Chapter 236

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, took out a medicine bottle from his pocket, poured one and handed it to her, "Come, take medicine."

Yao Yao looked at the bright red pill and asked, "What is this?"

"The antidote to the poisonous mist in the Obstacle Valley. Take one, and you will not be disturbed by the poisonous gas."

Yao Yao asked strangely, "But we haven't entered the valley yet!"

"Eat first, prevent prevention."

"Oh." Yao Yao took the pill and swallowed it, then turned around and asked, "Why doesn't Lord Hou take it?"

"I already have an anti-drug physique, so it doesn't hurt if I don't eat it."

"Oh." Yao Yao didn't ask any more questions, dismounted quietly, and followed him into the mountain. After walking a few steps, she felt her legs soften, "Huh? This..."

"What's wrong ma'am?"

Yao Yao groaned aggrievedly, "Maybe I'm too squeamish, I can't climb up two hills. What should I do if I'm being held back by Master Hou?"

Qin Yilan smiled slightly, put his arms around her waist, and supported her, "It's okay, there is a cave not far ahead, let's go there to rest. Rest for a night, and climb the mountain tomorrow."

"it is good."

Although a man helped her climb the mountain, she still felt that something was wrong. Her legs became weaker and her breath became more and more cloudy. The key point was that she felt very hot and dry.She, who was always afraid of the cold, unexpectedly had a hot day?
As soon as he arrived at the cave, Qin Yilan was busy gathering firewood to start a fire.

Yao Yao struggled to spread the tiger skin into the cave, she fell down straight, she touched her forehead, it was so hot, she was very anxious.

How could she be so weak?What a shame!
Qin Yilan lit up the match, seeing Yao Yao's blushing face, her eyes darkened a lot, "Ma'am."

Yao Yao covered her heart and shouted, "Master Hou, I... I seem to be sick, you can check my pulse, do I have a high fever?"

Qin Yilan took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside her, and put her in his arms, as if he was feeling pulse, but in fact he was stealing the fragrance, smelling the fragrance in her ear, he grinned, "Yes."

"Yes, is there any medicine to slow down?"

"Yes. I am your medicine, Yaoer..."

The next morning, Yao Yao got up and patted her terrified little face, touched her forehead, and the fever stopped. After thinking about it for a long time, she really couldn't figure it out, why did she behave like this last night?To make such an ugly gesture in a wild cave?
The firewood was still burning faintly in the cave to keep her warm, and a small basket of medicinal herbs was placed next door.Lord Hou is not in the cave.

Yao Yao went out of the cave and looked around, but she didn't dare to walk around.Seeing two washed fruits at the entrance of the cave, I picked them up and ate them to satisfy my hunger.

There seemed to be some commotion in the distance, could it be that Master Hou had returned?
She still didn't dare to come out of the hole indiscriminately, fearing that it wasn't Lord Hou, but some wild beast, such as brown bears and wild wolves.


The sound of bells?
Yao Yao suddenly froze.

forgotten!There are no beasts in the Valley of Obstacles, but this ringtone, isn't it?

Could it be? ?

"Hey, Ah Huang, why are you running around again?"

Yao Yao's eyes turned red instantly when she heard this immature voice.

"Ah Huang! If you go any further, you'll be out of the valley! Daddy found out, and he's going to beat me up again! We have to go back quickly—"


The scalper didn't listen to the persuasion, and went faster and faster.

Until a cow and a boy walked out of the fog and had a wide field of vision, Yaoyao met the woman standing at the entrance of the cave.

The boy's eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly, "Sister——"

Yao Yao waved happily, "Brother——"

Qiao Meng jumped off the ox cart and ran straight there.

The two siblings hugged each other tightly.

"Sister, I miss you so much!"

Yao Yao also had tears in her eyes, "Brother, I miss you too!"

The two hugged each other and wept. At this moment, there was a burst of shouting in the distance, "Who is it? Let her go—"

A palm wind hit, Qiao Meng hurriedly braked and retreated dozens of steps. When he met the man's fierce gaze, he also frowned, "Who are you?"

Qin Yilan said angrily, "I haven't questioned you yet! Where did you come from as a wild child? Did no one at home teach you the difference between men and women? How can you hug people indiscriminately?"

"Master Hou - you misunderstood, he..."

Before Yao Yao could explain, Qiao Meng put her hands on her hips to show her identity, "I'm his younger brother! What about you? Which green onion are you?"

"Shameless dog, what kind of relatives do you recognize? Get out of here! If you don't get out, I'll kill you!"

Qiao Meng exclaimed in surprise, "You barbarian, sister, who is he?"

Yao Yao hurriedly said, "He is my husband."

Qiao Meng shook her head and said, "He is not worthy to be your husband, he is too barbaric. Sister, come here, and I will take you into the valley."

Qin Yilan hurriedly hid the woman in his arms, and asked cautiously, "Is he the child who lives in the gossip formation?"

"Uh, yes."

Qin Yilan said angrily, "Even if he has saved your life, you can't hug him like this. Although he is not yet full grown, he is already capable at his age, do you understand?"

Yao Yao looked at him in horror, "Master Hou, he is my younger brother."

"I can't even recognize my younger brother. You don't know what kind of dirty mentality a man has when he approaches you."

Yao Yao instantly became annoyed, "Master Hou, you are the only one who thinks about bad things all day long! He is my younger brother, my own younger brother!"

Qin Yilan was stunned for a moment, "What kind of brother? Where did you get your own brother?"

"My mother gave birth."

Qin Yilan blinked wildly again, "You? Your mother?"

"Well, my mother is not dead, she is living in the gossip array! That is the younger brother born to my mother and the woodcutter."

"You...why didn't you tell me?"

Yao Yao murmured, "That day after I returned home from the valley, you were busy forcing me to poison you. I wanted to tell you about this, but you told me to stop talking, saying that I was weak and needed rest. I forgot about it after that. It's..."

Qin Yilan sighed again and again, "Hey, it's my fault."

He cared too much about her body, and other things were not important to him, so he never worried about her.

Qin Yilan looked back at Qiao Meng, saw that his eyes were not very friendly, and touched his gray nose in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, brother."

"Hmph—" Qiao Meng snorted, puffing her cheeks, "Don't want me to call you brother-in-law! Don't you deserve to know?"

Qin Yilan couldn't vent her anger any longer, she bowed her head silently.

Yao Yao grabbed his arm and asked, "I want to go into the valley and meet my mother. Is that okay?"

Qin Yilan nodded, "I also want to see my mother-in-law."

"Okay." Yao Yao said excitedly, "Brother, lead the way. I'm going to see my mother."

Qiao Mengwei said, "No, sister, my father doesn't like to see strangers. I can barely go into the valley alone, but if you bring a man in, I will be beaten to death by my father!"

Qin Yilan grabbed Yao Yao's waist and said, "If I can't follow in, you can't either. I must follow you."

Yao Yao and the two were in a dilemma, and turned to ask Qiao Mengdao, "My good brother, let us go in together! My Lord Hou is not a bad man, he listens to me very much."

Qiao Meng was still hesitant.

Qin Yilan pulled Yao Yao and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. All the medicinal materials in this mountain have been harvested. Bad luck!"

As soon as Qiao Meng heard the word Miracle Doctor Valley, Qiao Meng's eyes suddenly brightened, "Does your master know where Miracle Doctor Valley is?"

Qin Yilan narrowed his eyes and stared at him, "Why?"

"Young Master, can you take me to the Valley of the Divine Doctor? I want to find the Master of the Valley of the Divine Doctor, and I want to worship him as my teacher!"

Qin Yilan suddenly froze for a moment.

Yao Yao was also stunned for a moment, and looked up at Qin Yilan in embarrassment, "Uh, Lord Hou?"

Qin Yilan smiled slowly, "Oh, so you want to worship the genius doctor Gu Guzhu as your teacher?"

"Hmm! Mmmm! Is that okay? I want to enter the Valley of Miraculous Doctors!"

Qin Yilan nodded, "Yes, but in exchange. I want to meet my mother-in-law."

Qiao Meng choked, "This—"

It's really not that he is exaggerating. If he brings a stranger into the valley, his father will really beat his legs to pieces.

But then he smiled, and it felt good to be beaten up. After all, going to the Valley of Doctors was his dream for many years!
Thinking of this, Qiao Meng patted her chest, "Okay! Deal! Sister, brother-in-law, come with me."

Did you change your name to brother-in-law so soon?Just now he swore that he would not call his brother-in-law if he said anything.

(End of this chapter)

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