Chapter 250

Yu Wenhong hugged Yao Yao and put him on the bed, feeling distressed, "It seems that I can only make a choice between you and grandma!"

After saying this, he walked out of the room and said to Qin Yilan, "I have to trouble you again. Take good care of her for me."


Qin Yilan looked at his leaving back, feeling sore in his heart.

He entered the room, detoxified Yao Yao first, and couldn't bear it anymore, he took her face and kissed her hard.

The blood on his mouth couldn't hide his panic.

Yao Yao opened her confused eyes, struggled and shouted, "You hurt me, Lord Hou."

Qin Yilan let her go, and asked, "Where did you hide the poison?"

Yao Yao smiled slightly and whistled.

A bird flew in through the window.

It was a lark.

Qin Yilan looked at the bird in surprise, "This..."

Yao Yao took a poison from the bird's foot, scraped some powder and hid it on her fingertips, and let the bird fly again.

Qin Yilan said speechlessly, "You can really hide."

No wonder the maids couldn't find it, because the poison was not in the house, but she hid it in the sky.

"It's a good plan, but ma'am, did you consider my feelings when you did this?" Qin Yilan stared at her and asked, "Poisoning is not about drinking tonic. If you eat the poison, it will damage your body. Your body is already damaged. No, you are still poisoning yourself like this over and over again. I am almost killed by you."

Yao Yao took a breather, and said with a leisurely smile, "It's strange, I just like the way you men look at me anxiously. It's worth the pain to appreciate Lord Daohou's frowning expression."

Qin Yilan's stomach tightened, anxious and irritable, "What did I owe you in my previous life, and I want to be tossed like this by you? Tell me, how long will it take before you leave the palace?"

"It should be soon! The answer I want is about to come out!"

Qin Yilan tightly grasped the back of her hand, and exhorted, "Stop poisoning yourself. Be obedient, okay?"

Yao Yao smiled and nodded, "It's not a last resort, probably not."


Yu Wenhong directly hacked and killed the concubine's personal servants. Those maids should all be apprentices cultivated by the concubine herself. They are all good at using poison. They helped the concubine to assassinate many courtiers overtly and secretly. men.

Yu Wenhong's move finally made the concubine unable to sit still.

She stepped out of the palace herself and came to Zhuqing Palace.

"Girl! Can you walk on the ground? Aijia is talking to you. Come out!"

Yao Yao changed into a long white dress, pushed the door out, with an elegant smile on the corner of her mouth, "I have seen the empress dowager."

The masked man following behind Yao Yao also appeared.

When the concubine saw the mask on Qin Yilan's face, she suddenly turned pale with shock!
"Brother Zheng?"

Qin Yilan was taken aback, and looked up at the concubine, "Who is the concubine calling?"

Toffee gasped and asked, "Aren't you Brother Zheng? Who are you?"

"I am the divine doctor Gu Guzhu."

The concubine covered her heart and hurriedly asked, "Miraculous Doctor Gu? You! Could it be that you are his apprentice? What's your name?"

How could it be possible for Qin Yilan to report her family name, "The empress dowager can call me Mingjing."

When the concubine heard these two words, she stared and shouted, "It's a bright mirror again! It's a bright mirror again! Does he only have that rotten girl in his heart?"

Qin Yilan and Yao Yao looked at each other with a lot of question marks in their hearts.

The story of this concubine seems to be very long!

The concubine is good at using poison, and Qin Yilan's master is actually very good at using poison. It feels like the two of them are from the same school.

The concubine turned her head to look at Qin Yilan, her pupils were full of pain, "Where is brother Zheng? Where is your master now?"

Qin Yilan shook his head, "I don't know. He has gone traveling in the mountains."

"Wandering in the mountains? That means he's not dead? He's not dead, why didn't he show up to help me? His son and I were harmed like that by his imperial brother, why didn't he show up to help his own son?"

After hearing this, Yao Yao almost stuffed half an egg in her mouth.

Qin Yilan is no worse than her.

The concubine was staggering, supported by the eunuch in her palm, with tears in her eyes and resentment on her face.

"Where is my son? Girl, tell me! As long as you tell me my son's whereabouts, I will release your father. Let you all leave the palace, okay?"

Yao Yao raised her eyes and asked, "Could the concubine tell me first, whose children are the current emperor and Yuwen Tongyue?"

The concubine sneered, "Didn't you hear that? My eldest son was born to the late emperor, and my Dong Yue was born to the late emperor's younger brother, Yu Wenzheng."

Qin Yilan hurriedly asked, "My lord?"


Qin Yilan shook her head speechlessly, "So my master is the old prince."

The concubine snorted and said, "He is not only a prince, he is also my senior brother! And Ming Jing is just one of my personal servant girls. The man I admired was actually touched by my servant girl! How can I bear it! I was furious! , I agreed to the emperor's courtship and became his concubine! But afterwards, I really regretted that I gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, and I gave him the prince away! At that time, I took the opportunity to drug him to stun him, became pregnant with him, and gave birth to the second son of the emperor, named Yuwen Dongyue."

Yao Yao frowned and asked, "You want the son of the old prince to succeed, so you threw away the eldest son who was born with the former emperor?"

"Yes! That's right!"

It turned out that this was the reason for her preference.

Yao Yao said speechlessly, "The son born between you and the old prince spoiled him like a tyrant!"

"So what?" The concubine said coldly, "I will definitely give him everything my son wants."

Yao Yao frowned and asked, "His Royal Highness is your eldest grandson, and you love him so much, what about the second prince?"

"That trash is not my son's child. He is the result of Chen Guifei's adultery with a guard!"


So in Taifei's heart, only Yu Wenhong is the grandson of Taifei.No wonder it is so preferred.

The concubine said angrily, "That Nizi dared to hide my son, Yao Yao, tell me, where did my Nizi hide my son?"

The concubine knew that Yuwen Dongyue had been dropped by the current emperor, and that Yuwen Dongyue had been hidden by the emperor, so she kicked the concubine out of the palace and let her devote herself to practicing Buddhism. It was his mother's conspiracy.

The concubine knew that the emperor was looking for his blood, and she was even more anxious. She quickly cut through the mess, and coaxed her grandson to do this kind of evil deed of seeking to usurp the throne.

Now it seems that only the third prince who has not been found is left among the princes of regular imperial blood.

The concubine stepped forward and coaxed, "Little girl, Aijia can forgive you for all your previous reckless behavior, and won't care about you. Tell me, where is my son?"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, "As a mother, it's understandable that I have this obsession with my son."

Toffee nodded vigorously, "Well, I want to see my son."

"But! My aunt's child, isn't she a child? You sent someone to hunt down her child because you knew she was the heir of the eldest son of your emperor. Right?"

The concubine fell silent, her face grim.

"You wholeheartedly support the blood of the old prince, is this your love for the old prince?"

The concubine glared at her fiercely, "I love my man, I love my man in my own way, what does it matter to you?"

Yao Yao gritted her teeth and said angrily, "What's none of my business? Your selfish love has violated other people's lives! My grandfather was killed, and my aunt and her child were separated for so many years! How dare you say it's none of my business? Now you are licking your face and begging me to tell you where your son is? Heh..."

Yao Yao sneered, "Then I'll tell you! He was killed by me!"

Concubine Toffee stared instantly, "You fucking—"

(End of this chapter)

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