Chapter 269

Pushing boxes of silver in the daughter-in-law's storeroom, Qin Yan happily went to find his wife, showing off his nose as high as the sky.

"Where did you get so much private money?"

"It's not mine, it's my daughter-in-law's." Qin Yan said softly, "Let's save it, or Yao'er will be angry when she comes back and sees that we emptied her warehouse."

"Why are you angry? Let's help her rule the world. When she ascends the throne and becomes a queen in the future, she will manage the whole world."

"Hit, hit what?"

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm going to give alms. Use the name of my daughter-in-law to give alms, and give her a reputation. Come and come, move away quickly."

"Hey——" Qin Yan watched them empty out the silver boxes, feeling a little flustered.

Seeing Qin Yan, Somentaya ran over and shouted, "My lord! Let's go assassinate!"

Qin Yan stared at her in embarrassment, "" Have you lost your mind again?

Yuwen Liuli ran over and questioned, "Husband, why did she call you Pig Man?"

"Pig?" Qin Yan muttered speechlessly, "She must have identified the wrong person. How could such a handsome old man like me look like a pig?"

Yuwen Liuli nodded, "Indeed."

"My lord! Who is this woman? Why do I see her so familiar? It makes me want to kill her."

Yuwen Liuli scolded angrily in a loud voice, "Don't go crazy, I'm your sister who is begged by you, a comrade in arms who wants to assassinate the emperor with you."

"Oh." The murderous intent subsided, she asked anxiously, "Then when shall we go to the palace to assassinate?"

Yuwen Liuli sighed, "I don't have soldiers in hand! I have to find a way to borrow soldiers."

Somentaya looked at Qin Yan, "Master, where are your soldiers?"

Yuwen Liuli didn't wait for Qin Yan to react, and quickly interjected, "Don't shout like a pig, it's very unpleasant."

Qin Yan nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes. Don't shout like that!" Shouting like that will lead to accidents sooner or later.

Somentaya asked confusedly, "Then how should I shout?"

"You have to call him a boar!"

"Pfft—" Qin Yan spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and looked at the brain-dead daughter-in-law speechlessly.

Somentaya was also full of doubts, confused, calling boar?is this okay?
Yuwen Liuli whispered proudly, "Husband, I am a princess and you are a boar, what a perfect match!"


Suomenyi showed her cute little head from behind her mother, blinking pitifully at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan shouted, "Oh, is this baby?"

Qin Yan immediately thought of the identity of this girl.

Suomenyi shouted in confusion, "Mother, let's go save brother!"

Somentaya nodded vigorously, "Yes, I must save people. I must go to the palace to save people tonight."

"My brother is not in the palace anymore, he escaped!"

Hearing this, Somentaya yelled impatiently, "He didn't escape! He's still in the palace! He can't escape, he will die if he escapes! Ah—"

Somenyi cried, "Mother... calm down!"

The crazy woman ran away into the woods.

Suomenyi sighed, "Uncle, can you take me to find my brother? I really can't control my mother by myself."

"Who is your brother?" Qin Yan asked hurriedly.

"That little monk. His name is Xinyuan."

"Ah..." Qin Yan said clearly, "I heard from Yilan that Xinyuan was taken away by my son's master. Don't worry, he's fine and safe!"

"But my brother sent me a distress signal several times. I wanted to ask my mother to take me to rescue him, but she wouldn't listen to me. I'm so sad..."

"Huh?" Qin Yan hurriedly asked, "Your brother sent a distress signal?"

"Yes." Somenyi took out a note and handed it over, "This is a letter from my brother Feige."

Qin Yan took out the letter paper and took a look: Sister, are you free?Come and save my brother when you have time.My brother can't hold it anymore!

There are also a few simple maps drawn on the back of the note.

"Looking at the words and tone, it doesn't look like you are in a hurry." Qin Yan squeezed the paper, patted Suomenyi's shoulder and coaxed, "Don't worry, I'll help you bring your brother back."

"Thank you, Uncle Boar."

"..." Qin Yan had a severe headache, "I'm not called boar. You can call me Uncle Qin. You don't need to add the word boar before it."

"Good Uncle Qin Boar."


This kid's IQ is a bit worrying.It feels like she didn't inherit any good genes, but inherited her mother's insanity.

Qin Yan flew to a certain forest mountain, and after searching for a while, he finally found a hidden hut.

There are also high mountains and flowing water nearby, which looks like escaping into a fairyland.

Looking far away, I saw two men sitting opposite each other drinking tea outside the waterfall.

One is a masked man, who should be Yilan's master, and the other is Xinyuan.

Aren't they both safe?Why did Xinyuan send out a distress signal?
Both of Xinyuan's legs were bound with plaster, so he couldn't sit cross-legged, so he could only sit on a tree pole with his legs stretched out, his hands clasped together, silently chanting.

Yu Wenzheng noticed Qin Yan's figure, "It's a great pleasure to have guests coming and going from afar. Come out, Duke Qin."

Qin Yan suddenly misheard a word, and felt that Yu Wenzheng also called him Qin Gongzhu.


Is he brainwashed?

Qin Yan bowed his hands to Yu Wenzheng and said, "Thank you for your help, sir. My son is fortunate to have a master like you, and it is his blessing in three lifetimes."

Yu Wenzheng sighed deeply, and with a sad back, he flew away in silence.

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and instead of chasing anyone, he ran to Xinyuan and hurriedly asked, "Little master? What's wrong with you?"

Xinyuan opened his eyes in extreme panic, and said in a trembling voice, "My demon is about to come out."

"Huh??? What's wrong?"

Xinyuan stretched out his hand and scratched his empty forehead, as if he was extremely suppressing some prehistoric power in his body, "Is that man sick? He talks about Zen mind with me every day, and he wants to talk about why Zen mind doesn't lose his hair." Monk? What comfort did he come to me for?"

"Huh??? I, I don't quite understand, can you speak more carefully?"

"He asked me every day if I wanted to take revenge, so I asked him what kind of revenge? He had a long talk, but he held back and said that he really wanted to kill someone, but he didn't feel good about it. You said Is he contradictory? Then I advised him, you can kill if you want. But he said: I understand what you mean, little monk, I know what you will say next. Time to say this? I told him to kill, and I meant to tell him to kill! Why did he misinterpret my meaning? Why?"

Qin Yan glared at him, "This insanity can be inherited through blood?"

Xinyuan patted his heart and said angrily, "I know who he wants to kill! Couldn't he have done it earlier? Can he cause so many tragedies? Isn't it his own son? Just kill him with a knife! Save Cangsheng, saved my mother and sister, and saved everyone! I don’t know where he got the heart of a Bodhisattva? The white knife goes in, the yellow knife comes out, and everything is solved! What is he thinking about him?”

While talking, he touched his head and said, "Amitabha, so good."

After reading this, his anxiety slowly calmed down.

Xinyuan opened his eyes and looked at Qin Yan. Seeing his terrified and speechless expression, he sighed deeply, "The poor monk can break the precepts for the common people, why is that perverted old prince unwilling to kill? Does he think he is the savior? One day will come." Talk to me about the mind of Buddha and Zen at night. I can’t hold so many Buddhas in my heart! No—I have to stay and persuade him to kill—”

Qin Yan knocked him unconscious with his hand.

Xinyuan snorted, and fainted on his shoulder.

Qin Yan sighed and blew the whistle.

A carrier pigeon flew over, and after he wrote a few words, the carrier pigeon was released.

Son!Your father, I can't hold it anymore!Surrounded by insane patients.

(End of this chapter)

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