Chapter 249

As soon as the guards came in and out, they came with a message, "Madam, the Empress Dowager invites you in. Just be careful, Madam, the Empress Dowager is in a very bad mood."

Yao Yao smiled slightly and took small steps.

In the yard, the noble lady was holding a cat to bask in the sun. She refused to even open her eyes. When she heard Yao Yao's voice, she just said, "Kneel down and talk."

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows, just bowed her knees and saluted, "I have seen the empress dowager."

The concubine opened her eyes and snorted, "The Ai family told you to kneel down and talk. Are you deaf?"

Yao Yao raised her head and said, "Mrs. Concubine, don't do this with me. I risked my life and death to enter the palace, not to play such a tricky trick with you. Kneeling you will not prolong your life for a few years .”

uh poof-

The eunuch serving the concubine was almost choked by her fright.

Is this girl so rigid?Go straight up and fight?
"Let's talk nicely and we can still say a few words. If the empress dowager is stubborn, I'll leave now!"

The white-haired old woman sneered, "Want to leave? Since I let you in, Aijia doesn't intend to let you go."

"That's right, the purpose of the concubine poisoning me is to kill me."

As soon as this was mentioned, the old woman was furious, "Fuck you! Aijia didn't poison you at all! You misbehaved yourself and provoked enemies in the palace. Why should you blame Aijia?" ?”

Yao Yao blinked and smiled slightly, "No! I believe it was the concubine's poison, there is no one else."

The old woman was so angry that she stood up directly from the lady's chair, and the hand pointing at Yao Yao's nose was trembling with anger, "Where did a goblin come out! Bewitching my grandson is not counted, but you are still so rampant in front of me? Are you Are you really tired of working? Don't think that my grandson protects you, so you can be lawless!"

Yao Yao snorted, "Ms. Taifei, it seems that you really dote on your grandson. It's just very strange, why is the second prince who is also the grandson of the emperor abandoned by you like a shoe?"

"none of your business!"

"I'm even more curious. I'm also your son. Yuwen Tongyue, and the current emperor, why is one favored by you as a demon king and the other thrown into the mountain by you?"

The woman raised her gloomy eyebrows, "You know everything?"

"After investigating for so long, I will definitely know some inside stories. After all, my grandfather also died because of you. The bloody price can't make me become ignorant." Yao Yao asked softly, "Could the concubine tell you something? For me Solve the confusion?"

"I won't tell you!"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows and asked, "What if I say, I know where Yuwen Dongyue is?"

The concubine narrowed her eyes, "Do you know where he is?"


Toffee said coldly, "Tell me where he is?"

Yao Yao tilted her head and asked, "Why is the current Emperor and Yuwen Dongyue both your sons, yet they are treated like this. Tell me the reason!"

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me! Damn girl, I want you to tell the whereabouts of my emperor, or I will punish you!"

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes coldly, and snorted, "Forget it, don't ask, I'm in a bad mood!"

She turned away.

The concubine was so angry that she waved her hands and shouted, "Come on, arrest her!"

The guards quickly gathered around and grabbed Yao Yao's shoulders, trying to restrain her, but at this moment, Yao Yao turned around and sprayed a mouthful of poisonous blood, "Ugh—"

The guards backed away in fright.

Yao Yao grabbed her throat and fell down, staring at the concubine with fierce eyes, "Empress dowager, you are so vicious!"

The guards looked at the concubine in fear.

The concubine directly exploded with anger, "You! You! The devil poisoned you! I didn't poison you! Don't wrong me! You bastard——"

Things didn't feel so good, as expected, outside the palace, Yu Wenhong rushed over by coincidence.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw the woman lying in a pool of blood, his face turned pale, and he shouted on the spot, "Grandma, what exactly do you want? Didn't the grandson tell you that I can't love another woman in this life! Only she can bear children for the emperor!"

The concubine cursed ferociously, "The Ai family said, it wasn't the Ai family who did it! It was she who poisoned herself!"

Yu Wenhong sighed, "I checked the entire palace, but there was no trace of her hiding the poison."

"Impossible!" The concubine snorted, "Ai's family will investigate in person! Ai's family has lived most of their life, and has never been wronged like this before!"

Yu Wenhong said angrily, "Grandma Taifei, the emperor's grandson will tell you one last time, if you do anything to her again, I will not be the emperor anymore, you can go to the second child!"

"you you--"

Yu Wenhong turned and left, and the concubine was stunned in the lady's chair.

Yao Yao was carried back to the dormitory, and Yu Wenhong yelled anxiously, "Genius doctor, come and help detoxify. Yaoer is poisoned again!"

The masked man's eyes were deep, and he sat on the bed, skillfully injecting the needle to force out the poison.


Spitting out a mouthful of black blood, Yao Yao opened her sleepy eyes and said weakly, "Your Highness, why don't you give me a good time. I don't want to be tortured by your concubine grandma anymore."

Yu Wenhong said anxiously, "I'm sorry, Yao'er, I broke my promise again. I promised to protect you, but I didn't expect to hurt you again. I'm really sorry."

Yao Yao pulled away the hand that was held in his palm, turned around and shouted, "I'm very tired, I want to rest."

"Okay, okay, you rest! You rest quietly, I won't bother you anymore."

Qin Yilan glared angrily at the woman on the bed, but could not scold her, and he had no excuse to stay in the room, so he could only leave with Yu Wenhong.

When the door of the room was closed, Yu Wenhong said, "I'm sorry for the miracle doctor, it seems that you still can't leave the palace."

"Yes. Caomin is willing to serve His Highness."

"very good."

Early the next morning, the door of Yao Yao's room was kicked open by a group of bald maids. After entering the room, the bald maids frantically swept the house, probably looking for poison.

Not finding anything, they went to the bed, dragged Yao Yao to the ground roughly, and searched the bed again.



"Not here either!"

The bald-headed maid at the head dimmed her eyes and shouted, "Take off her clothes for me! Strip them all off—"

Yao Yao stared at her coldly, and let them strip off her clothes for inspection.

After checking around, the bald maids still found nothing.


Footsteps came from outside the house, and the maids hurriedly said, "Give her the clothes!"

Yao Yao put on her clothes in a panic, only to hear Yu Wenhong's furious voice outside the door, "What are you doing?"

The bald maid hurriedly knelt down and said, "Servants obey the order of the concubine and come to search for the stolen goods."

Yu Wenhong stared and asked, "Have you found it?"

"No, no!"

Yu Wenhong asked again, "Are you sure you didn't find it?"

"Yes, no, no search."

"Okay! Then tell me, what happened to her?"

Everyone followed Yu Wenhong's fingers and looked behind him. The delicate woman, her clothes in a mess, fell into a pool of blood, and poisonous blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Depend on--


The bald maids were all hoarse, "Your Highness, we didn't poison her! Really! We really didn't poison her! The servants just came to search for the poison..."

"Then take it out!" Yu Wenhong spread his hands and asked them to beg, "Bring me out the poison you searched for!"

"But, no, no, Your Highness—we didn't find it!"

"The poison was not found, so tell me, why did she get poisoned again? Well! Talk—"

The bald maid had no choice but to knock her head heavily on the ground, speechless.

Yu Wenhong waved his hand and said, "Take them down and give them to death!"


The guards entered the house and took the women away one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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