Chapter 226

Hongling Fuxiang sat down again and exhaled, "I will kill him! Then die for love! I will live and die with him! I think this may be the only ending for me to be with him!"

Having said that, Hongling Fuxiang hurried over, grabbed Yao Yao's shoulder and said, "You can help me, right? Yaoer, you have to remember that that beast raped your mother! He..."

"Enough!" Yao Yao pushed her away and said, "Don't disturb my thoughts! I don't want to be brainwashed by any of you! What I'm looking for is the truth!"

Yao Yao turned and left, looked at the door guarded by the guards, and let out a deep breath.

Although she resisted in every possible way, all the facts of the past happened for real, and no one could deny it.

The emperor, is he really damned?

If the emperor is so persistent with her mother?But how can my aunt give birth to the third son?

Is it?

Will it?
His Majesty...

no no no!This possibility is very low!

Yao Yao shook her head vigorously to drive away some of the random thoughts. "Cough cough cough..."

The night was cold and the dew was heavy, and the cough began to attack again.I haven't taken any medicine recently...

Whenever Yao Yao thinks about taking medicine, she can't help but think about serving her bed.

Back then when he was almost defiled in the cell, he thought in his heart that it would be better if his body was handed over to Lord Hou earlier.But after returning, why did she become a shrinking turtle again?

She is also worried when she is in good health, and she is also worried when she is not in good health!Anyway, just worry!

Back in the house, Yao Yao caught a glimpse of a bowl of hot soup on the table, and seeing that there was no one in the room, she picked up the medicine bowl and hesitated for a while, should she drink it?Still down?

She glanced back at the bed, and heard a woman's miserable screams in her ears.


Is it a pain or what?Why is it called so miserable?

A sense of fear arose spontaneously, and she made another mistake, walked to the window, opened the window, and poured out the medicine.

After pouring the medicine, she let out a sharp breath, "cough cough cough."

He took three steps back and was about to turn around when he bumped into a wall of flesh.


The bowl was broken.

Yao Yao gasped, covering her mouth and not daring to look up, she just stared at the man's feet, not daring to take a breath.

After a long while, the room was so quiet that even the sound of candles could be heard.

How to do?
Living this big has never tasted like this.Got caught on the spot!

Guilt, guilt, and anxiety!
"Hou...Master, when did you enter the house?"

The man's voice was slightly hoarse, "It's already on your beam."

"...Master Hou, you! Pregnant? Suspected?"

"What do you think?" Qin Yilan said in a deep voice, "I forced you out of the poison, there is no reason for you to be so weak. I thought you must have not taken the medicine properly. Who knows, after so many days, you haven't had a bowl Drink! I really don’t even want to drink a bowl!”


"Don't talk!" Qin Yilan blocked her mouth, "Don't talk, I'm afraid you will be angry with me."

He reached out and rubbed her hair, sighed deeply, "What should I do with you? I just want to get you, and the method is a bit despicable. But I really want to beg you, don't use this method to torture me, revenge Me. I hope you get better soon, not for my own selfish desires, but simply hope that you will be healthy."

Yao Yao trembled slightly, and said in a choked voice, "I'm sorry... Lord Hou. I'm just... just a little scared."

"Don't worry, I will never let you go through what your mother went through. As I said, the love between a man and a woman is what you want, not unilateral violence. That is not humiliation."

He sighed again, rubbed the bun on the side of her ear, and said softly, "I will sleep in the study tonight. If you really feel sorry, come to my place. I will forgive you immediately."

Yao Yao looked at the man's leaving back, opened her lips slightly, and wanted to tell him to stay, but her voice stopped abruptly, and she couldn't speak.

That night, Qin Yilan stood and wandered back and forth in the study, waiting for his door to knock.

There was a sudden movement outside the door.As soon as he heard it, he knew that there was someone outside the house.

Although he couldn't see anyone or hear other voices, he could feel someone outside the house.

For sure, it's definitely her!
She's here, she's here to admit her mistake!
But after waiting for a long time, there was still no knock on the door.

It's so cold outside, what is she dawdling about?Really mad at him!
Qin Yilan couldn't bear it, and opened the door, just in time to see Yao Yao raised her small fist, about to knock on the door.

The man with an angry face finally pulled away a bright smile, "Do you really want to drive me crazy?"

After saying that, he picked her up and turned around to go into the house, but after taking two steps, he looked at the simple bed in the study, then turned his head and walked outside the house.

Along the way, Yao Yao lay silently in his arms, trembling, thinking about what might happen later.

She looked up at the man's resolute jaw, as if she had already made a decision.She knew he was ready, but she wasn't ready yet.What if I'm a little scared?
Gently put her on the bed, Qin Yilan took off his coat and threw it away, reached out and grabbed her cold little hand, pulled off the collar and stuffed it into his heart.

The hot skin immediately scalded her slightly.

Seeing the man pressing down, Yao Yao was so frightened that she stretched out her hand to block him, "Master Hou! Wait a minute!"

"Yes. Tell me!" Qin Yilan choked and listened patiently.

"Treat your illness first, can we have intercourse after you are cured?"

Qin Yilan tilted his head strangely, "Where did I get sick?"

He also looked down and checked himself up and down to see what was wrong.

Yao Yao anxiously said, "Master Hou, why are you ignoring your own illness? You are obviously a miracle doctor! You should know how you are different from others!"

"I really don't know. Please tell my wife frankly."

Yao Yao hurriedly stretched out her little hand to gesture to him, "... Tell me, what is this disease?"

After being dazed for a while, Qin Yilan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Yao Yao stared and shouted, "Don't laugh! I'm talking to you very seriously! If you die from this disease, I...I dare not have sex with you."

"My silly daughter-in-law." Qin Yilan stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, and whispered softly, "The more men are, the happier women are. If you don't understand, I can teach you. Tonight is still very long."


"Hush—" Qin Yilan pressed her red lips and coaxed, "Shut up. Let me punish you first!"

Overnight, the girl transformed into a real woman.

The next morning, Yao Yao stared blankly, looked at the top of the bed and wanted to move, but found that her whole body was in pain like falling apart.What a suffering among sufferings!
There were some noisy noises outside the house, and she couldn't get up. Just by hearing the sounds, she knew that it was her aunt who lost her mind and committed another crime.

"Mom? What are you looking for?"

"Where's my child? Sihuai ran away with my child, did they escape?" Somentaya sat down on the ground and howled, "They didn't escape! They fell off the cliff! They're all dead—Sihuai is dead, and so is my son!"

Not long after crying, she stood up again and yelled, "No! No body was found! If no body was found, he was not dead! There is no body of my son at the foot of the mountain! The wet nurse must have escaped with my son! She hid him right?"

Yao Yao listened and inhaled slightly.

then?When her mother's carriage fell off the cliff, did she still bring her aunt's child with her?

(End of this chapter)

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