Chapter 234

Yao Yao looked back at the forces behind her, smiled confidently, looked back, looked at Yuwen Xueling indifferently, and asked softly, "I heard that someone is going to arrest me and take me to the military camp and make me a military prostitute?"

"Uh..." Ge Xi's heart trembled wildly, seeing the murderous aura coming from all around, no matter how tough a man was, he couldn't help but his legs softened.

Iron cavalry, one is worth a thousand, hundreds of iron cavalry, can they be provoked?

The soldiers and horses that were finally salvaged were intercepted by Yao Yao with a few words.Yuwen Xueling became dizzy with anger, and roared with anger, "Damn it! My mother is going to kill you!"

Ge Xi quickly stopped her, "Don't be impulsive, Your Highness, we can't beat them! Let's go too!"

Yuwen Xueling was not reconciled, and shouted loudly, "Traitors! You traitors!"

"Let's go, Your Highness, if you don't go, she will strip our clothes again later! The old minister has a thick skin, and if he is stripped, he will be stripped. If Her Royal Highness is stripped naked, I really can't earn back this face!"

Having been stripped of her clothes twice, Tang Xi still knew clearly that that seemingly weak woman had a clear distinction between love and hatred, and was ruthless in holding grudges.

Yuwen Xueling was dragged away by Ge Xi.

Yao Yao turned back and said, "We should go too. We can't be too ostentatious, we have to hide in the dark and be ready to go. It is estimated that the Zhonggong will be noisy for a while, and the Houfu can't be caught in the middle and let them tear it apart. If you withdraw, you must withdraw!"

"Yes!" The chief guard looked at those cavalry and asked awkwardly, "What about them?"

The number of cavalry is said to be small, but there are more than a hundred of them. With so many people, it is really difficult to hide in the dark.

Yao Yao asked Xiang Tieqi, "Who is the leader among you?"

"I, madam, my slave's name is Wan He."

"Heroes don't need to call themselves slaves. You are all generals." Yao Yao invited, "If you don't mind, please follow me to hide in the mountains for a while?"

"The little ones must be followed to the end."

Yao Yao smiled satisfied.

Before leaving, Yao Yao searched and found He Xiaolian, so she asked, "Where is Miss He?"

The guard shook his head, "Maybe he was taken away by His Royal Highness."

"Alright, I don't want to carry this burden either. Let's go."

Yao Yao looked at her new home, clutching her nose with a look of disgust.

Director Ling hurried over and said, "Ma'am, you are here."

Yao Yao asked, "Arrange the people, if there are not enough rooms, squeeze them."

Wan He stepped forward and replied, "Madam, don't worry about our residence, we martial arts practitioners can sleep anywhere."

After the words fell, those strong men retreated away one by one, and after a careful look, they found that some of them slept on the tree poles, some slept on the eaves, some slept in the woodshed, and some even slept in the stables.

This really refreshed her knowledge.

Is this how masters used to live?
Yao Yao lived in the mountain for two days, and she developed a cough, "cough..."

She covered her nose with disgust on her face, "Mr. Ling."


"Has the mansion not been cleaned? It's a bit dusty."

"There are not many maids and servants in the house, not enough manpower, and the garden is so big that it is really difficult to clean it."

Yao Yao sighed and wondered if she was too rich to bear the dust?You have to learn from those strong men, you have to adapt to the living environment, you have to learn their virtue of being able to sleep anywhere.

Yao Yao looked up and suddenly caught a glimpse of a large number of shirtless men practicing martial arts in her garden, sweating profusely.

Her bronze-colored, dark-brown skin really brightened her eyes.

Yao Yao hurriedly covered her small face and closed her eyes tightly, but she couldn't bear it twice, and peeked through her fingers again.

Seeing her peeking, Director Ling coughed in embarrassment, "Ahem, ma'am?"

Yao Yao blushed and shouted, "Are they doing nothing?"

"It's really nothing to do."

Yao Yao exhaled, "Then give them something to do, and tell them not to scare people with shirtless all day long."

Yao Yao's small brows twisted into Sichuan characters.

Director Ling said cheerfully, "Hey, then I'll make arrangements."

In less than half a day, the garden was completely cleaned up.

Yao Yao smiled satisfied, and wanted to go to Wanhe to say thank you, but just as she went out, she saw a large number of shirtless men practicing martial arts.

She covered her face and peeked again.

What are you doing?Why are these men so energetic?

Thinking of this, Yao Yao thought of a certain man who was so energetic when he was in bed.

In an instant, her face was congested with blood, almost dripping blood.

Wan He saw Yao Yao hiding behind the pillars of the house, she didn't seem to be very comfortable, recalled what he had heard, that Madam was not in good health, she was sick and delicate, panting every three steps and falling down every ten steps, he hurried over to ask, "Madam ? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need me to go to the town and ask the doctor to come over?"

Yao Yao shook her head quickly, "No need, the mansion is hidden, don't let outsiders in easily."

"Oh yes."

Yao Yao sneaked a glance at the shirtless men in the room, looked up in embarrassment, "Do you martial arts practitioners practice martial arts like this every day?"

Wan He nodded in response, "Of course I dare not slack off for half a day."

Otherwise, how did they get the title of Ever Victorious General?

After all, it’s still too busy.

Yao Yao thought for a while, raised her eyes and said, "General Wanhe, I have something to ask for your help."

"Ma'am, but it doesn't matter."

"There are too few flowers in the mansion. I want to plant some flowers and small trees. By the way, build a fence at the highest level in the other garden, so that the main house and the auxiliary house can be distinguished."

After hearing this, Wan He nodded in response, "Okay madam, let's go to the mountains and bring back flowers."

Finally, the naked men in the yard finally put on their clothes again.

In order not to let them continue to be shirtless, Yao Yao unceremoniously ordered them to do various messy tasks, as long as they were busy, they would forget to take off their clothes to practice martial arts.

For several days in a row, those cavalry seemed to have gotten used to planting flowers and trees, and now they didn’t need Yao Yao’s instructions. They looked for work on their own, and started to build fish halls when the flowers were full, and some even started farming and growing vegetables, saying game If you eat too much, you will get tired, and the vegetables are refreshing.

Ten days later, Qin Yilan returned with the emperor and his father.

The emperor was seriously injured and unconscious, and Qin Yan was also covered with scars, looking as if he had experienced a life-and-death catastrophe.

Qin Yilan was also a little embarrassed, running around for several days, exhausted.

As soon as he entered the garden, Director Ling shouted, "Ma'am, Master Hou is back!"

Yao Yao happily went out to meet him, trotted for a few steps, and directly plunged into his arms, "Master Hou! You are finally back."

Qin Yilan smiled softly, rubbed her head, "Madam is worried."

He grabbed her wrist to check her pulse, "Madam hasn't taken any medicine these days?"

"I left in a hurry, and the pharmacy in the Hou's mansion didn't move here. I didn't dare to go to the town to buy medicine. I hid in the mountain house and couldn't drink the medicine."

"Well, I'll go into the mountain to gather medicine for you sometime later." Qin Yilan turned her head and said, "Daddy rests well and takes good care of the emperor. I will go into the mountain to gather some medicinal materials for the emperor and prepare an antidote."

Qin Yan asked, "Can this poison be cured?"

Qin Yilan sighed in confusion, "The emperor's poison is a slow poison, and taking the poison does not take a day or two, it is a bit tricky."

Qin Yan said angrily, "I knew that dead old woman would not be so peaceful. It's really strange, where did she learn such a good skill?"

Qin Yilan also had a lot of puzzles in his heart, and always felt that the concubine and his master were a little involved.

I don't know where Master is now, so he wants to ask Master carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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