Chapter 231

After that, Yao Yao dismissed many domestic servants, and more than half of the money in the treasury of the Hou Mansion was also scattered.Only some guards and old slaves who refused to leave remained in the mansion.

Yao Yao went to Beiyuan, knocked on the door and said, "Miss He."

Ever since He Xiaolian lost her child, she has been pretending to be dead at her home to recuperate. As long as she doesn't say that she is healthy, Yao Yao can't force her to leave.But it also really put her under house arrest, and never let her step out of Beiyuan.

He Xiaolian's mournful voice came from inside the room, "Why do Madam want to visit my little girl tonight?"

"I'll send someone to send you out of the capital, to your father."

"I'm not going!"

He Xiaolian directly vetoed it.

She thought about it, she didn't have any face to stay in the mansion anymore, if she had, it would be shameless.

But her reputation has long been ruined, so what's the point of being a bit more shameless?
And once she leaves Beijing, there will be no day for her to turn around!
She is a woman who has been married and conceived a child before, and she cannot marry a better man.

Yao Yao whispered softly, "The mansion is afraid of accidents, and I'm afraid it will implicate you. It's for your own good to ask you to leave."

"If something really happens to the Hou's mansion, then I will live and die with the Hou!"

Yao Yao shook her head speechlessly, "Why must Ms. He be so stubborn? Lord Hou won't accept your kindness."

"What do you care about me? It's not your turn to intervene in the matter between me and Lord Hou! You go, even if I die, I will die in front of Lord Hou."

Yao Yao sighed silently, "Okay, that's up to you."

Yao Yao turned around and left, continuing to settle matters in the mansion, the key now is how to hide this troublesome mother!

Afraid to be afraid, she wanted to hide, but this mother-in-law couldn't hide, and jumped out by herself to hit other people with guns.

Before Yao Yao stepped into the main house, Xin Yuan came rushing over to squeak, "Ma'am, many temples in the capital are brightly lit. Taichang Temple has already been searched, the emperor is not there, and there is no news about the Duke yet."

Yao Yao's face became more and more gloomy, "Where's my aunt?"

"She..." Xin Yuan said awkwardly, "I accidentally slipped my tongue just now, the emperor has not returned from the palace, she is in a hurry to find someone to kill him."

Yao Yao covered her painful forehead, but thought to herself, "This excuse is not bad!"

Yao Yao turned around and stared at Xin Yuan, and said, "Go and call your sisters, and tell them that the emperor has not returned from the palace, so you take them outside to look for someone. If you can find him, it is also a credit to you! "

Xinyuan pointed to his nose, "Me?"

"Yes. Take your mother and Hongling Empress to leave the Hou Mansion. I believe they will be as active as your mother in searching for the emperor outside."

Xinyuan asked anxiously, "What about you?"

"I want to stay in the mansion and wait for Lord Hou to return."

But I'm afraid, I'm afraid, before Master Hou returns, others will come before him.

Xinyuan was a little worried, Yao Yao patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, I have the ability to protect myself. You go."

After Xinyuan pondered for a moment, he was still ready to obey orders, went into the house and called two crazy women, and took them out of the Hou's mansion.

Not long after the Alliance of Assassins left, the Hou Mansion was surrounded by flames.

The guards of the mansion were on alert, all their sabers were drawn.

The gate of the Hou Mansion was kicked open by someone, and the man who broke in was dressed as a lama, and there were some monks mixed in.

The leader who came slowly, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, "Siblings! I'm here again."

Yao Yao stood upright safely, raised her eyes and smiled, "My brother and sister have met His Highness, why did His Highness come to the Hou Mansion so late?"

"The emperor was taken away, I brought people to search and search."

It's a perfect excuse, and there's absolutely no way to refute it.

"I heard that your Marquis Mansion has raised many idlers? Who are they?"

Yao Yao said, "There are no idlers in the Hou's mansion. There is only one woman who does not want to leave. She wants to be the concubine of the Hou. My siblings are big, so let her live there."

Yu Wenhong stared blankly, looked around, the room was empty, only a few old slaves and guards were left here and there.

He was surprised and said, "Siblings are so calculating, they know I'm coming? Hiding everyone?"

"Your Majesty was joking, how can I hide someone! Your Majesty said that the emperor has disappeared, so you want to search? Or? You go into the house and search?"

Yu Wenhong was a little annoyed. He knew in his heart that he might not be able to find anything, but he waved his hand and said, "Search for me! Search for me carefully, and don't miss a single place."

Those miscellaneous soldiers crazily smashed and smashed the Hou's mansion. This is not called house search, but house demolition. Some soldiers went to the treasure house. After smashing the door lock of the treasure house, they entered the house and searched while grabbing things. But the rest of the treasure house , are some huge things that cannot be easily moved, so that they can't find any oil and water at all, so they can only vent their anger by smashing them.

There was really no one in the mansion, only He Xiaolian was left.

The guards grabbed He Xiaolian and dragged him.

He Xiaolian was still recovering, and was roughly dragged by the soldier, causing her to grin her teeth in pain, "Let go of me! Don't touch me—let me go—"

He Xiaolian was thrown at the prince's feet.Yu Wenhong couldn't recognize her character at all, squinting his eyes and muttering, "Who are you?"

He Xiaolian quickly kowtowed and said, "His Royal Highness, my daughter, my daughter is He Xiaolian, the daughter of He Shangshu."

Yu Wenhong thought of her instantly, "Oh, Governor He Yuan who was demoted from Beijing!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"I heard that you want to marry Lord Hou as a concubine?"

After He Xiaolian hesitated for a moment, he did not deny it, "Yes! Your Highness, I want to marry Lord Hou as my concubine."

Yu Wenhong was silent for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing, "Okay! When Yi Lan comes back later, how about I let him have sex with you in public?"

He Xiaolian looked at him in horror, "His Royal Highness, this...this...isn't that good?"

Having sex in public?No matter how thick-skinned she is, she would never dare to do such a thing!
Yu Wenhong snorted, "What? No?"


Yu Wenhong bent down and said, "Don't you want to see this woman's expression after seeing her husband having sex with another woman?"

He Xiaolian turned his head to look at Yao Yao, suddenly, the resentment in his heart was brought up, his eyes were scarlet.

Look at her graceful and composed posture, and then look at her embarrassed appearance. Comparing her, I feel sour and astringent.

She closed her eyes, and replied, "Okay. Your Highness, as long as you give me Lord Hou, I will do whatever you want."

After Yao Yao heard this, a helpless wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Silly woman, oh silly woman!You will never wake up a person who wants to pretend to be stupid!

"The emperor is nowhere to be seen. Maybe it's at the Second Highness's place. Didn't the First Highness look for it?"

Yu Wenhong smiled, "I looked for it, but I didn't find it."

Has Zhonggong already made a move?The Second Highness should have taken action too.

Last time she gave the token to Princess Hele, did she do anything?

A lama outside the house ran into the house and whispered to Yu Wenhong, "Your Highness, General Ge has brought people to kill him."

Yu Wenhong snorted coldly, "Let's talk after we fight. He doesn't have many soldiers in his hands. Just keep the city gate under control. Yi Lan must be looking for someone outside, and he must find someone before him."


(End of this chapter)

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