Chapter 232

Turning around, Yu Wenhong stretched out his hand to hold Yao Yao's hand, Yao Yao turned sideways and hid her hand behind her back, her face turned cold again.

Looking at the many people around, I think she must be shy, "Come with me, brother and sister."

Yao Yao asked softly, "Aren't Your Highness busy in the palace?"

"The Central Palace has someone to charge for me, so I don't need to worry about it. When the Central Palace settles down, my brothers and sisters can follow me into the palace."

"What do you do in the palace?"

"Heh...see what you're asking." Yu Wenhong walked a few steps and looked back at her, "Come with me, don't make me say it a third time."

Yao Yao settled down and reprimanded lightly, "I'm sick and delicate, I can't move my legs, and I will fall down within ten steps."

Yu Wenhong gasped speechlessly, "It is true that you are precious. Come with me, and I can tell you some secrets you want to hear."

Upon hearing this, Yao Yao became interested and raised her legs to follow.

The guards hurriedly blocked the way, "Madam, don't go!"

Yao Yao stabilized their anxious hearts and comforted them, "No problem, I'll come as soon as I go."

After wandering around the garden with Yu Wenhong for a while, he casually chatted and asked, "Is the emperor in the hands of His Royal Highness?"

"Oh, you guessed it."

Yao Yao said calmly, "I guess it's not in your hands, the emperor has escaped."

Yu Wenhong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did you say that?"

"Because you never expected that my father-in-law will know martial arts."

"..." Yu Wenhong's expression froze for a moment, and he choked hard, "Hmph. That old man is really good at pretending."

Hearing this, Yao Yao can be sure that both her father and the emperor are not in the hands of His Highness, but now that the city is full of troops and horses, they dare not show up easily.

The divided parties in the DPRK and China cannot tell who they can trust and who they cannot.

Yu Wenhong asked back, "The third son my father asked you to find, have you found it yet?"

"No." Yao Yao responded with her head turned.

Yu Wenhong squinted his eyes and snorted, "Don't lie to me, I know you've found it, right? It's that little monk! That day he came to my mountain and set fire to the mountain to save you."

Yao Yao raised her eyes in panic, "You're talking nonsense! It's not him!"

"Heh, look at your nervous expression, who else can you hide? What about the kid? You hid it?"

Yao Yao turned her head and said with wandering eyes, "Anyway, he is not in my Hou's residence."

"That's right. You want to protect him. How can you let me get him easily? But, brother and sister, are you being too unreasonable? Anyway, people say that a husband and wife can be married for a day, and you and I have had a husband and wife relationship before." Lovely, isn't it?"

Seeing Yu Wenhong approaching again, Yao Yao took another half step back and stuffed her hands into the wide cuffs.

Seeing this, Yu Wenhong narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you becoming more and more defensive?"

In the past, the dagger was hidden in the ankle, but now the dagger is hidden in the sleeve for easy access.

Yao Yao's whole body tensed up, "I'm a weak woman, and I don't know a little bit of martial arts. What can I do in the face of danger?"

"I don't want to hurt you. You know it! The first time I came to the Marquis Mansion, it was for you! It doesn't matter to me where the Third Prince is. He has no power in the court and cannot influence me. But you are different!"

Yu Wenhong stared at her seriously, "Before I just hated you, I chose one of three husbands, and left me at the end. I was just playing with you in a foolish mood, but later I discovered that my body and mind, only Passionate about you alone. Yao Yao, listen to me, follow me, follow me into the palace. When I become emperor, I will find a way to change your status and let you be my concubine, okay?"

Yao Yao said indifferently, "You can't be the emperor."

Yu Wenhong said angrily, "Is that why you don't want me to be emperor?"

"Yes, just like before, the day I tore you from the crown prince, I decided that I don't want you to be emperor!"

Yu Wenhong was furious at the moment, "Whether I can be the emperor or not is not up to you! And now, the emperor is not in the palace, no one can make decisions for you! I want you now, see who can stop me !"

"Heh..." Yao Yao just smiled contemptuously and didn't take his words to heart.

Seeing her indifferent posture, Yu Wenhong was even more angry, "Don't always use seeking death as a shield. Let me tell you, woman, if I can't get you, getting your corpse will still make me happy! I will take your clothes Stripped naked, and then dragged to the street, believe it or not?"

Yao Yao heard the sound of fighting coming from outside the house.

Yu Wenhong also heard it, and he thought strangely.

what happened?

Why did you call here at the Hou Mansion?
General Ge doesn't have many troops!

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "Maybe I will disappoint His Majesty! You can't control this middle palace for the time being. If you want to be emperor, you have to deal with your provocative aunt first!"

As soon as the words fell, a large number of men jumped down from the eaves, all of them were jealous.

Yu Wenhong's men rushed into the room one by one, and shouted at him, "Your Highness, we have to retreat."

"What are you doing? A bunch of trash! Can't you deal with such a small number of people?"

"His Royal Highness's forgiveness is indeed a bit tricky. The number of opponents is small, but they all have strong martial arts. It feels like they..."

"Like what?"

Yu Wenxueling broke into the door, and laughed arrogantly, "Hongling Iron Cavalry! The dead warrior of the royal family! Eldest nephew, are you ignorant? Have you never heard of the Hongling family? Huh?"

Yu Wenhong suddenly remembered the aristocratic family he had heard about in his childhood.

Hongling cavalry?

Aren't they all exterminated?Why are there so many people?

The injured lama tugged at Yu Wenhong and said, "Let's retreat, Your Highness, ahem—we are really not their opponents!"

Yu Wenhong grabbed Yao Yao's arm and shouted, "Follow me!"

Yao Yao's footsteps froze, the dagger was pulled out from her cuff, and subconsciously pierced Yu Wenhong's body, but was opened by the lama beside her.

Yao Yao fell to the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Yu Wenhong shouted angrily, "What are you doing!"

The lama was very wronged, "Your Highness, stop making trouble, and come back to the palace with us!"


Yu Wenhong had no choice but to leave with his subordinates in embarrassment.

Yao Yao was helped up by the guards of the Hou Mansion, "cough cough cough..."

The guards asked anxiously, "Madam? How? Are you all right?"

Yao Yao clutched her chest and said quietly, "I can't die for the time being."

Yuwen Xueling strode forward and laughed wildly at Yao Yao, "Hahaha! You little girl, you are as fragile as an ant in front of me now! Do you know, why did I bring the Hongling cavalry into Beijing? Heading to your residence?"

Yao Yao blinked and asked, "Why?"

In fact, she didn't need to ask, she was very ruthless in her heart.

Yuwen Xueling snorted, "Think about the rampant way you were when you imprisoned me that day, you even dared to ask me to lick your feet! Hmph - today I want to avenge my shame! Damn girl, come on, give me a good lick!" Please entertain me! Aunt Ben is in a good mood, and will consider sparing your life!"

Yao Yao glanced left and right, and saw a group of tough warriors, each exuding a unique killer aura.There are also troops brought by General Ge.

General Ge followed Yuwen Xueling and shouted excitedly, "Your Highness, I suggest that you take off this woman's clothes! Only in this way can you relieve your hatred!"



All the guards around General Ge responded.

Yao Yao remembered that she did this to General Ge before, stripped his clothes twice in a row, and he still has it in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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