him to stand up again. Finally I waited, and he straightened his waist and was reborn! But who knows... ...his first words after rebirth were..."

Yao Yao said cleverly, "Exterminate the clan?"

Hongling Fuxiang slapped the table and yelled, "I love him so much! Why did he want to destroy my family? Is it because I said a few gossips about his woman? Oh, yes, he slaughtered so many servants for Zhao Sihuai, and then What is it to him to slaughter a Hongling family?"

(End of this chapter)

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