Chapter 251

After so many years, no one has dared to push her to such an extent that she even blurted out obscene words!

The concubine pointed at Qin Yilan with shaking fingers, and snorted, "I think you are Brother Azheng's apprentice, you step aside, I won't do anything to you! This damn girl, I will never let her survive today !"

Qin Yilan stepped forward and blocked her hand, "Please calm down the concubine. Just now, what Madam Hou said was angry. Your son is not dead, right?"

Qin Yilan threw out an olive branch.

Yao Yao immediately understood his meaning.

Yao Yao took a breather and could no longer be impulsive.She has to be sensible.

"It is true that he is not dead. How could I let him die? He is my bargaining chip with you."

The concubine shouted loudly, "Bring back my son! I'll let your father go!"

"Give me the emperor's antidote." Yao Yao spread her hands and asked her for it.

"Impossible! I can only give it to your father. I must take the emperor's life."

Yao Yao said indifferently, "You can't take it away for the time being. Although the emperor's poisoning is serious, it's not impossible to treat it. I have a genius doctor in hand."

The concubine caught a glimpse of Qin Yilan's figure and hurriedly said, "Come here! Ai Jia reads that you are brother Ah Zheng's apprentice, so I won't kill you. You stand by my side immediately!"

Qin Yilan didn't move a single step, "Cao Min is His Highness, please enter the palace and protect Mrs. Hou. Cao Min only obeys the orders of His Highness."

Depend on!
The concubine held her forehead and was dizzy for a long time, "Okay! It's all upside down! Aijia can't handle you, can't I handle your father? Wait, I'll kill your father tomorrow. The head hangs from the eaves of your roof."

"Sure enough, only a mother can have a son! have set a good example for your son." Yao Yao snorted coldly.

"Stupid girl, stop being stubborn with me, obey me obediently, and suffer less. Your father's life is still in my hands, you can only obey me!"

"Then... kill him!"

"What?" The concubine was taken aback.

Yao Yao snorted and said, "Don't use the tricks you used to deal with my mother to deal with me. My mother is soft-hearted, she can't see someone die in front of her, and she can't bear others to die because of her. But I am different! Do you want to take I won't give you a wink for anyone's life."

"Including your father?" The concubine asked speechlessly.

"Yes!" Yao Yao raised her head and smiled, "Only by sacrificing the small self can the big self be achieved. What I want to protect is the emperor, and what I want to protect is the country that the emperor guards, which is what all the people need to live and work in peace and contentment. Betray the Holy One. In this country, we must absolutely not stand up for a faint king! I don't want a second Fan family to appear in this world."

"You—" the concubine really had nowhere to vent her anger, "You can really love the common people! Good! Very good! I want to see if you can do it. Come, someone, bring me that little monk .”

Xinyuan was caught and directly pressed to the ground.

Yao Yao's pupils slowly tightened.

Concubine Toffee waved her hand, and the guard directly broke Xinyuan's hamstring, "Ah—"

The little monk screamed miserably.

When the concubine's eyes shot at Yao Yao, she hummed and sneered, "How?"

Although Yao Yao's heart ached, she had no choice but to do anything. She glanced at Xinyuan, lowered her eyes guiltily, waved her hand and whistled.

A flock of birds flew in the sky, circled above her head for a while, and then flew away again.

The concubine narrowed her eyes and said, "What are you doing?"

"Hold vengeance." Yao Yao said softly, "As long as you do any cruel behavior in front of me, I will double the bet on your son. If you break a tendon in his hamstring, I will pick him." Break your son's two hamstrings. At this moment, it is estimated that he has become a useless person."

Toffee took a deep breath, "You—you—you—"

Concubine Toffee staggered a step, then quickly shook her head, "No! You girl full of lies, I won't believe you! My son has been missing for so many years, he is definitely not in your hands!"

Yao Yao took out a jade pendant and asked, "Does the concubine know what this is?"

"This is..." The concubine recognized Yupei at a glance.

"This is the passing jade pendant given to me by the emperor before. With it, I can travel freely in the palace."

Immediately afterwards, she took out another jade pendant, "Look, Concubine! This one? Do you know it?"

The same jade pendant!

The concubine finally couldn't stop herself, she covered her mouth and shouted, "You! Damn it! He's really in your hands!"

Yao Yao sneered and said, "Believe it now? I have already crippled your son's hamstrings. Come on, you go ahead, where are you going to kill him now? I hope you cripple him into a eunuch! Because I am very Want to chop off that thing of his!"

"..." Qin Yilan became more astonished the more he heard it.

His wife has a really bad temper!

The situation had reached the point where it was beyond control, the concubine closed her eyes heavily, and kept taking deep breaths to control her anger.

However, Yao Yao's sneering sounds kept coming from his ears.

"The concubine wants to compete with me in cold blood? Then do it to your heart's content. Come on! Hurt each other! Hahaha——"

The concubine stopped, waved her hand, and ordered, "Pick him up and heal him."


The concubine looked back at Yao Yao, and said softly, "Don't hurt my son, in order to make up for today's mistakes, I am willing to let go of one person, you can ask, who do you want to let go? Tell me!"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Really?"

"The promise made by the Ai family is naturally solid. The Ai family only needs to ensure that you stay in the palace. My emperor's grandson's blood is not orthodox, so we can't spread a word."

Yao Yao nodded, "Okay. Let my third aunt out first."

The concubine was taken aback, "Why her? Why didn't you choose your father?"

"Young mother, my third aunt takes care of me just like my mother. She is weak and sick, and is not suitable to stay in the dungeon. Please let the concubine let her go."

After a moment of silence, Concubine Toffee nodded, "Okay!"

With a reply, the guards led away and let Zhao Xiang go.

After the concubine returned to her palace, she did not lose her temper, but quietly closed the door and meditated.

In just one night, Toffee suddenly figured it out.

She called Yu Wenhong over and gave him a bottle of medicine.

"Grandson, Ai's family has figured it out and won't stop you from having affairs with that girl. Take this bottle of medicine and use it well, so that she can submit to you."

Yu Wenhong was startled, "This? This is?"

"Eat it, chaste women can also become sluts."

Yu Wenhong blushed suddenly, "Ahem, grandma, this..."

"what happened?"

She had never seen him so indecisive in this matter.

Yu Wenhong smiled lightly, "I don't really want to use this method on her. I want her to be willing."

The concubine gave him a blank look, "Just that stupid girl, I want her to nod, I have to wait until the year of the monkey? Listen to Ai's family, pour it into her, I want her to get pregnant as soon as possible!"


"This medicine can also promote children! As long as you take it, you will definitely be able to conceive after intercourse." The concubine said with a mysterious smile, "Women, their hearts follow their children. I don't believe it. After having a child, you can still be so cold-blooded and ruthless!"

"..." Yu Wenhong held the medicine bottle, hesitating in his heart.

Seems like a really good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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