Chapter 270

Qin Yilan received a letter from Feng Feige, seeing that her family was safe, she felt much more at ease.

Although the emperor has not woken up yet, a lot of toxins in his body have been expelled.It's just because of the chronic poison that he has taken for many years, the toxicity penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and it is really difficult to recover in a short while.

About a month later.

Qin Yilan held his pulse and frowned fiercely.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Yao Yao asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Could it be that she secretly poured the medicine these few days and was discovered by him again?
Yao Yao's heart was pounding.

Qin Yilan said worriedly, "I have done such a good job of protection, why would I still..."

"What else?" Yao Yao held her ignorant expression.

Qin Yilan reached out and squeezed her palm, "Madam, we can't have this child."

"Child? Child?"

Yao Yao asked in surprise, "I... am I pregnant?"

Qin Yilan said solemnly, "Ma'am, you have been drinking medicine, which is not good for the child, and your body is not suitable for pregnancy. What should I do?"

The more he talked, the more uncomfortable he became, "I have always taken good measures and never relaxed, but why?"

Yao Yao raised her eyebrows and asked, "What about last time? Last time... was that time..."

Qin Yilan shook her head and said, "That day is not in your fertile days. Even if I indulge myself, it is impossible to conceive."

"you sure?"

Qin Yilan said with embarrassment, "Unless... the concubine's medicine has the effect of promoting birth."

Yao Yao looked at him contemptuously, "I told you to give me the anti-children medicine, but you refused. I really don't know where your confidence comes from?"

"Uh..." Qin Yilan lowered her head in embarrassment, "Madam is admonishing you. It's just Madam, this child, we can't bear it..."

"But I want it." Yao Yao said, clutching her belly, "I don't have to if I'm not pregnant, but I'm reluctant to get rid of him if I'm pregnant with you."

"But you've been..."

"I haven't taken any medicine."

"Huh?" Qin Yilan narrowed his eyes, "What did you say?"

"I poured the medicine down again." Yao Yao lowered her head shyly.

Qin Yilan took a deep breath, "Why, why?"

"I just don't like to drink medicine, can't I?"

Yao Yao couldn't say it, she didn't want to have sex with him, thinking that she would get sick soon, he would definitely pity her, and then gave up having sex with her.

Who knew that her body was so upbeat, and after so many days of tossing, she didn't even have any cough at all.

Her body has been raised by him very strong.

"What nonsense!" Qin Yilan frowned, half happy and half worried.

The good news is that there should be no damage to the baby and the fetus should be healthy.

The worry is, can she persist until the fetus falls to the ground?
Ten months pregnant!

Such a weak woman can be blown down by the wind any way she walks, and letting her have a child is like going to the gate of hell.


After pondering for a long time, Qin Yilan said firmly, "Ma'am, we can have a second child. To be on the safe side, this one is..."

Yao Yao narrowed her eyes and stared at him, "I don't want to give birth to you."

"Huh? What?"

"This time it was an accident. If you get pregnant, give birth to one. If you take this child away, next time... I will find a soup to drink by myself. It is impossible for me to give birth to you again. If you want to give birth to the Qin family To carry on the family line, go find your concubine."


One sentence can shake his heart.

"Madam, why, why don't you want to..."

Didn't she like him!He has already confirmed that she must like him.But why would she say such a thing?

Yao Yao snorted and said, "Having a baby must be very painful. Giving birth is painful, and miscarriage is also painful. I'm afraid of the pain and don't want to have it, can't I?"


"So this time, I got pregnant. Thinking about it, it's going to hurt anyway, so I just gave birth."

That's a good point of view for her.

After all, if it hurts once, it will be solved once.

Qin Yilan was frightened, but he also felt pity for his child, and even more pity for her body. The contradiction made him at a loss.

With an angry face, Yao Yao snorted and said, "There are many disasters and disasters in the Hou's mansion. Those who raise babies in the Hou's mansion will not end well. None of the children were saved. Master Hou wanted to get rid of this one in my stomach too." Go? Don't you know, are there baby spirits in this world?"

Madam is a bit superstitious, he knows she is afraid of God's punishment.

Qin Yilan sighed helplessly, "Okay. From then on, madam must pay more attention to basic necessities of life, and don't eat unclean things."

"I've never been greedy."

"If you really can't bear it, terminate the pregnancy. I'm a doctor, Madam should listen to the doctor's advice. Okay?"

Yao Yao smiled slightly, "Okay."

Seeing her happy smile, Qin Yilan couldn't help but smile.

After all, it was his child, and he was overjoyed.

Qin Yilan couldn't help touching her belly, but seeing her push back nervously, "Master Hou, once you have a child, you can't have sex again."

After hearing this, Qin Yilan suddenly shuddered, "Could it be? The reason Madam tried so hard to keep this child is because she doesn't want to have sex with me?"

Yao Yao suddenly rolled her eyes, turned her eyes away and stammered, "W-Where is it!"

The more Qin Yilan thought about it, the more likely it was!
Isn't that the reason why she didn't drink the medicine and threw it away?

Qin Yilan was slightly angry, "Why is Madam resisting me so much? I'm not rude!"

Yao Yao stared at him angrily, "Can't I not like it?"

"But Madame is very happy, isn't she?"

"Shut up! Stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Yilan was so angry that he turned her face away and insisted on her admitting, "Although it's not as happy as giving you the medicine that time, you must feel it, right?"

"You still say? Do you believe that I tore your mouth?"

"Okay, then I won't ask this question, I'll just ask you, madam, do you like me?"

Yao Yao choked, turned her head and refused to look at him.

Qin Yilan reached out to pinch her small face, and turned around abruptly, "My hairpin is broken...Madam, would you like to replace it for me?"

Yao Yao blushed and muttered, "There are no tools here."

"It's in town, I'll buy it for you. I want the same hairpin as before, okay?"

Yao Yao nodded shyly, "Yes."

"so what?"

"Huh?" So what?
Qin Yilan narrowed her eyes and smiled, "So what does Madam put her hair in a hairpin and bring it to me? Can you explain it more clearly?"


Why is this man so mean?It's fine if he already knows, but he has to ask clearly?interesting?
Puff puff--

The carrier pigeon landed on the dining table, startling the two of them.

Yao Yao quickly picked up the pigeon, she was very grateful.

Pigeons really know how to save people.

Pulling off the letter paper on the carrier pigeon's leg, I don't know who sent the letter.

There was a line written on it: Mu Yuanqing begged to see Lord Hou.

Mu Jiajun finally came.

The letter paper in Yao Yao's hand was taken away by Qin Yilan. She knew that he was going to see General Mu, so she hurriedly stopped her, "Master Hou, wait a minute!"

"Huh? What?"

"Let me handle the meeting with General Mu."

Qin Yilan frowned, and snorted, "You're going to mess around again."

"I didn't mess around!" Yao Yao persuaded in a low voice, "We have no way of knowing what the Mu family's army is thinking. If Lord Hou goes privately, it is a trap. If you are caught by them, I am helpless, and I don't know how to save you." Rescue. But I'm different. If it's a trap and I'm caught, they will definitely lure you to show up. You can find a way to rescue me, and I'll be safe if I'm caught. So I think, let me come forward Talking is the best option."

Qin Yilan listened, although he was very reasonable, but he glanced at her belly, and still wanted to shake his head.


Yao Yao stretched out her hands to hold his face, kissed him hard, and kissed him like a wooden man.

Yao Yao smiled and said, "You have to listen to me, Lord Hou."

"Yeah." Without thinking about it, he subconsciously nodded, not knowing what he promised.

(End of this chapter)

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