Chapter 252

Before Yu Wenhong left, the concubine also told him to prescribe the medicine to lure the masked man away. He is a genius doctor and understands medicine, so it would be difficult for him to cure him.

Returning to the palace with the medicine, he was still hesitating. The efficacy of the medicine had to be tested first, otherwise what if some poison was mixed in it and killed her?
He happened to bump into He Xiaolian head-on.

Yu Wenhong cast her a glance, then suddenly let out a smirk, and called her over, "Miss He."

"Your Highness." He Xiaolian bowed his knees and said, "Your Highness, the women want to find out about Lord Hou. Your Highness has been searching for so many days, but do you know where Lord Hou is hiding?"

"I haven't found it yet."

He Xiaolian said aggrievedly, "Your Majesty, did you promise to the daughter of the people that you will leave Lord Hou a way out!"

"Don't worry, I don't have any deep hatred with him, so I won't kill him. It's just that he hides and hides like this, which really annoys me."

He Xiaolian hurriedly said, "Minnv pleaded guilty to His Highness on behalf of Lord Hou."

Yu Wenhong picked up the wine glass and handed it to her, "Then, please apologize for him."


He Xiaolian didn't doubt that he was there, and directly drank water and wine.

As soon as the water and wine were drunk, the fierce tide rushed towards her face, and the woman fell to the ground and struggled in pain, "This—what's going on? Your Highness—help me——"

Yu Wenhong sat on the side, fondling her indifferently.

Seeing the woman rolling like this, he didn't even have the intention to stand up at all. He drank the wine in boredom, watching the woman rolling and howling on the ground.

All the clothes were taken off by himself, and he turned around on the ground for a long time.

Yu Wenhong held back his smile and wondered in his heart, if that awkward and conservative girl really drank this medicine, would she be as Meng Lang as her?

This curiosity really made him a little ready to move.

This commotion made him more convinced that he probably died at the hands of that girl in his life.This life must be her.

The two guards outside the door peeked together from time to time. The woman in the room screamed so fiercely, can a ghost hold it back?
Yu Wenhong noticed the thoughts of the two guards and smiled slightly, "I reward you."

"No - no - no -" He Xiaolian's body was extremely hot, but his mind was still very clear.

Yu Wenhong was amazed, the medicine given by Grandma Toffee was indeed a treasure.

He squeezed the bottle tightly and stuffed it into his heart.

He Xiaolian was dragged out of the house by two guards, and he did things at the door.

When Yu Wenhong woke up, when he stepped out of the palace, he saw He Xiaolian clutching his clothes tightly and hugging his thigh crying. "Why did His Highness treat me like this? Where did the girl make His Highness unhappy?"

Yu Wenhong said in a deep voice, "I just want to test whether there is any poison in this medicine. If it is not poisonous, I can safely use it for her."

When He Xiaolian heard this, he immediately understood Yu Wenhong's intention.

He wanted to use this medicine on Yao Yao, but she was just a test subject, a test subject to help her test the medicine.

When He Xiaolian thought of this, she almost went crazy. Wiping her tears, she cried and laughed, "God is really unfair! Hehehe... Why does God treat me so lightly! Why——"

Yu Wenhong opened his trouser legs and said, "Call the maid over here, take her down to freshen up, and serve her well!"


Yu Wenhong called, "Bring the genius doctor over here. Prepare the food and wine, don't neglect him."


There were flashes of light in Yu Wenhong's eyes, and he didn't know what he was looking forward to.

About an hour.

He Xiaolian was washed, put on clean clothes, and prepared to send her away from Yu Wenhong's palace.

At exactly the same time, the masked man crossed his legs into the palace, passing He Xiaolian shoulder to shoulder.


The woman who was originally like a marionette suddenly trembled. She turned her stiff neck and looked at the back of the man in white. Her breathing became extremely rapid.

The tinnitus made her dizzy and unable to return to her soul, until the urging of the maids brought her back to her soul little by little.

"Miss He, what are you doing? Hurry up!" The maid's tone was not friendly.

He Xiaolian hurriedly asked, "Who was that person who went in just now?"

Mentioning the Miracle Doctor Valley Master, all the court ladies blushed, "Master Gu, the Miracle Doctor Valley Master, Miss He must have heard of it, right?"

Another court lady hurriedly answered, "That's the divine doctor that His Royal Highness personally invited from outside the palace to serve that delicate, sick and weak beauty."

The weak beauty should be Yao Yao.

He Xiaolian's heart thumped, and even his eyelids thumped.

She had a hunch that the man who went in just now...

He's kind of like...

yes!He kind of looks like it!
He Xiaolian slowly clenched his fists, his thoughts kept changing, "I have something to see Your Highness."

"Your Majesty is going to be busy today. I don't have time to see you, so let's go!"

He Xiaolian thought of the medicine and understood, Yu Wenhong should be going to attack Yao Yao today, right?

But if that miracle doctor is Lord Hou, will Lord Hou watch his wife being ruined?

Lord Hou came to His Royal Highness's palace, it must mean to be dismissed, right?

"Heh—" He Xiaolian suddenly laughed, "Okay! Very good!"

After leaving this sentence, she left with peace of mind.

She just waits to hear the wind!

She wanted to see what kind of expression that sickly woman would have after being defiled by His Highness.

Yao Yao continued to go out for a stroll during the day, dragged many eunuchs and maids with some money, to see which one could leave the palace, and asked if her third concubine had been released.

After getting an affirmative answer, she was relieved.

Fortunately, the concubine did not break her promise.

Yu Wenhong found her and shouted happily, "Yao'er, I have good news for you. Grandma Toffee promised to let you stay with me!"

Yao Yao looked back indifferently, "Why is Your Highness happy? Your grandma promised me to be with you, but I didn't agree. I can't be with you. I won't even die!"

Yu Wenhong felt a sharp pain in his heart, and the determination in his eyes became more determined, "It's okay, I will wait for you patiently."


That's right!It's the child!
According to grandma, as long as she has his child, he doesn't believe that she will be so indifferent to him.

"It's almost noon, let's go back to the house for dinner! Okay?"

"I'm not hungry yet."

Yu Wenhong said, "The little monk's hamstring was broken, but the owner of the valley said he could cure his hamstring, but it had to be done quickly. After a few days, he couldn't connect it again."

Yao Yao looked back in a trance, "Did the Valley Master pick it up?"

"I didn't allow it, he couldn't touch him."

Yao Yao secretly gritted her teeth, "Can your Highness stop learning from your grandma's bad habits? Don't threaten me with other people's lives, can you? You will make me hate you even more."

After Yu Wenhong was stunned, he frowned and lowered his head. He took a breath before raising his eyebrows and said, "Okay! I'll ask Gu Zhu to fix his hamstring right away. But you have to accompany me to have lunch. How about it? My request is not high, right?" ?”

"Yes." Yao Yao agreed without thinking about it.

One meal, exchange Xinyuan's health, nothing wrong with it.

Yao Yao followed Yu Wenhong back to Zhuqing Palace.

When the delicious food was served, she stuttered a few mouthfuls.

After receiving the tea from Yu Wenhong, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just this time, she immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Your Highness! You—"

Yao Yao blushed, her hands trembling on the table, "What medicine did you give me?"

Yu Wenhong exhaled, "You know! Yaoer, I want you! I want you! I can't wait—"

(End of this chapter)

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