Chapter 230

Yuwen Tongyue closed her eyes tightly again, and exhaled, "I asked you to track down my son, but I didn't ask you to track down my secret! Son, you didn't help me find it, but you found a bunch of people who wanted to kill me. People. What's the matter?"

Yao Yao pressed on and asked, "Am I right? Back then, the tyrannical emperor killed the entire Fan clan, arrested my aunt, and drugged my aunt for a woman who looked very similar to my mother. Irresponsible Throwing it down the mountain. You picked her up at the foot of the mountain, and gave birth to a son with my aunt, and it is roughly the same today."

Yuwen Tongyue nodded, "Yes."

Qin Yilan hurriedly asked, "Did my father help you?"

Yu Wentong smiled sideways, "Help me? Are you underestimating your father?"

"What, what?"

"Back then... your father was the chief planner."


Qin Yilan was dumbfounded, but seeing Yao Yao's expression was not strange at all, "Yaoer, you also know about this?"

"I told Lord Hou the other day that I know your father has a secret and I want you to ask it, but you just refuse to ask it and insist on asking those useless things."


cough!He didn't know that the secret was so huge.

Yao Yao said, "Auntie didn't tell me a lot, she lost a lot of things because of her insanity, and she only revealed one secret. Your father is her master. He was the mastermind of the Fan clan's assassination! That day your mother also As I said, when the leader of the Fan clan was assassinating, she saw that the assassin was very similar to your father, so she couldn't help but block his sword. After angering the tyrannical emperor, your mother was almost killed. The emperor stabbed to death with a sword."

It never occurred to her that the cowardly father that the mother mentioned, who hid at home all day and pretended to be sick, and never left the house, turned out to be the leader of the assassination of the Fan clan.

Qin Yilan thought about himself again, and his father, one pretended to be sick and the other pretended to be blind.

Oh, it's really father and son!
Yuwen Tongyue exhaled and asked, "So? You have tracked down so many things. Have you tracked down my son's matter?"

"Does the emperor know that he fell off the cliff with my mother and died?"

Yuwen Tongyue's face turned pale, "No! He's not dead yet! His body can't be found at the bottom of the mountain! Only your mother's body! I'm sure your wet nurse is still alive, she took my son away! Hongling Fu Xiang still holds some clues in her hand, you have hidden her for so long, didn't you ask any news?"

"She lied to you. She has no clue at all."

Yuwen Tongyue shook his head in despair, "I don't believe he's dead. I can feel it, he must be alive!"

Before he finished speaking, he quickly turned his head and asked, "Where's your little aunt? Since you saw her, she's still alive. Where's her? Tell her to come out and stop avoiding me."

"She called you the dog emperor and said she was going to kill you! What's going on?"

"She got the wrong person! I'm not the dog emperor! I'm her second dog!"

Upon hearing the last three words, a certain couple instantly petrified.

The two froze, unable to return to their souls for a long time.

Husband, what should we do?I want to cough.

Ma'am, hold on!I'm holding back too!
"Cough cough cough...cough cough..." How can this be held back!Yao Yao covered her mouth and began to cough crazily again.

Qin Yilan sighed, and coaxed along her back, "Slow in in and out slowly! Don't be impatient..." Don't laugh!
"Uh huh——" Yuwen Tongyue realized that she had said something embarrassing, and quickly tightened her face, and said, "I...uh...No matter what, you have to hurry up and get my son back ! Otherwise, if you hide this nest of traitors, I really don’t have the guts to put up with it any longer!”

Yao Yao calmed down, bowed her knees and nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

When Yuwen Tongyue turned to leave, Yao Yao suddenly stopped him, "Your Majesty, wait a minute, I still have something to say."

Yuwen Tongyue turned to look at her, "What are you talking about?"

Yao Yao smiled brightly, "It's good that you are not the tyrannical emperor. It was the minister's wife who misunderstood you, offended you, and said a lot of bad things to make you angry. The minister's wife apologizes."

Yuwen Tongyue shook his head and smiled wryly, "I am the only one in this world who has such a magnanimity."

After dropping these words, he waved his hand and left.But he was still thinking about it, when will he be able to see the mother and son?

At night, Yao Yao had just finished bathing and was still dressed, Qin Yilan pushed the door open, "You can move my aunt to another garden..."

The last one? I didn't say a word, seeing the woman getting dressed in a hurry, my breathing immediately became cloudy.

Yao Yao blushed and turned her back, "Auntie needs someone to take care of her."

"There are many servant girls in the house."

"But if she loses her mind and goes mad, it's convenient for me to persuade her. She treats me as her sister, and she will never hurt me when she loses her mind and beats people."

After finishing the words, a fiery arm was wrapped behind her back, and a brain was buried in the socket of her shoulder, greedy for her fragrance.

Yao Yao shuddered and said nervously, "Has Master Hou washed and slept?"

"Are you feeling better?"

Holding her breath, Yao Yao shouted, "Can you stop asking?"

"Why can't you ask?"

"Anyway, the pain is on me, not on you."

"..." Qin Yilan sighed speechlessly, "After all, my skills are not good. I need to practice more."

"What, what?" Practice more?Is he joking?
Yao Yao pulled her face down, "I'm tired and want to sleep."

"Ma'am, I..."

Pulling her arms apart, she went straight to bed, covered her with the quilt, and turned her head and shouted, "Master Hou takes a bath and changes clothes by himself, so I won't serve you anymore."

What do you mean, how does it feel like he was used once and thrown away after use.

Qin Yilan lowered his head and began to reflect, was he really rude last night?It shouldn't be!Impulse can't be called rude, right?

Qin Yilan hadn't undressed to take a shower when she suddenly heard footsteps outside the house.

He turned his head back coldly, and there was a voice outside the door, "Master, Eunuch Hong is here, saying that the emperor has not returned to the palace!"

Qin Yilan blinked in shock, "What? Where's my father?"

"I went to the main house just now, and His Excellency the Duke has not returned."

Qin Yilan's heart instantly turned cold.

Yao Yao got up quickly, and looked at Qin Yilan, she said, "Master Hou, go and look for it. I'm in the Hou family."

Qin Yilan was worried at both ends, and was so entangled in his heart, but finally decided to go to the emperor, "I'll let Zimo stay."

"No, Zimo is taking it with him. If Master Hou is injured, he can still help. There are guards in the mansion, as well as little master Xinyuan."

Qin Yilan nodded after thinking, "Okay. Be careful in everything! Don't be reckless."

"Understood. Master Hou is also careful."

Qin Yilan hurried away with Zimo, and Yao Yao put back her clothes.

Seeing Ling Yu coming out with a lantern to explore the wind, Yao Yao hurriedly called, "Ling Yu, come here."

Ling Yu trotted over and asked, "Ma'am? What happened?"

"I want you to take Mengtao and leave the mansion immediately. You can take as much money as you can from the treasury. Take the money and don't forget to stock up on food for me."

"Ma'am? I've stocked up several granaries here, do you still stock up?"

"Hoard, if you can't hoard, go to Chicheng next door to hoard. Hoard as much as you can."


Yao Yao stepped forward and grabbed Ling Yu's shoulder and exhorted, "The Hou family seems to be unable to support the child, so I must keep Mengtao's child."

"That's my own child, I will protect the younger one to the end."

"Go. Go now!"


Meng Tao woke up in a daze, her clothes were not fully dressed, she was a little noisy and didn't want to leave, but how could she decide this matter?

(End of this chapter)

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