Chapter 235

Zimo suddenly said, "Master, do you feel that something is wrong!"

Qin Yilan narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look at those servants who are farming. Mian, Miansheng..."

Only then did Qin Yilan shift his gaze to the servants, and Qin Yan followed suit.

The exhaustion of several days made them relax their vigilance, and it was only when they were reminded that they realized that the men in the room here were all masters.

Qin Yilan tensed up instantly, and hugged Yao Yaohu in his arms, "Who are they? Aren't they the guards of my Marquis Mansion?"

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "Oh, they are all Hongling cavalry."

In an instant, Qin Yilan and all the male guards around him were dumbfounded.

"What?" Qin Yan coughed and asked, "Where did the Hongling cavalry come from?"

"Princess Hele sent it to me. I said no, but she wanted to bring someone over to give it to me and let me take care of it. I just reluctantly accepted it!" Yao Yao joked.

Qin Yan's face kept twitching, "Can this thing be given away? Then give me a dozen too!"

Qin Yilan frowned and asked, "What are the cavalry doing? Farming?"

"Well." Yao Yao took it for granted, "There is nothing to do in seclusion in the mountains. Let them grow vegetables, flowers and trees, and pass the time. Look, how beautiful this garden is taken care of by them. Look at the bedroom next door. , They all built it with wood!"

Yao Yao said while taking out the blueprints in her arms, and looked at the house building plans she had drawn with satisfaction.

Zimo couldn't help complaining, "Master, you really have you. The invincible cavalry army is actually used by you to grow vegetables and build houses? Do you want their knives to rust?"

Yao Yao rolled his eyes at him, "What's the good of fighting and killing all day long? If it weren't for the bad situation that requires them to go out of the mountains, otherwise this kind of leisurely farming and vegetable farming is the life they should enjoy."

"Uh... huh..." He was really speechless, judging by Master's expression, it must be quite distorted!

Look at Her Royal Highness Princess Hele, as soon as she got the power of cavalry, she charged directly into the capital without delay, and immediately attacked the prince back.That's the soft-footed shrimp's wife, who took the power of cavalry and raised flowers and trees at home.

Qin Yilan returned to the room with Yao Yao in his arms, and asked with concern, "Where's mother?"

"Xinyuan took them to track down the whereabouts of the emperor. They are not on the list of His Majesty's hunting down, and wandering outside is safer than staying with us."

Qin Yilan nodded, "Indeed. Madam arranged it very well."

Handing over his family to this woman really saves worry and effort, and gives him a super-safe backing.

When she bought this small house, she just wanted to leave a way out for herself. In case she was abandoned by her husband's family and couldn't return to her mother's house, she would have a safe place to stay.But who knew that this house would be of such great use.

The entire Hou Mansion was evacuated to avoid the tense situation.

The emperor is now in a coma, if he can't wake up, then the throne will eventually belong to the family.Although there is no blood in the middle palace for the time being, it feels that the trend is one-sided, and the power of the First Prince's ambush is far greater than that of the Second Prince.

The second prince and the noble concubine were ready to go, probably delaying time, waiting for the Mu family to rescue them.

After all, Mu Li married the second child as his wife, so she must help the second child get over it, so that she can have a chance to become a queen.

It's a pity that most of the Mu family's power is at the border, and it will take at least half a month to enter Beijing.

It has been more than ten days since the disease in the middle palace, it is estimated that the eldest prince can't wait to do it!
Yao Yao held the cavalry army in her hand, but she didn't intend to help the Second Highness at all, because she knew the calculation in her heart better than anyone else.

Whether it is His Second Highness ascending the throne or His Royal Highness ascending the throne, it is not the king in her heart.Her heart has always been on the emperor's third son.She hopes that Mingjun will inherit the throne, not a scumbag.

There are only two ways to break this situation right now.

First, after finding the third son of the emperor, they would have an excuse to send troops.

The second is to heal the emperor, let the emperor regain the throne and regain the imperial power.

In contrast, the second is much simpler than the first. After all, the third prince does not know whether he is alive or dead. To find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If he finds someone, he has to find a way to prove his identity convincingly before sending troops.Each of these conditions is too harsh, and it is really impossible to start.

So Yao Yao expected the emperor to wake up.

She saw Qin Yilan packing his bags, and heard him say that he was going into the mountains to collect herbs.

Yao Yao was troubled in her heart, walked over to hold his arm, and asked softly, "Can I go with you?"

Qin Yilan looked back at her, "I'm not going on a trip, I'm collecting herbs, I have to eat and sleep in the open, Madam don't suffer with me."

"But I have been separated from you for a few days. I have been worried about your safety, and I can't sleep well every day and night. It's better to be with you, and I am willing to sleep in the wind and the open."

Hearing this, Qin Yilan was very excited, and pulled her back into his arms, pampered her red lips, lingered for a long time before letting her go, and exhaled, "I don't know, so you are so clingy."

Yao Yao was shy and annoyed, "Master Hou, you are not serious again, I am going to tell you something!"

"I'm talking about things too. You're making me soft-hearted. What should I do? I think..."

Yao Yao hurriedly pushed him away, and snorted, "Don't mess around, this is not the Hou Mansion. It's not allowed!"

Qin Yilan asked in surprise, "Isn't it a room in the Hou's mansion?"



She is too reserved!
no!Her bad habit must be corrected by him.

Thinking of this, Qin Yilan responded, "I'll take you into the mountains to collect herbs!"

Yao Yao's eyes lit up, "Really?"


"I'll go get the salute, Lord Hou wait for me."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Qin Yilan has already started to think about the itinerary for the next few days, bring some medicine, a tiger skin blanket, and then find a cave!


He didn't believe it, she couldn't get rid of her reserved habits!
The two rode the same horse, Yao Yao nestled in the man's arms and pretended to sleep, with a heavy cloak covering her body, and her back pressed against the man's hot chest, which was more comfortable than the soft bed at home.In fact, she knew in her heart that what she needed was a kind of peace of mind.As long as she was by this man's side, no matter how harsh the environment was, she could feel at ease.

She hasn't had a good sleep for a long time, and this time she is on a horse, so bumpy, she can't wake up no matter what.

Until the dew in the middle of the night, a sneeze woke me up.


Qin Yilan lowered his head and asked worriedly, "Is it frozen?"

"Only the nose is cold. The body is quite warm."

"Well, that's all right. We're about to dismount and walk."

Yao Yao looked around, "Where is this?"

"Beyond the Valley of Obstacles."

Yao Yao's ears perked up suddenly when she heard it, "Misty Valley?"

"Well, there are more herbs here, because the mist in Misty Valley is poisonous, and most of the herbs that can survive the poisonous gas are good medicines that can restrain the toxicity. So this is a holy place for collecting herbs. It's just that ordinary people can't stand the poison Due to the invasion of fog, the herb collectors dare not go into the mountains to collect herbs.”

"Oh, so that's the case." Yao Yao asked excitedly, "When can we enter the Valley of Obstacles?"

"We can't get in tonight, we have to find a cave to stay."

Yao Yao muttered, "I just woke up."

"But I'm sleepy, daughter-in-law, I've been on the road all day."

Yao Yao shyly said, "I'm sorry, Lord Hou. I always thought you were made of iron."

(End of this chapter)

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